Kidnapped By The Vampire Prince


We’re going to get in so much trouble! Oh my god! We’re going to be suspended and-”

“Will you calm down?” Vincent snapped, cutting me off. “Stop being such a goody-goody.”

I glowered at him. “Sorry for not wanting to be in school after I missed two weeks thanks to you!”

He rolled his eyes. “If you missed two weeks, what would one day matter?”

“Since I was there this morning! I’ll be on the attendance list and you will too! They’ll figure out we ditched.”

“Just tell them I kidnapped you.”

“I can’t do that, Vincent!”

He shrugged. “Okay, then I guess you’ll just have to get over it.”

I scowled at him for another minute before letting out an angry puff of air. “Fine. Where are we going?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Somewhere we won’t be seen.”

A sigh left his lips. “That’s no fun. I don’t want to go to the park.”

I grinned, giving him an amused look. “The park? There are other places we can go and not be seen. We’re not limited to the park.”

“I know that,” he retorted.

“There’s, like, the movies,” I continued, trying to think of places where I wouldn’t be caught. Chances were that anywhere we went we wouldn’t be caught, but there was that slight possibility of my parents driving by.

Vincent smirked, his eyes on the road. “The movies? Like a date?”

My head snapped toward him. “What? No-”

“That doesn’t sound too bad,” he said, cutting me off. “I haven’t been on a date in awhile.”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I stared at him, my mouth ajar. “W-wait, Vincent-”

“The movies it is,” he declared, making an illegal u-turn, heading back toward the school.

“I don’t have money for the movies!”

“It’s a date. I pay, Stupid.”

A date? With Vincent? Excitement bubbled up inside of me, but I quickly popped it. He was probably joking around. Why would he want to go on a date with me? “I don’t wan to,” I stated stubbornly.

“Too bad.”


“Can’t hear you.”

“I don’t appreciate being teased!”

He turned his head, giving me a surprisingly serious look. “I’m not teasing you.”

I blinked back at him. “What?”

“I’ve never been on a date with a human,” he informed me. “You should feel lucky.”

“I’m not going to feel lucky as a test subject.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he responded, sounding frustrated. “You really know how to hurt someone’s ego don’t you?”

My look softened. Did he seriously want to consider this a date? “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. You just surprised me.”

“No one takes you out on dates?” he asked, sounding far too amused by it than my liking.

“No, they do,” I responded, clenching my jaw. “But, you know, they aren’t arrogant vampires. And you have to admit, your ego could use a little harming.”



He shrugged. “Vampires, humans. We’re almost the same. And I think my ego is fine.”

“Not at all.”

“You’re lucky I don’t take that offensively.”

“About which thing?”

A grin flashed across his face. “Both.”

“You’re really-”

“Tell you what,” he interjected, “since I’m forcing you to skip school, you get to choose the movie.”

Taken aback, I stared at him. He was letting me choose? If it wasn’t for all the genres of movies I could pick just to irk him, I would have been slightly creeped out. Vincent was never that nice. Did he feel bad about forcing me to ditch? Or was it because he was trying to be a gentleman? Or maybe he was just in a good mood because he didn’t have to go back to school. Whatever the reason, I was going to use it to my advantage.

“Okay,” I agreed, smiling widely. It was dramcom time. I wracked my mind for movies as such, but quickly realized I didn’t know what movies were playing. It’d been two weeks since I’d watched any type of movie commercial.

Vincent was smirking to himself when I looked back up at him. Immediately I realized what he’d done. “You’re a jerk!” I accused. “You knew I wouldn’t know any of the movies that were out!”

“I’m not a jerk,” he protested, mocking hurt. “You’re just stupid.”

“I’m not stupid!”

“Yes you are.”

“I’ll show you my grades!”

“You’ve been out for two weeks, I doubt they’ll be up to par.”

I glowered at him. Why did he have to have such good comebacks? “Whatever, Vincent.”

He chuckled. “Don’t be mad, Emily. I won’t insult you from this moment on.”

Was it strange my heart still sped up when he called me by my actual name? I swallowed nervously, glancing out the window at the Walmart we were passing. “You’re acting weird,” I stated.

“I’m not going to respond to that because I will insult you,” he replied, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

I gave him a dubious look. “You really think you can keep that up all day?”

“I can do whatever I want,” he told me smugly. “I’m royalty.”

“Not here in the human world, bud.”

He ignored my comment. “Turning right.”

Even with his warning, I couldn’t stop my head from bashing into the window from the sudden change of motion. I groaned, rubbing my head. Why did that always happen when I drove with him? Couldn’t he turn like a normal person? Where did he learn to drive?

Wait. That was a good question.

“Vincent, where did you learn to drive?” I inquired, furrowing my eyebrows.

“What do you mean?”

“Like, do you have vampire driving schools? Or a vampire DMV?”

He snorted. “No.”

“Did you go to the human one?”


I thought for a moment. What else could there be? Vincent’s lips twitched, as if he was trying to hold back a smile. I narrowed my eyes at him. What did he find so funny? Was my lack of knowledge about vampires really that entertaining? “I don’t like guessing,” I muttered moodily. “Just tell me.”



“Okay. I taught myself how to drive.”

I blanked. “What?”

“I taught myself how to drive-”

“No I heard you! Vincent! That’s illegal! How did you even get a license?”

He glanced at me. “Sebastian handled it.”

“Pull over.”

“Oh, come on-”

“You didn’t even go to driver’s school!”

With a small groan, he pulled to the right, going into a Cumby’s. “Look. I know all the rules of the road. I know the speed limits. I know who gets the right away at an intersection. I know to go in the direction of the skid. I’m not stupid. I can drive.”


“No buts. Now, I’m going to put gas in your car and you’re going to stay seated and not try to slip into the driver’s seat while I’m gone.”

I frowned at him. “I don’t have money for gas.”

He pushed open the car door. “I’ll pay.”

“I’ll pay you back,” I promised him, watching as he climbed out. He waved his hand in dismissal, shutting the door behind him. For a second I watched his back as he headed into the store, my eyes focusing on his slim shoulders. They were much more attractive than the broad ones most of the guys at my school had. Although Sebastian had broad shoulders and he made them look good…

I sighed quietly, tapping my finger against the window in a slow beat. At some point I really needed to go visit the Rutherfords. This whole Blue Blood thing was bull. So what if I had blood that could heal vampires? That didn’t mean every vampire would be after me, would it? I paused in my tapping. There was a possibility it would. Wasn’t that why I was sent away? Because it was dangerous? That was also why Vincent had to watch me all the time. Would it be dangerous to go visit Sebastian again? But nobody knew I had Blue Blood…

The sound of the door opening pulled me from my thoughts. Vincent slid back in with a sigh, tossing something onto my lap. I looked down, seeing a package of M&Ms. “What are these for?”

“Me,” he responded, starting the engine.

“Put on your seatbelt,” I demanded, tossing the M&Ms onto his lap.

He rolled his eyes, but obeyed. “I was kidding, the M&Ms are for you. Take them.”

I waited for him to throw them back at me, but he didn’t. Hesitantly, I reached for the package of candies on his lap.

“Emily, you naughty girl.”

I automatically ripped my hand back, feeling a blush rise on my cheeks. “I knew you were going to say that! Why are you so perverted?”

He laughed; covering his mouth with one of his hands while his other was on the steering wheel. “I’m a guy, I can’t help it,” he commented through his sniggering. “Look at you blush!”

“Shut up!”

“That’s another thing I like about humans,” he said, sobering up almost completely- there was still a small smirk to his lips. “When you blush, I can tell you’re embarrassed. With vampires, it’s harder.”

“I wish I didn’t blush,” I muttered, crossing my arms. “It’s the most annoying thing in the world.”

“Or are you just ashamed it shows what naughty things you’re thinking?”

“I don’t think naughty things!”

Vincent snatched the package of M&Ms off his lap and handed them to me. “Calm down.”



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