His Baby’s Mama



“So where are we going? You still haven’t told me as yet” I said to Bianca. I was home laying in bed when he called and we began to talk as we usually do.

I told him I was bored and he asked if i’d want to go out with him and agrecd after a while of thinking. I haven’t went out in a while and was happy when he asked but he haven’t told me where we’re going as yet and I’m so curious. Are we going to watch a movie? To the city? The park? Beach?

“We’re going to a bar, okay?” He finally responded to my question and my eyes widen a little, looking down to my clothes. No wonder he made me changed into a short dress!

“B-bar?” I stammered a little and he nodded his head before pressing on his breaks as we approach a stop light.

“I promise you it’ll be fun but you don’t have to dance if you don’t want to and you don’t have to drink either. We can just sit there and talk and if you don’t feel comfortable, we can leave”he added and I loved that he didn’t only care about himself but also about how I’d feel.

“Okay” I said back, inwardly brushing away the idea of being drunk. I had never drank alcohol before and wasn’t planning to do so either so I should be fine. Yeah, nothing will happen ..


“And then his towel fell” I concluded. I was retelling the story of how I saw Damon’s thing to Bianca and I couldn’t stop laughing. Ir’s been almost four hours since we have arrived at the bar and I’m loving it so far. I even decided to order a tequila cause I don’t know why and I have come to love it. I’m drinking my tenth for the night.

“It waas sOoOoo big! And thick! And damn he looked so good! But guess what I did? I closed my eyes instead of grabbing his D*ck!” I said so loudly that I’m sure everyone at the bar heard me

“Oh my god Camila! Keep your voice down” he shush me and I rolled my eyes before gubbling down the entire glass of tequila and my head began to spin a little.

“And ..” I continued, now trying to hold myself up because I felt a little dizzy. “And .. ran out after. Who does that ?! No one !! Ugh !! I seriously don’t know why I didn’t d-didn’t grab it” i slurred out.

“Okay sweetie, I think you’ve drank too much now. We should get going anyways since it’s almost twelve in the night.

“F ** k that! I don’t want to go back! He makes me too nervous! He makes me wanna do things to him! he has this affect on me Bianca! I’m afraid I’ll give in one day !! I can’t see him again! I don’t want to !!” I yelled out, grabbing unto his shirt and tugging at it. I’m definitely not going back cause I can’t be around him anymore. Damon is making everything too hard for me!

“Oh yes you are! And we’re leaving right now cause I for sure know that he might be worried about you. So get your ass up and let’s go” He said, grabbing my hands and I sigh.


“No buts Camila! It’s very late and you’re drunk, very drunk. God, how on the world will he react seeing you like this?” He cut me off and said but mumbled the last part and I sigh, giving in. Taking his hands, I let him lead me out of the bar and to his car, where we both sat down inside and Bianca started the car, driving of.

“Were here” a voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see that we had pulled up at Damon’s house. I smiled at him before wishing him goodnight then attempt to exit his car but collapse to the ground and Bianca had to help me walk to the door. He then rang the door bell and we waited a minute or two before the door was opened, reveling a very worried Damon but his eyes completely changed from being worried to an angry one as he stared down at me then give a deadly glare to Bianca.


{Earlier That Night}

F ** k Where is she? Camila have been gone for a long time now and it’s almost mid night and she haven’t returned as yet. And this is making me so worried with millions of thoughts running through my head as Ithought about al the bad things that could possibly be wrong with her. Ugh! I should’ve at lest find out where she was going or who she was going with but I was so stupid not to! Now I’m over here worrying my ass off about her!

I was even hesitating on whether to go look for her or wait patiently for her to return but I pushed that thought away when it hit mid night and she wasn’t back as yet. Jumping to my feet, I quickly made my way out of my room and grabbed my car keys, jogging down the stairs as hundreds of thoughts, about her, ran through my head. Is she okay? Has she been kidnapped? Or worst killed? For christ sake Damon! Think positive. She’s fine okay? She’s safe and fine. Maybe she’s just hanging out with a friend or-


I was brought out of my thought at the sound of my door bell. I quickly walked to the door hoping it was her.

And thankfully it was her. I was so happy and relieved to see her standing in front of me but she was not the only one standing there that brain guy was also here holding her waist. My jaw clenched as I looked to Camila and then back to him.

“Uh… sorry she stayed out. She didn’t want to-”

“I don’t want to hear any excuses. Let this be the first and last warning stay the fuck away from her!” I slammed the door at him before he could even respond.

I looked at Camila and saw mumbling some things.

“Are you drunk?” lasked even thought I already knew. It was just a little hard to believe since I never thought of her as a person who’d drink.

“Pfn! Nol!” She laughed nervously and I sigh turning around and took her inside and this time she let me take her in.

“We should get you cleaned up first” I said, closing the door behind me then walked with her in my arms, to the stairs but she stopped me beforel could’ve walked up the stairs.

“No! I don’t want to be here! I don’t want to be around you! Get away from me!” Did I do something to hurt her?

“What’s the matter?” I asked, looking at her with concern and she scoff, trying to get out of my grip.

“What’s the matter you ask?!! You have no clue what you did to me?!!” She went off in full anger but I really didn’t thought about it. Maybe it’s the alcohol acting up in her.

“Come on Camila, we need to get you clean up” I said then began to walk up the stairs with her, while she tried to break free from my hold but I wasn’t gonna let her go, well. not after she said something that made me stop.

“Let go of me! I don’t want to be around someone that hurt me! That refused to listen to my explanation !!”

“Explaination? on what?” I asked, frowning again.

“Of why that woman gave Ethan to you!” She responded and my jaw suddenly clenched. The memory of what happened long ago replayed in my head and I felt a sudden angry rising inside of me. “I never left Ethan–”

“I don’t want to hear anything Camila! Just shut up and let me take you up stairs” I cut her off and said in a rude tone and began dragging her up the stairs. I didn’t want to hear any of her Explaination and now that I’m thinking about it, why the f** k do I even like her when she left my son to die on the streets?

“You seriously need to listen to my explanation Damon !! And stop acting like an ass hole!” She yelled out and I lost it.

“And what is there to explain Camila? Huh? That you’re sorry? That you didn’t mean to leave him there ?!”

“No. I want to tell you that you misunderstood everything!” She replied and I laughed at her.

“Misunderstood? Ha! I didn’t misunderstand anything Camila! It’s all clear that you left him the–”

“I DIDN” T!” She yelled out then sigh before coninuting “I carried Ethan in MY stomach for nine months ALONE! Without any help from anyone! I made sure he was HEALTHY growing up and he was SAFE in side of me! I was happy when he was born and was happy because I finally had someone beside me. I loved him loved Aiden”she yelled out in frustration. [For those who are confused, Aiden was Ethan’s name before he was stolen and taken to Damon]”

And after one week Not months.. just after one week with my son, my love, my life he was stolen from me A part of me was gone. a part of me was taken away from me. Someone took him”A tear slipped out of her eyes. She was now sitting on the stairs, her hands to her heart and pain in her eyes.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I wanted to hug her, to tell her it’s okay but how do I know she isn’t lying? And why didn’t Mr. Salvay told me about her Ethan being taken away from her? I’ll have to talk to him myself ..

“Camila” I began, not knowing what to say but I could see the pain in her eyes as tears poured out. She was crying now and her hands held to her heart. I just knew she was in pain.

“No. don’t talk to me. Don’t touch me” she whispered in a cracked voice before she slowly rise to her feet and walked up the stairs, taking it step by step. I knew she was sad and I wanted to comfort her but as I said, what if she’s lying? Running a hand through my hair, I watched as she struggled to walked up the stairs and suddenly came to stop, her body swaying side to side.

“Camila!” I called her name then ran up to catch her just in time before she almost collapsed down the stairs and she almost blacked out. Recollect herself, she stood on both of her legs before pushing her hands away from my arms and spoke.

“I said, don’t touch me” she warned me before proceeding to walk up the stairs and I followed closely from behind, just in case she fell and thankfully she made it up the stairs without falling. I continued to follow her from closely behind just to make sure but stopped after she turned around and once again warned me not follow her.

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair again before turning around an decided to make a call to Mr. Salvay. He have to explain everything to me cause I’m so confused and don’t know what and who to believe


I came to a stop when I heard a loud thud. A frown made its way to my face but my eyes widen when realization hit me. Turning around, I dash to the other side, panicking rising inside of me as I ran down the hall and spotted Camila’s body laying lifelessly on the floor and I ran faster, getting closer and closer towards her. Finally reaching her, I kneeled down, cupping her face and trying to get her to wake up.

“Hey Camila! Hey! Wake up!” I said, gently slapping her cheek to wake her up and start to panic when she did not respond.

“Hey! Wake up! Please” I continued to try and wake her up and after she did not respond again, I proceed to check her pulse, one she didn’t had. I panicked even more. My heart beat sped up, chest heaving up and down at a fast pace, tears somehow making its way to my eyes as I went into my pocket and take out my phone, quickly dialing 911.


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