His Mate His Sex Slave

Chapter 16 Worst Nightmare

Its been hours into the day, Daciana haven’t heard from Alpha Connor.

Sincerely speaking, she is glad he didn’t call on her but she is worried about his wellbeing.

Is he still in that foul mood from yesterday? Maybe that’s why he has forgotten about her for the time being.

If anything is wrong or happening to the Alpha king, Daciana isn’t supposed to get worried or even care about it but here she is, doing the exact thing, getting worried over Alpha Connor.

She had tried hating him just the same way he hates her but she couldn’t. She couldn’t bring herself to hate him.

With all she is going through, she finds it hard to have anything against him.

Maybe it’s because aside his hatred towards the Omegas, Alpha Connor is a good person.

Daciana has seen how much he cares for his subjects, he can lay down his life to protect them if need be, well aside Omegas.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The curiosity was getting to her, she wish she knew why he hates omegas and rejected her due to that reason.

Daciana felt deeply hurt this morning after the unknown male abused her.

She wanted to cry, not just to drop tears.  She wanted to scream but she knows Kaira would have noticed right away.

If only she is from another specie of wolves, she wouldn’t have been rejected. She wouldn’t have been here.

At this point, Daciana wish she was a human. She could have been in a city enjoying the good things that comes with life.

She wouldn’t have been in this situation probably.

Sighing, she closed her eyes deciding to sleep since Kaira wouldn’t let her work.

Daciana wasn’t having an appetite to eat this morning yet she ate a plate of food because of Kaira. She clearly forced her to eat.

Kaira is becoming a huge part of her life though they got to know each other just two days back.

She is more of a God sent to Daciana.

As she was about to sleep, her room door was swung opened.

Daciana growled making a mental note of locking her door henceforth else, she might be sleeping one of this days and will be killed by an intruder.

Especially the creepy male she met earlier.

Lynne entered into Daciana’s room, her head hung low like always.

“Good day Luna” she greeted.

Daciana sat up on hearing the voice, she didn’t bother raising her head up earlier.

“Lynne, good afternoon” she greeted back smiling widely.

“I am sorry to have intrude on your privacy Luna” Lynne apologized coincidentally.

It was like she read Daciana’s thoughts but she didn’t.

She felt like she should have knocked on the door, it’s more appropriate and polite.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize” Daciana replied shaking her head.

She waited patiently for her to state the reason she is here or is she here to scold her for resting instead of working?

“The Alpha king and Beta Dolphus are out on a trip, they might or might not return today, I thought I should inform you”

Lynne said, it was the exact statement she was told by Alpha Connor before he left.

He only informed her about going on a trip but didn’t tell her of the place in particular.

Their Alpha king is always a mystery man that loves doing things murkily at times.

Beta Dolphus is the only one that’s entitled to knowing what ever the Alpha king does.

Daciana nodded her head excitedly. She wasn’t sure what she is excited about.

The fact that Alpha Connor is doing fine or the fact that he is away from her for some time? Or both?

Whatever it is, Daciana is happy. Happy to be free. She wouldn’t have to hear anyone calling her female all the time.

Yes she’s a female but she has a name. Although she can’t deny that she doesn’t love it when he refers to her as that.

“Okay” not knowing what to say further, she trailed off.

Daciana is that kind of person that doesn’t know how to interact with people.

Guess she is learning or trying to learn it already.

“Your supervisor has been away for sometime now but he came back yesterday Luna, you have to meet with him since you two haven’t met yet, you will be seeing him more on the field”

Lynne explained. Daciana had to blink her eyes, she doesn’t know that there will be a supervisor for them but why?

They could just work without anyone supervising them.

“Huh, okay but am I to meet him now?” She asked.

“Yes, he requested for your presence”

Daciana groaned, she lazily stood up from the bed while nodding her head and hoping that her new superior will be nice to her like the workers.

Lynne stepped out allowing Daciana to follow behind her. She created enough space between them with the fear of trespassing.

Soon, they arrived at the field. She stopped as they got closer to the male giving instructions with his back to them.

Daciana squinted her eyes, her mind was completely away from Lynne because she was searching for Kaira.

She giggled on sighting her working a few walks away from her.

When she is done here, she will say hi to her before she leaves.

She was lost staring at Kaira unaware of the two pair of eyes staring at her and Lynne’s call for her attention until she felt a slight poke on her shoulder.

Daciana’s eyes snapped to Lynne in embarrassment, how can she easily forget that she’s with someone?

“I am sorry Lynne, I got a little carried away” she apologized.

“No problem Luna here, meet your supervisor, he is in charge of giving instructions here”

For the first time since she got here, Daciana raised up her head to see the male standing before her.

A gasp left her mouth, she instinctively took a step back in fright and too flabbergasted to utter a word.

Her supervisor happened to be the same person that had called her names and attempted to molest her this morning.

The same male she slapped. Isn’t her fate so good to her?

He smirked at her. They held different meanings to it and that scare her.

This isn’t going to be easy.

**** Dean’s Pack****

Both Alpha Connor and Dolphus entered into the Alpha’s tower.

Alpha Connor wasn’t surprised that nothing has changed from the way it was before now.

This was where his childhood lies, a place he has lived half of his life.

His pulse ramped up, he thought of how those men has been living in this place.

Alpha Connor’s amber eyes turned into dark blue, his hands were balled into a fist ready to kill, devour and destroy each and everyone of them that caused him pain in the past.

Dolphus noticed the Alpha king was becoming enraged, he shook his head in disagreement.

It wouldn’t work if Alpha Connor shows off his anger first.

“Control your anger Alpha king, showing your fury right now wouldn’t be of help to us”  he advised.

Alpha Connor thought about it, he paused, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and nodded his head.

Just when they were about entering into the main compound, they were approached by two guards, at least, that was what they looked like.

“Who are you to enter into the tower without our Alpha’s permission?” One of them asked.

Alpha Connor gritted his teeth together, he is trying to suppress his anger.

How dare this male question him in his own house? This place is his, he doesn’t need anyone’s permission before he enters.

He was about speaking up but Dolphus beat him to it.

“We are from the next pack, the Alpha king is equally expecting us. We know the rules and we won’t be here without his permission”

Dolphus lied pretending to be serious. They have to convince them without creating a scene or fighting since they had no business with them.

The two males gazed at him for sometimes, he look sincere. There is no way he is lying to them right?

Alpha David is in a meeting with his subordinates now and he wouldn’t want any of them distracting them.

Without saying anything else, they paved way for the two strangers to pass.

“Alpha is in a meeting, you can go straight to your right. You will meet him there”  the other person said.

Dolphus nodded gratefully as they both took the direction he said.

Maybe this will be fun after all.

After a few minutes walk, they saw a group of fairly old men in a discussion.

They were either arguing or having a disagreement but on seeing them, their attention was turned to the strangers that just came in.

Alpha Connor took majestic steps towards them, his gaze were fixated on them.

He could recognize all of them clearly. Just as expected, they were really here having a meeting.

How can they all live happily when his family died and left him in agony?

How can they be alive after almost killing him with silvers and poisonous arrows?

“Who are you and how dare you come here without informing me?” Alpha David screamed.

He stood up from his gracious chair and faced both Alpha Connor and Dolphus. The rest did same.

Alpha Connor laughed hoarsely. His deep voice echoed through the vicinity of the tower.

It was that loud.

This man standing right in front of him was the one who killed his parents, he could remember his father pleading with this man to spare his wife and Sons.

He killed them brutally. From the look of things, he is now the leader of this pack.

“I won’t ask you again, introduce yourself before you both die by my hands” Alpha David threatened.

Alpha Connor stopped laughing, his deep ocean blue eyes stared ahead of him from one person to another with a dangerous smirk playing on his face.

He walked up to Alpha David and stopped inches away from him.

“Do you really want to know who I am?” He asked hatefully. The air in the tower changed into a terror filled one.

The men who were all seated earlier rose on their feet. Is the stranger trying to challenge their Alpha?

Does he have a death wish or is he tired of living?

“I am not a very patient person, speak up now or else…”

Alpha David was cut off before he could complete his statement.

“I am Alpha Connor McNair, the little wolf you killed his family and took over his father’s position as the Alpha”

Alpha Connor paused, he took another step towards Alpha David with his eyes roaming around the men’s terrified gaze.

“I am your worst nightmare”

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