Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Seventy Six

To say Bianca was tired of having to go to school and afterwards, stay indoor was boring was an understatement.

She was literally loosing her mind, not being able to have time to hang out with her friends nor being able to hang out with Giovanni either, for fear of loosing Alonso.

Today, she had decided to stay by the Netflix and watch till it was movies. This had become her regular routine and she was getting bored of it.

While she was still watching one of her favourite movie; the Titanic, she suddenly heard a knock at the door. She stood up and went to get the door, knowing there was no escort around.

When she opened the door, she came face to face with a rather strange but also familiar face. Tina gazed at her Bianca intently and couldn’t help but notice how attractive she was.

“I believe you don’t know me?” She asked seeing the confused look on Bianca face.

“Am sorry but who are you?” She finally had the courage to ask.

“Haven’t you been watching the news or following up on the elections?” Tina asked with her arms folded.


“Well, let me help you with a name; Giovanni” Bianca was confused, how was the name related to her. It suddenly clicked when she decided to take an actual look at her this time.

“You are Giovanni’s twin sister, the one he told me about, Tina?” She asked looking surprised than ever.

“It took you a while and yeah, nice meeting you” She extended her hand for shaking but Bianca ignored and hugged her.

“Now, will you let me in?” Tina asked after she was released from the hug.

“You betcha. Come in” Bianca stepped aside and watched her gracefully step into the house.

“I must say, you have quite a beautiful place” Tina commented, looking around the entire environment.

“It’s actually Amore’s home” Bianca remarked.

“Yea, I am aware of that fact this is my step brother’s home” she said, taking her seat comfortably.

“So, what can I offer you” Bianca asked, still marvelled by the fact that Tina was seating right under her roof.

“Oh! Come of it! I am no longer hungry” Bianca shrugged afterwards and took her seat opposite her and there was a comfortable silence between the two.

“So, how have you been coping with Amore” Tina decided to break the silence.

“Alot of stuff that I have been passing through, being with Amore” Bianca stated with an exaspirating sigh

“Tell me about it?”

“Amore is one hell of a person who would not allow his ego to be punctured. He knows that he had no right at the table any more but chose to keep me right here” Bianca pointed out.

“Look there are things I will want to say but then, the walls have ear anyway, I need you to stay careful because……” Tina was Interrupted by the phone call she had received

“Shit! I have to go, something important came up” Tina mentioned, spranging up to her feet and was about heading out

“What is it?” Bianca asked worried.

“Seems like Giovanni has stepped on the toes of Buddy” Tina said, before shutting the door at a confused Giovanni.


Buddy had decided to organize his first ever campaign in New York City. He had made sure that a reasonable number of persons were present for his campaign.

While he was giving his manifesto, there was a sudden commotion and when he looked up, he was shocked to see certain street gangstars, attacking the people who were present at the the event.

“We need to leave here at once!” Amore instructed upon seeing how the commotion was intensifying. There were lot of stampede as people ran for their life.

When Buddy and Amore were safely in their cars, which speed away, Buddy was pissed with the entire scenario.

“What in the world happened back there?” He barked at Amore, who was taken aback by his friend’s sudden outburst.

“I made sure the men were everywhere. The fact that those miscreants were able to scale through, connotes one thing; there was a mole amongst the men” Amore deduced as they turned into the reserved property areas.

“What are you talking about?”

“Someone amongst our men must have been paid to allow those men enter the arena. The reason for my theory is the fact that the entire security was tight”

“This entire campaign saga will reduce my reputation to zero” Buddy exclaimed as he placed his hands to his temple.

“Not if we flip it around” Amore said to no one in particular.

“What do you mean?” Buddy asked.

“I have this innate feeling that Tina was behind this attack. She is trying to make a statement to us and I think we can flip it around to give the media an insight into what Tina truely is; a sadistic psychopath” Amore explained.

“You know, I have to say that the way you think makes me wonder if you are actually human” Amore laughed at the light hearted joke.

“About that reporter, we might use him to tell the world this story. What do you think?” Buddy suggested.

“That is a brilliant plan” Amore smiled as he shook hands with his friend.

“Any news on Lucifer yet? I mean has he been able to succumb to the plan?”Buddy asked, remembering there was a time Amore had suggested the ‘assasination plan’ to him.

“He is being too adamant but I believe with a few touches, he would be back to his normal senses and take the offer”

“What if he doesn’t” Buddy asked worriedly.

“He will take the offer for sure, you can believe that” Amore squeezed his friends hand in assurance.

“No one is taking that presidential seat away from you”


Jeffery was working late into the night on the historical background of the Elites, when he tamoled upon an article.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Glancing through the pages of the article, he was surprised to discover that Tina was indeed a member of the Elite. While he was noting these points down, he suddenly got a call from an unknown contact to which he hesitated before picking.

“Hello Mr. Jeffery” The sleek voice came to surface.

“Who is this?” He asked

“Consider me a friend and nothing more”

“What do you want?” Jeffery asked yet again.

“I must first of all commend you on how you handled the question and answer session with Miss Tina. I need you to know that the things you asked right there were pure fact. You and I could clearly see that she was thrown aback by the question” Jeffrey listened attentively.

“So, what is your purpose of calling?”

“I know you must have dug into several articles in regards to the historical background of the Elites. I have something that might be of interest to you”. Jeffery eye’s widened


“Yes. It is called the Lexicon file. This file contains all the documents about the Elites family, how they came into existence and their influence in the underworld as a Mafia” Jeffery sat upright. The sleep he was feeling, while going through the documents were not to be found any longer as the voice spoke.

“How do I get my hands on these documents?” He asked curiously.

“Don’t worry, I took my time out to make it into a word document format. I will be mailing it to you soon”

“Wait a minute, how did you get my Email” Jeffery was surprised that the man was able to get his E-mail.

“Well, I simply had a few key strokes on it and then boom, there we are”

“I need to ask one question, why are you revealing all this to me?” Jeffery asked.

“Because, when I watched you that day live on television, I knew that you had the interest of the people of America at hand. I need you to understand that regardless of what happens, Tina mist not be allowed into power, she is very dangerous and it would be detrimental to the entire Americans” The voice hanged up, before Jeffery got the chance to ask another question.

While he sat swirling round his chair, he indeed got an Email of a particular word document, sent to his phone.

Jeffery didn’t hesitate in opening the document. After reading the content for close to an hour, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He needed to speak to his manager about this and so, picked up his phone and dialed his manager’s line.

“Jeffery, why in the world will you be calling me in such an ungodly hour” Jeffrey could note the stress underlying his tone as he spoke.

“Am really sorry to disturb you sir. This is a matter of urgency” Jeffery pleaded.

“Go on, I am all ears”

“It’s about the Elites sir”

“Did you just say the Elites?” His manager asked with an apparent tone of shock.

“Yes sir”

“Listen very well Jeffery, there are some people in this part of the world that are untouchable”

“What are you talking about sir?” Jeffery asked, staring into space in confusion.

“Just stay clear of that story” Before Jeffery could speak any further, his manager hanged up.


Lucifer was a wreck; it has been series of days of suffering and torture by Dave and his minions who derive pleasure in seeing him in pains.

Tonight, they had surprisingly not arrived he wondered if they had forgotten he was here but remembered that Dave’s thought of revenge would not allow him forget.

Suddenly, he heard a squeak by the door and Lucifer tried to squint his eyes to adjust to the darkness but it was in vain.

“Who is there” He asked as the noise continued. He felt the door opened and he heard footsteps. His pulse began to increase as the fear of a possible murderer, hoping to end becloud his sense of reasoning.

“Please whoever you are, I beg you show yourself” He begged.

“You don’t need to know my identity, all I need you to do right now is get away from here at once. I need you to run and don’t look back” He suddenly felt the ropes in his hands untied and the urge to run, suddenly took over him and he acted on instinct.

Lucifer instantly picked himself up, dust his body and moved briskly; he was oblivious to where he was heading to, the entire hall way was dark and he could only pray for anywhere that could possibly indicate the rays of sun.

While he turned left, he noticed a dim light at one of the doors and used his hands to trace the padlock of the door and noticed it was rather made with handle. He pulled the handle opened and he came face to face with a window.

Lucifer rushed to the window; there was glass attached to the window, he used his hands to break the glass with force. It shattered to pieces and he steadied himself up on the wall and looked out.

Lucifer noticed that the distance from the window to the ground was far stretched but he could only risk it. The sun which had its ray reflected on the window was setting, he was elated as it would be rather complicated for Dave nor his men to catch him.

He heaved a sighed and jumped to the floor. The moment he landed on the floor, he felt his bone snapped and he held it in pain. The dkstamce between the window and the floor was close to four foot from his estimation.

He gathered all his strength and limped away from the building, ignoring the sharp pain in his leg. There was only one thing that brought smile to his face; he had escaped from Dave, all thanks to a stranger he didn’t got to see.

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