Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Seventy Three

When Giovanni was done speaking with Bianca, she was amazed with the entire situation and infact she was mute totally.

“So wait a minute, you mean to tell me that you have a twin sister?” She asked staring at Giovanni from head to toe.

“I was shocked myself and the fact that she look identical with me was everything”

“So now, she is contesting against Buddy?” She asked

“Yea and surprisingly, he wants to see her”

“What if it is a trap? I mean you just said Buddy was a long time rival of the Elites. He might want to take her out” Bianca aired her thought.

“Not really, I trust Tina alot. She is a lot smarter than I can possibly comprehend” Giovanni was already getting bored with the entire talk and so, decided to switch the topic.

“How have you been surviving with that dude” He asked referring to Amore.

“The only reason I haven’t escape I because he has Alonso in hostage” Giovanni sat upright staring at Bianca in disbelief.

“Yes and it hurt me to know that I haven’t been able to see my only son for close to a year now” Bianca was trying to stop the tears from coming.

“Did you just say close to one year?” He asked in disbelief.


“Something has to be done about this” Giovanni said to himself in particular.

“There is nothing that can be done. Only Amore knows where Alonso is”

“But are we certain that he is alive” Bianca stared at Giovanni in disbelief at the utterance coming from his mouth.

“How can you possibly say something like that” She asked

“I am just being realistic. Amore is very sadistic and i know the extent he can go to make statements like this” Giovanni proclaimed.

“I don’t want to believe that Alonso is dead. He is definitely alive” Bianca said, with tears coming out of her eyes.

Giovanni softened upon seeing her tears and approached her to console herby hugging her. Bianca felt a certain part of her made whole as Giovanni hugged her tightly.

“Everything would be fine, I am certain about this” Giovanni assured her.

“I am tired Giovanni, I wish I can reverse the hands of time and just go back to my innocent live. I never bargain for this lifestyle” Giovanni wasn’t emphatic but when it came to Bianca, he found a way to connect to his emphatic nature.

“Don’t worry, I would make sure we get back together” Bianca raised her head up to stare at a determined Giovanni.

“Are you assuring me about this?”

“Do you trust me?” Giovanni asked, staring back at Bianca

“Yes and with all my heart” Bianca stated, clasping her hand with Giovanni’s own

“Then brace yourself, I would make it happen”


Tevez was driving across the lonely express road, jamming to his usually rock music, when he noticed a black mustang trailing him and wasn’t looking like overtaking him anytime soon. He picked up his device and made a call across

“I need back up right now, some asshole think they can attack me this night” He said before speeding up his own vehicle.

Suddenly, there was another black mustang which seemed to be standing and waiting patiently at the front. It was at that moment Tevez realized that he was trapped and there was no going back for him

He watched as the black mustang at the back pulled up and stopped opposite the first mustang. A man pulled out of the first black mustang and Tevez couldn’t make his face as he was masked .

“Who the fuck are you?” He asked upon stepping down from his vehicle

“A friend and at the same time a foe” the stange man indicated, leaning down on his car with his eyes still gazing on Tevez.

“What do you mean?” He asked,

“You see Tevez, I got a message that you are next on my hit list amd so, I had my boys trail you and when they said you were being adamant, I had to pull my car at the middle of the road, waiting patiently for you” Tevez removed his gun he had at his back all the while.

“Whoever sent you made a terrible mistake. They did not inform you about my Identity or did they?” Tevez asked watching as the masked man stood up from his car and approached him confidently.

“You really have some nerve thinking you would shoot me and just walk away. I mean look around you” Tevez turned around to see some of the men at the other car, aiming their guns at him.

“So what are the odds that you would survive if you kill me?” The masked man asked with confidence.

“Here is the thing about power, it consumed you and you start imagining the impossibility. If you think for one beat that your boys would pull up and save you, well i also have bad news for you, they are also stuck up in the same shit that you are at thr moment” Tevez was pissed but he knew there was nothing he could do.

“You want to know who sent me to kill you?” The masked man asked. “I can give you his name but then, there is nothing you can do because you will die tonight on my gun” He assured Tevez who cocked his gun and watched as the men around also cocked their gun and aimed at him.

“One bullet equals abundance of bullet my dear friend. So are you willing to know who sent me?” Tevez did not say anything.

“Well, I will give you his name either ways… I was sent by Carl to finish you off, knowing how much you can be a nuisance to him in the forth coming election” Tevez stared at the mask man in disbelief.

Before he could make any more comment, he felt a hardcore object struck his chest amd he felt the winds knocking out of his body and he fell to the floor.

The mask man watch as Tevez fell to the floor and smiled in content, knowing that his mission had been accomplished.


It was a great day for Giovanni; today he would be opening up a new company in California and thr thought about it alone had him all jiggy.

While moving along the road, he got a call from Bianca and he picked almost immediately

“Hey” He noticed she was sobbing and became concernedNôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“What seems to be the issue?” Giovanni asked.

“Haven’t you heard?”

“Heard what?”

“Tevez is dead” Giovanni froze the moment he heard those words from Bianca.

“How is that possible!” Giovanni asked.

“I don’t know but the media exclaimed that he was brutally shot last night along the express road” He would never believe in a thousand years that the leader of the most feared gang in Mew York would be killed.

“Just be calm Bianca, I assure you nothing it’s going to happen. I believe this was juat some gang shit” That was the only thought that came to Giovanni’s head.

As he spoke on phone, he noticed a black mustang standing on the middle of the road, blocking their path.

“Boss, seems we have company” Micheal indicated, causing Giovanni to jolt up in shock staring at the window.

The mustang had group of men outside all masked and he knew that this was not going nto go down well.

“Boss, do not move out of the car” Lucifer said, bringing out his riffle alongside Micheal who had driven the car.

Lucifer stepped down from the car, aiming his riffle at the man in the middle, who he presumed was their leader.

“Step aside” Lucifer said with a scowl on his face.

“You know, it’s quite funny seeing how scared you are but you mask it up with a fierce look” The masked man indicated.

“I am not scared of you nor any of these minions hanging around” Lucifer stated, referring to the men around.

Giovanni on the other hand was not comfortable staying in the car and so, he opened the door and stepped out

“Ah! Marco Giovanni” He couldn’t help but notice the familiarity in his voice and it got him curious to know who was behind the mask.

“I am sorry if we had interrupted your journey but you see, we have some unfinished business with this guy over here” The masked man said, pointing towards Lucifer.

“Lucifer?” Giovanni asked surprised just as the latter was also.

“Indeed and that is why we are giving you the opportunity to go” Giovanni stared at the mask man in disbelief.

“However you will have to leave this dude here for us” the mask man stated referring to Lucifer yet again.

“I can’t leave without any of my men” Giovanni affirmed. He wasn’t going to allow Lucifer stay with these ferocious men. The fact that they respect him was a convincing factor that he was safe. However knowing that Lucifer was in trouble and might not make it alive, worried him alot.

“Very well then, I guess I will just have to do what I have to do” The mask man stated and went on to pull off his mask, earning a gasp from both Giovanni and Lucifer

“Hello Giovanni”


Lucifer was stared in horror at Dave who looked too good to be alive, while Giovanni stared at his friend who he had believed was dead.

“But I saw your dead body!” Lucifer indicated, still in disbelief of seeing Dave.

“I only made you see what I wanted you to see” Dave replied and walked up slowly to him. “You took away Viola from me. It was obvious I had her but you used your emotional tactics on her and was able to convince her to love you” Dave said with disdain.

“She never loved the you and you know it’s a fact” Lucifer replied.

“SHE WAS MEANT TO LIKE ME AND YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME!” Dave shouted with so much rage in his voice.

“Look Dave, you need to calm down, we can settle this” Lucifer try to assure Dave but it seemed to be pissing him much more.

“There is only one solution to this; you will have to come with me but as for my friend here, I have no issues with Giovanni” Dave faced Giovanni and smiled at him.

“Dave, whatever happened between you and Lucifer can be settled, try not to allow your emotions cloud your sense of reasoning” Giovanni tried to plead on Lucifer’s behalf.

“It’s too late for all that now Giovanni, it’s too late” Dave made a signal and some of his men walked up to Lucifer

“Hand over your gun now” Dave instructed, stretching his hand for Lucifer to give him the gun he had up in his hand.

Lucifer knew that if he didn’t hand over, there would be serious conflict and he didn’t want Giovanni having to suffer for his own act.

“Dave, don’t do this” Giovanni stated once more to his friend.

Lucifer eventually released the gun and Dave’s men held him almost immediately, tying his hands up with a rope.

“It’s nice meeting you again friend. I will continue to be peaceful to you and will not disturb you again except in circumstances where you do” Dave indicated before moving alongside with his boys to the mustang.

Giovanni watched as Lucifer was shoved forcefully into the car and it moved away with high speed.

“Boss, what do we do” Micheal asked Immediately they were gone.

“Let’s just hope they don’t kill him yet. Get some of our men and check the entire New York city for him. There is no way he would possibly be moving out of the city any time soon” Giovanni knew it would be a nightmare for Viola knowing that her boyfriend had been kidnapped.

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