His Abused Mate

Chapter 31 Pregnant

Cecilia’s pov

I sat in the bathroom pacing, the pink and blue pregnancy stick sink on the sink. 1 minute to process. I thought as I passed, after my mental timer went off. I stopped pacing and walked toward the sticks. I picked both up of the sticks and looked at them. I screamed when I saw the two lines which means pregnant. I was 1-2weeks pregnant. I started to dance around in the bathroom, I gotta tell Jason! I stoppeddancing and ran downstairs. I grabbed the house phone and dialed Jason’s number.

“Hello?” He said as he picked up. I was out of breath from running down here. “J-Jason.” I said trying to catch my breath. “Baby are you okay?” He asked concerned “I’m fine, but tonight we should go out. Like to dinner.” I said finally catching my breath.”Sounds okay to me. I’ll be home in a couple of hours. Love you.” He said “I love you too.” I said than hung up. I called Sophie, Julie, and Val to come over. Once they all got here I sat them down in the living room. “So you called us here for?” Julie said eating some chips. “I’m pregnant.” I said smiling. Val screamed, Julie chocked on her chips. Sophie squealed and clapped. “Your pregnant!” They all said Julie was shocked. I nodded and smiled wider. “THATS GREAT!” Val said “The guys have to know.” She added than grabbed her phone.

She started calling the guys. “Not Jason though!” I said sitting down. “Garrett get your ass over to Jason’s house, bring the guys. Leave Jason out of this.” She said than hung up. “Okay so tell us everything.” Sophie said I sat down and i told them everything that happened. “And boom now I’m here pregnant.” I said “So you and him talked over having a baby and agreed than did the stuff and now your pregnant.” Julie said “Yep pretty much.” I said leaning back. There was a knock on the door, Julie got up and answered it.

The guys walked in, I stood up and walked over to them. “Guys you can’t tell Jason, okay?” I said making sure things were clear. “Why not?” Garrett asked they all crossed their arms at the same time. “Because she said so!” Val said slapping him in the back of his head. He winced “Babe.” He whined. “Oh shut up ya big baby.” She said “I’m pregnant.” I said smiling again. I couldn’t help but smile I was like too happy. “You’re lying.” Garrett said my smile dropped. “No I’m not look!” I said showing him the pregnancy stick. “I don’t know how to read this.” He said I rolled my eyes. “Two lines mean pregnant.” I said taking it back. “So your telling me you’re carrying my best bro’s baby?” He said raising an eyebrow. “Yes who else!?” I asked.

“Come here.” Garrett said he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, the other guys came over and hugged me. I heard the front door open, I heard footsteps. Jason came into my view, I gasped the pregnancy stick. I still had it in my hand. I hid it behind my back, Val came over and grabbed it. She tossed it to Julie as I turned Jason the other way. “Hey what’s everyone doing here?” He asked turning his just as Garrett caught it. I turned his head toward me and kissed him. He kissed me back, I opened on of my eyes and saw them giving thumbs up that it was hiding. I returned it and pulled away.

“You’re back early.” I said smiling. “Yeah I am, what’s everyone doing here?” He asked “I got lonely when you were gone and I missed our friends.” I said playing it off. “So how about we all just go to dinner tonight not just us?” I said nudging him. “I don’t care.” He said with a shrug. “Well I’m going to get ready, girls you coming?” I asked walking up the stairs. “Heck yeah we’re coming.” They said “Hey boys keep it lowkey.” I said they nodded while Jason looked seriously confused. We gotta wait till tonight to tell Jason.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

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