Kidnapped By The Vampire Prince


“Fine,” I agreed reluctantly. “I want to dance anyway, so I guess that’ll be my only chance.”

Sebastian smiled at me. “I’ll dance with you.”

“Can you?”

“It doesn’t matter to me.”

I gave him a quick hug, squeezing him tightly. “I love you, Sebastian.”

“I love you too,” he responded, a laugh rumbling through his chest, “but if you keep hugging me, you’ll give our guests the wrong idea.”

Quickly releasing him, I grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. Am I going to be allowed in soon?”

He nodded. “There are only a few more guests arriving. It shouldn’t be longer than ten minutes. Please be patient.”

Thankfully, his words had been correct. The guests trailing in started to come to a halt, which meant Sebastian and Solomon could leave the entrance hall, which meant I could too. After getting the okay, I hurried down the stairs that led to the main level and joined the two men. They guided me to the back entrance of the ballroom so I wouldn’t have to enter through the main one. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door a sliver and slid in, closing it quietly behind me.

Blaring music met my ears. I didn’t recognize the song, but it was some upbeat pop song. I know I shouldn’t have been surprised at this point, but I hadn’t been expecting vampires to listen to normal music. A little bit of anxiety fell over me as I came out from behind the tables were a few vampires were sitting, drinking what I hoped was red wine.

No one spared me a second glance as I moved closer to the dance floor, eyes peeled for a familiar face. Going to any of the Rutherfords would just attract unnecessary attention, so my eyes were set for Joel or Samuel. It was awkward being here without knowing anyone. Raking my eyes over the crowd, they caught sight of Vincent. I did a double take. That was Vincent?

By some weird coincidence, at that exact moment he chose to look over to where I was standing. I gaped at him, unable to pull my gaze away. There was no word strong enough to describe how he looked. He was beyond drop-dead gorgeous. Like Sebastian, he’d had his hair gelled back, showing more of his perfectly structured face. He was wearing the same suit as Sebastian, except with a sapphire blue tie that matched both his eyes and my dress. After a few more moments of admiring him, a grin finally crossed my face. He grinned back after a moment too, doing an overdramatic rake of my body with his eyes.

“Not bad,” he mouthed.

“Same to you,” I mouthed back.

Rolling his eyes, he turned his back to me as a beautiful brunette vampire tapped on his shoulder. He seemed to be surrounded by all the good-looking vampires- men and women alike. It never occurred to me he might be popular among them. I’d just assumed no one liked him after the blame he took for Sebastian, but I guess I was wrong about that.

“Excuse me.”

Taken by surprise, I whipped around and came face-to-face with someone I didn’t know. Standing before me was a tall, male vampire with long, black hair that was tied up into a ponytail. I stared at him, my chest tightening up. “Um, yes?”

“Would you like to dance?” he questioned, smiling handsomely at me.

Now I was even more thrown off guard. He wanted to dance? With me? Did he not know I was a human? Was I even allowed to dance with the guests? No one had told me what to do if someone asked me to dance…

“She’d love to,” a different voice answered for me. Joel popped out from behind the black-haired vampire, grinning. “She’s just a little shy. Emily, this is Jack.”



Jack held out his hand. “Shall we, then?”

I sent a panicked look to Joel. How was I supposed to dance with this vampire? I didn’t know the song that was playing! It had changed from the pop one to some waltz one that it looked like everyone knew the dance to. “I don’t know the song,” I told Jack honestly when Joel said nothing to help me.

“Don’t worry, I can guide you,” he promised.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“There you go!” Joel said, clapping me on my shoulder. “Have some fun. Turning down folks would be impolite, don’t you think? Especially a human turning down someone of a higher class…?”

Jack shifted uncomfortably. “Class doesn’t matter…”

Frowning, I understood what Joel meant. Basically he was saying I couldn’t say no to anyone in case I offended them. Holding a sigh, I placed my pale hand into Jack’s much tanner one.

And so started my night of dancing with vampires. Surprisingly, I was a popular guest to dance with. I guess everyone wanted a chance to dance with the human. Well, not everyone. There were a few vampires who shot me dirty looks from along the wall- mostly female. It kind of boosted my ego a tiny bit. Even if they were just dancing with me to say they danced with a human, it was nice to not have to be a wallflower.

After about two hours, my feet were killing me. Somehow I managed to escape the dance floor without being asked to dance again. I hurried to the refreshment tables, filling up a glass with what looked like fruit punch. A small sip told me my guess was correct. No one came near me as I drank my punch. I clenched it tightly, knowing it was my only defense against more vampires asking me to dance with them. Before I started again, I wanted to rest my feet.

On my way to one of the fancy Victorian couches that lined the walls, my gaze landed on Sebastian, who was dancing with a vampire who appeared even younger than me. Outwardly, that is. Her expression caused me to grin. Completely smitten. It was actually kind of cute… Aside from the fact knowing she was dancing with him because she was interested in marrying him.

Fiona was dancing with Jack a few yards behind them, her flowing jade dress trailing the floor. It impressed me Jack was able to avoid stepping on it. Somehow I’d managed to avoid stepping on my partners’ feet, but it was difficult. I couldn’t imagine trying to evade feet and a dress. Jack had gained a few points of respect from me.

A little jealously ran through me when I noticed Vincent. A pretty blonde vampire in a short red dress was with him. He didn’t seem like he was having fun, but I was still envious. I wanted to dance with him too. However, he hadn’t even so much as glanced at me since our contact earlier. Not even a little peep, or smirk, or acknowledgment. Scowling a little bit, I clenched my now empty glass tighter in my hand. Some boyfriend he was.

“Tired, pretty miss?”

My attention snapped from Vincent to the person who’d spoken. Ashton was towering over me, a polite smile on his face. I forced one back. “Just a little. Never thought I’d be so popular.”

“Neither did I. If only they knew the truth about you. Then you’d be really popular.”

“You won’t tell anyone though,” I responded confidently.

He tilted his head to the side. “Why’s that?”

“You want all my blood to yourself, right?”

Laughing, he nodded his head. “You’re pretty smart. Put down your glass, we’re dancing now.”

Swallowing nervously, I placed my glass on the square coffee table that was placed next to the couch, and stood up. Taking my hand into his, he led me back to the dance floor where, to my luck, a slow song had just started. His grey eyes lit up in amusement as he placed his hands on my waist. I kept my face straight as I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping a roomy gap between our bodies.



“Is this how you dance with all the guys?” he questioned, rolling his eyes. Using no effort at all, he forcibly closed the space between us.

“I don’t like being near people I don’t like,” I retorted, attempting to take a step back.

He held me tightly, keeping me still. “Well you’re I guess you’re going to have to pretend you like me for the next four minutes… Or rather, for the next few years.”

“More like minutes,” I said firmly, narrowing my eyes. “We’re only dancing for one song.”

“Whatever you say,” he replied, smirking.

For the first full minute we were silent, challenging each other with our eyes. I ended up stepping on his feet a couple times, causing him to snicker at me. His grasp on my waist kept getting tighter and tighter, like he was waiting for me to say something about it. Refusing to do so, I returned his actions by purposely stepping on his feet, trying to trip him.

“I’m not going to trip,” he finally told me, slackening his grip on my hips.

There was definitely going to be a bruise on them in the morning. “I wasn’t trying to make you trip.”



“So have you decided?” he inquired, gazing at me inquisitively.

I frowned. “Decided what?”

“What you’re going to do tonight,” he clarified. “You know, come with me or ruin the Rutherfords’ lives.”

“I’m not going with you,” I informed him, hardening my gaze, “and you won’t be ruining anyone’s life.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

“If you don’t want to get hurt, I say you just walk away now while you still can, Ashton.”

“I should be saying that to you. If you don’t want to be hurt, and you don’t want your little vampire friends to be hurt, you should just come with me quietly. Of course to get your blood it might hurt a little, but nothing compared to what could happen.”

I straightened my back. “The only person getting hurt is you.”

“Keep saying that. Do you have any idea of what the Rutherfords are planning to do? Don’t you think they might just offer you up to save themselves?”

“No, I don’t.”

Clearly amused, he gave me an appraising look. “You’re merely a human. Surely they don’t care about you that much.”

“You’re wrong about that,” I told him firmly.

“That’s right,” he said suddenly, blinking. “You actually are in a relationship with Vincent, aren’t you?”

My heart skipped a beat. “How do you know that?” No one besides the Rutherfords knew. I didn’t even know any other vampires aside from them! If you excluded Joel, Samuel, and Vincent’s cousin, Phillip, we ran into that one time at Walmart.

“It seems the rumor is true. Do you love him?” he asked, grinning smugly. “It’s funny how history repeats itself. Didn’t Sebastian and Fiona teach you anything?”

“Who told you?” I repeated more forcefully.

He shook his head. “No one. I just know things. But I guess I know who to go after if you won’t comply then.”

“Leave Vincent alone,” I warned in a dangerous voice.

The song ended, but we kept dancing, ignoring the stares we were getting. Once again Ashton tightened his hold on my waist. “You’re cute when you’re threatening, Emily.”



“I’m serious.”

He moved his head closer to mine, whispering in my ear. “And what do you think a weak human like you can do against a mythical creature like me? Hmm?” To demonstrate his strength, he gave my hips a rough squeeze that made me flinch. “I could easily break your bones.”

“Let go of me.”

He stayed silent, gazing at me thoughtfully.

“Let go,” I reiterated, striving to liberate myself from his grasp.

“I think it’s time to go,” he declared quietly, swiftly sliding his left arm around my waist and grabbing my hand with his right hand. “Don’t make a scene.”

My breath caught in my throat. He wasn’t going to try anything in front of all these vampires, was he? No way, he wasn’t that stupid…

“Move,” he growled.

I refused to budge, so he started dragging me toward the back exit. As soon as I opened my mouth to gain attention to us, I heard Sebastian’s voice.

“Can I have your attention please? Ashton, you too.”

Ashton froze, his sharp eyes snapping to the front of the room, where all the Rutherfords and Joel were standing. All of them were glaring at Ashton, except Joel, who grinned at me and waved. I grimaced. At least he knew how to lighten the mood.

“Guess we’re staying for a few more moments,” he declared, letting me go. “Don’t stray too far, girl.”

“Emily, come up here,” Sebastian ordered.

I glanced at Ashton, who narrowed his eyes. With all the attention from everyone on the ballroom on me, I hurried away from him, toward Sebastian. When I reached him, he seized my hand and squeezed it. Puzzled, I allowed him to steer me to his left side.

“Everyone, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, this is Emily, our human guest.”

There was a quiet murmur through the crowd watching us.

“She’s a good dancer!” someone in the crowd shouted. He sounded suspiciously like Jack.

Sebastian chuckled. “That’s good to hear, but I’m not up here to talk about her. I just thought it’d be rude not to introduce her while I have your attention. It’s better to let you all know what’s going on here at the manor instead of leaving you in the dark.”

I knew that was a lie. He only called me up seeing as Ashton was about to drag me out of the ballroom. Even so, I was grateful. He finally let go of my hand and I shuffled over to stand next to Vincent, who was radiating anger, his eyes focused on Ashton.

“I have something to tell you all,” Sebastian started in a solemn voice. “Please stay quiet and listen all the way through.”

I glanced at him. What was he talking about? Was this the surprise Fiona was talking about? Why did he sound so serious?

After taking a deep breath, he began. “Awhile back, I’m sure some of you remember, others might not have heard about it, but there was the whole incident with my brother, Vincent, and sister, Fiona. For those who don’t know, Fiona is not related to us by blood.”

For the most part, there was a collective gasp throughout the room. It seemed only maybe thirty guests knew of the secret. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. Why was he revealing the secret? Was it because Ashton had threatened to do it? Were they snipping the problem in the bud? It didn’t make sense though. Wouldn’t this ruin their reputation and kick Sebastian out from the throne?

“For those of you who do know about the accident, it was never Vincent. I was the one who changed her.”

Now those who didn’t gasp before did. I’d never seen so many wide-eyes in my life. A very intimidating vampire dressed in a completely black suit moved forward, his face set into a very scary expression. “Mr. Rutherford-”



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