His'(Crazy Erotica)



SOPHIA WAS DUMBSTRUCK at Chase’s announcement. She just stayed there glued to his side without moving with her head bowed down just like his men even though she wasn’t asked to do souse was scared. She didn’t know what he meant when he said she was his’ and what to make out of it. Everything around her was numb except the wild thumping of her heart.

Jesus. Her heart. She couldn’t even count how many times her heart started behaving like that since she arrived at that place. She didn’t even know what they did for a living, but one thing she was certain about was the fact that it wasn’t a good business else why would there be guns and murder all around them?

“Gattina, “She heard Chase’s voice, and his Italian accent didn’t hide itself. But she was too lost in her thoughts to even move or answer whatever that name meant. “Gattina, “It came out harsher than the first time, and Sophia snapped her head up.


No one was in there with them. Not even Luciano. She was trapped with a man she was badly terrified of, a man who murdered her parents in cold blood in front of her own eyes and didn’t even have a means of escape.

“I-,”She avoided, looking at his eyes. “I should -ahh!” She yelped when he gripped her arm and pulled her against his chest harshly.

“You are mine get it? Any man who tries to stare at or even touch you will face my wrath, Gattina. You shouldn’t be scared of anyone. I own all their fucking lives because it’s in my palm, hmm? “He gritted out. He wanted her to know. To know whose property, she was so she wouldn’t go around dressed in a simple Tee and shorts moving around the house while his men were around. He didn’t want to go around killing his own men like he’d already done, but still, to prove his point, he’d do that. Just to have her by his side.


“You-,”Sophia placed her small hands on his hard chest, feeling the numb beating of his heart against her palms. “What does that mean? What does it mean that I’m yours’? “She couldn’t help but ask. It had been nagging at the back of her mind ever since the night he introduced his silly game and she wanted to know the meaning. How innocent could she be?

Chase took a sharp intake of breath, trailing his hawk eyes over her lowered eyes, cute freckles-sprawled all over the bridge of her similarly cute nose and underneath both of her eyes-and her full, plump lips before he raised one of his hands and ran his cold knuckles over the delicate smoothness of her face. He could feel the way she stiffened under his touch and he was resisting the urge to have her there and then. “You’re so innocent, aren’t you? “His voice came out hoarse, any it sent chills down Sophia’s spine.

She meekly looked at him through her thick and full lashes before looking back down when she saw the intensity of his stare. Subconsciously, her lips parted when her eyes fell faintly at the rings adorning each and every single finger of both his beautiful and calloused hands. “You have beautiful hands,”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Chase knew that. He always knew he had beautiful fingers, and she wasn’t the first to tell him, neither would she be the last. He knew that very well. So, he ignored her comment and spoke. “What I meant when I said you were mine is that you fucking belong to me. Every single part of you, Gattina, belongs to me and you won’t leave me unless I want you to which will never happen”, He then buried his face in her hair which had the strong scent of coconut shampoo and he inhaled sharply. “Your hair is only mine to touch, mine to bury my face in, mine to grip in my fists when I-,”He pulled away and looked at her face for any type of reaction but was only met with a flustered, innocent and confused gaze. He chose not to say what he was about to say and continued, cradling her left cheek in his large right palm. “Your eyes are only mine to look at. these freckles are mine to give kisses to -“He looked at every single feature of her face as he claimed then. “your nose is only mine to peck and pinch, your lips are mine to devour with kisses, straight to your jaw, neck and whole body. Every single perfect part of your body is mine to caress and do as I wish to”, He then leaned in and buried his face in the crook of her neck, his hot breath fanning the skin and giving her goosebumps all over her skin. “Mio. Non vedo l’ora di vederti contorcersi sotto di me e urlare il mio nome dal piacere mentre ti faccio piccole cose sporche”,

{“Kitten”} {“Mine. I can’t wait to have you. I can’t wait to have you writhing beneath me and screaming my name in pleasure while I do dirty little things to you}

Sophia didn’t understand what he meant but she could understand what he meant when he told her whole body belonged to him and she could feel her head pounding with an intensity she hadn’t felt before as realization sank in. No. No way. There was no way she’d let him do as he wished with her body. Her body was the temple of God as her Nana and pastor in the church had taught her. Only a woman’s husband was allowed to do what Chase was planning to do with her and she couldn’t allow it. Chase was her parents’ murderer. He wasn’t a man she had ever seen herself with in the future, so, it was impossible. In panic, she roughly pushed him away, taking him off guard.

Sophia watched as Chase’s jaw clenched, and his fists balled at his sides before she opened her mouth to speak. “N-no”, She shook her head. “I-I can’t be yours. It’s a sin. It’s a huge sin,”

Chase resisted the urge to sneer at her. The hell? There was nothing such as sin in their world and too bad she was already part of it. She had parents that were also born into that world, even though she didn’t know about it. He doubted she knew what her parents did for a living, but then, he was going to make sure she found out about it. Just that, it wasn’t going to be then. At that moment, he had to deal with her innocent stubbornness. He had to ingrain it in her mind that she was his property no matter what.


“Please, I don’t want this, please let me go,” Sophia wept to the twenty nine year old man as she hugged her knees, pressing herself onto the headboard.

“Should I leave you alone, Gattina?”, Chase smirked and knelt down in front of her. He never smiled or smirked, neither did he ever show any facial expression, so the fact that there was a smirk on his face made her even more scared. “Should I just abandon something as innocent as you are? “He trailed his fingertips on her face. “I can’t deny my desires for you because of your tears now, can I?”,

“Please, Chase”, She shut her eyes closed as her lips trembled. “You murdered my parents already, you can’t take something so precious away from me,”

“But that precious thing is what attracts me to you, Gattina.” He wiped her tears. “Come on, stop crying. I hate seeing you like this,”

When she didn’t stop crying, he wrapped his arms around her waist and jerked her forward to him.

“I want you, Gattina, and I can’t deny my desires for you. I love that innocence you have in you, and I want to destroy it,”

“Please-“, She croaked out. “Please don’t do this to me,”

Her tears didn’t make him feel anything. He loved to see people beg him and that was exactly what she was doing. He loved it even more as he imagined those tears leaking from her eyes when he fucked her thoroughly.

“Don’t cry, save those tears for the time when I fuck you. I’ll love to fuck those tears out of your eyes that day. Do you know how I’ve imagined it? I’ve jerked off so many times because of you and your perfect little body”, When she didn’t stop crying, he grabbed her hair backwards. “I told you to stop crying! “Before she could comprehend anything, he ripped off her shirt and unclasped her bra before dipping his head in to attack her tits.


Sophia’s eyes flew open and she sat up with a jerk as sweat trailed down her forehead. She peeled off the comforter covering her body and let out a sigh of relief when she saw her clothes still intact but realized she was still on the robe she’d draped round her body when she had a bath and had fallen asleep forgetting to wear her pajamas.

It was just a nightmare. But a different one. Different from the ten years long ones except that it was the same demon appearing there.

She couldn’t even say which one was more terrifying. Was it the one of him murdering her parents or the one of him trying to rape her?

The second one made her shudder in fear.

Chase wouldn’t rape her, right? He wouldn’t touch her without her permission, right?

With a soft sigh, she massaged her forehead and laid down back on the bed, feeling lazy to put on a pair of pajamas but she knew very well that falling back asleep without a cup of milk was nearly impossible. Since she arrived at Chase’s mansion, she normally took milk after waking up from a nightmare and that night couldn’t be an exception.

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