Chapter 15

Bryan’s POV

Jason’s cries perch my ears as soon as I come out of the bathroom to dress up for work. I shake my head. He must have woken up to discover that his mother is gone.

I am thinking he is going to cry for a few minutes and stop or probably go back to sleep but I am wrong. He is still crying till I finish dressing and I take my briefcase out to go out to work.

Surprisingly, I am not angry, even though I did not expect this. I feel his mother’s presence will ease it all but it is now obvious that they are inseparable.

Celine is the only person Jason trusts. She is the only person he shares a bond with and that bond can not be broken by anyone, including me.

I shake my head and walk out of my bedroom, take the staircase downstairs to his room. I had gone through all the applicant’s details yesterday and I saw their pictures too. I am not satisfied with any of them.

The only person with the experience I am looking for is the lady that had been a caregiver for just two years. I want Jason to be in the care of someone who is much more exciting and experienced than that. I prefer a middle-aged woman like Camilla but none of the applicants are over 35 years old.

I know I have to go through with the selection as soon as possible but I am indecisive on who to choose so I decided last night to give the decision to Camilla and Stella, my Personal Assistant.

They will conduct the interview and pick the best out of the applicants themselves. When I am back from work, I will do my private interview with whoever is lucky to be chosen.

If Jason has a nanny, he might no longer cry over little things like not seeing his mother. He might get used to having the new woman around or probably see her as his new mother but something in me keeps saying otherwise.

Jason is stubborn, I doubt if this will be as easy as I presume it will be. I sigh deeply and turn the doorknob as soon as I am in front of the door.

The loud cries hit my ears again, making me wince in irritation. Camilla is already in the room and she is carrying him. He is struggling to get out of her hold, demanding for his mother.

When they both see me, Jason’s cries turn to whimpers while Camilla bows in greeting.

“Tantrums again?” I question her with furrowed brows. Now that I am inside, I am getting irritated by his daily cries.

Why can’t he just get used to this place already? What is Celine giving him that I haven’t offered?

Camilla nods. “He woke up to meet her absence. I’m worried his temperature is up again”, I frown and run my hand through my thick black wavy hair, thinking of what else to do with this stubborn child of mine.

If only he is an adult, it would have been much easier. All I need to do is to sit him down and ask him what he wants. If what he wants is not in line with what I can take, then I can propose something else to him.

All of a sudden, he begins to cry again.

“Mommy”, he screams, gazing at me accusingly and I roll my eyes.

“Drop him”, I instruct her. She looks surprised that I am asking her to drop him instead of how she is trying to pacify him to stop crying. She did what I ask her to do and I beckon to her to come closer, ignoring Jason’s tears.

“What do we do about this boy? I am becoming tired of all this”, I fold my arms and await her advice. I doubt if this can continue, I don’t know if I will still be in the right frame of mind not to take him back to Celine.

Taking him back to Celine has two meanings; she is the winner of this game and Jason will be exposed to the dangers of being my son.

“I asked Celine to stay the night here yesterday so that the boy can…”

“You know that is not possible”, I growl at her with a cold glare and she keeps mute. I exhale. “Go on.”

“Maybe Celine should visit him daily”, she suggests.

“What? I can’t let her come into my home like she owns it.”

“I understand, sir but Jason will continue to act this way, as long as Celine isn’t here. She is his mother and she is what he needs”, she explains.

I turn to face Jason, who has suddenly stop crying. I glance at his tired face. He hasn’t changed in a few days since I took him away from Celine and this isn’t what I planned. I wanted him to look more healthier and robust than he was when he was staying with his mother.

What should I do? I ask myself inwardly. Is employing a nanny for him the best solution? Will it put an end to all of these or add more fuel to the fire?

If Celine is what he really needs like Camilla is saying, what am I to do to make sure that I can still get my revenge on her and make her feel the pain I felt years ago?

I really don’t want to have anything to do with Celine anymore but at this stage, I guess having something to do with her will ease my revenge plan.

An idea suddenly takes form in my head and I grin wickedly. I turn to the door and say to Camilla.

“Tell the applicants that we have gotten someone already.”


Celine’s POV

I couldn’t sleep a wink throughout the night. I was thinking of Jason and thinking of Paxton’s accusation. I wonder why he is asking such a question.

As soon as the day break, I gingerly stand up from the bed and walk to the bathroom to take a piss, brush my teeth and take a bath. I am supposed to begin another job hunting today but my mind is elsewhere.

I know I need a job, a good job for me to claim custody of my child. I can’t be jobless and expect the legal practitioners to give me Jason when it is apparent that I can not cater for him like his wealthy father.

I am a bit less concerned about that right now. I know I can never beat Bryan and I won’t dare to give it a try. I will keep doing what I know how best to do, begging. I will keep begging him till he gets tired of me and gives in to my demands.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I have decided to go back to the mansion this morning and beg Bryan again. Camilla had told me last night that the nanny will be employed today and my attention will be needed at the mansion to put the new nanny through all she needs to know about my son.

I am going to beg Camilla to help me convince him. All Bryan needs to do is let Jason come home with me for a while and during the weekend, he will be taken back to the mansion.

We can share it that way. I can’t live with the thought of another woman performing my responsibilities and duties on my child. I know she will definitely not do it right.

Everyone who applied for the job did it for the huge amount of money Bryan would pay them in return for their services.

I get dressed quickly, pack my hair in a high bun and pick up my bag to go out. I see a cab shortly after I am out and I flag it down. I enter the cab and it drives away after I have given the cabman the directions to Bryan’s mansion.

I am going there this early because I want to meet with Bryan before he goes to work. Bryan goes to work early and I hope to meet up with him. I want to beg him once more to help me.

I am lost in thought till I get to my destination. The moment the mansion comes into view, my heart begins to pound wildly in my chest. I still don’t know why I have so much fear for Bryan. I am beginning to feel unsure about coming here.

What if he throws me out again? How am I sure he will listen to me?

Does Bryan even listen to anyone? He does whatever he wants and no one can stop him.

I feel discouraged and I wish I can tell the cabman to go back the way we came but it is late already as he stops the car, waiting for me to go out.

I look out, watching the large gate, wishing I have supernatural powers to appear in and disappear whenever I want so Bryan wouldn’t see me. I know how much he detests seeing me.

“Ma’am, we are here”, the cabman reminds me. I turn to him and smile before climbing down from the car and paying him with the few notes of dollars left in my bag.

Realization dawns on me that I will go hungry in a few days if I don’t start looking for another job now and I decide to go job hunting after meeting with Bryan and after seeing my son.

I inhale and exhale deeply, trying to calm my nerves and let go of the fear in my heart. I puff out air intermittently and walk to the gate. I knock on it twice before the security guard opens up for me.

“Good morning”, I greet him politely with a smile. His face is in a frown and he isn’t responding.

“Erhhemm, I am Celine”, I introduce myself. “I am Jason’s mother.”

His looks didn’t waver.

“I want to see Bryan”, I tell him.

“You are not allowed in here. Get the hell out of here”, he replies nonchalantly and makes an attempt to close the gate when I stop him.

“It seems you don’t know me. Camilla knows me, just tell her I am here….”

“Who is that, Ricky?” I hear Bryan’s voice and I freeze.

The guard turns back in and answers Bryan. A few minutes later, he throws the gate open for me to enter, throwing me another harsh glare.

Bryan is with his briefcase and about to enter the open car. He isn’t looking pleased to see me as predicted.

“Good morning, Bryan”, I greet and stand in front of him.

“Why are you here?” He asks.

“I came to beg you, Bryan. I don’t think a nanny can do…”

“Go straight to the point, please”, his tone holds irritation.

I gulp twice and continue. “A nanny can’t take care of our child the way I can take care of him. I would have been rest assured if Camilla is the one involved. Please, a nanny can’t do this.”

“Can you?” His face twitches in amusement and I feel he is mocking me for my poor status. I can’t take care of Jason when it comes to my financial status but I can in other aspect.

“Can you?” He barks again and I jolt up in attention.

“Yes, I can. He is my son…”

“Really?” He sounds sarcastic.

I look up at him and reply without fear. “Yes.”

He nods. “Good. You will be his nanny then.”

I can’t process what he is saying but after a while, I realize and understand what he means and I exclaim. “What?!”

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