Her Mafia Lord


Chapter Sixty One

Doris watched as his father are his food comfortably, ignoring the look that his daughter was giving to him.

“You never always call when coming to visit, why?” Doris asked while his father gulped up a glass of water.

“I am your father and regardless of the fact that you stay here in this apartment, I have the right to come visit you anytime I wish” Doris hated the fact he was speaking the truth. The momentarily silence after her father’s speech was cut shot by the sound of music up the stairs in the room.

“You never told me you had a guest, is Thea here?” Doris father Mr. Calvin asked.

“About that….”

“Doris why hasn’t your stereo been…….” Romeo halted in his steps coming down the stairs on seeing a man who he presumed was in his early fifties at the dining table staring back at him.

“You now bring men home?” Doris father asked turning to look at his daughter.

“It’s not like that father, he was…” She was cut shut by her father who stood up and approached Romeo slowly gazing at him from head to toe.

“I know you” Romeo looked at him in disbelief; he was very much certain he hadn’t seen him before.

“I am sorry sir but I don’t think I have seen you” Romeo replied honestly.

“Oh don’t give me that shit. You were part of the bar men I hired for my event few months back” Romeo decided to take a rather closer look at the man and was surprised to see it was Doris’ father; the same man who hired him to work at the event he had met Thelma on mask.

“So these are the type of boys you bring home Doris? Lowlife, poor, attention seeking, hungry driven, ambitious, opportunist scumbag who is after your money?”

“Dad please, Romeo is just a friend and I let him stay here because…”

“Because he is homeless right?” Romeo gasped upon being called ‘homeless’

“Father! I won’t have you insult him like that” Doris stated moving over to Romeo’s side.

“So I see he has charmed you didn’t he?” Calvin asked staring between the two.

“There is no such thing as Charm. Romeo here happens to be a good guy and father, I need you to understand that the rich ones you wish for me to mingle with, are the actual scumbags” She pointed out, holding Romeo by his hands and pulling him up the stairs.

“You cannot walk out on your father?” Mr. Calvin remarked, causing Doris to stop and turned around to stare at him with a smirk on her face.

“The only time you ever believe you are my father is when I disobey you isn’t it? Well I hate to break it to you, I am way past those days where you order me around” she asserted and immediately pulled Romeo with her up to the room.


It has been days since Bianca arrived home from the shocking revealation she had received from her mother and the aftermath encounter with Tevez the leader of the Skull gang.

Bianca didn’t know why she had called on to Giovanni for help and thus had withdrew her call immediately. She needed a way out of this but knew there was none she could possibly think of.

She was also aware of the fact that having to tell Amore would mean war on the Skull gang and that would be detrimental to not only her but the fact that she detest war.

While she was still laying on the bed, she cast her thoughts towards Alonso and how he might have probably grown up. Amote had promised her to bring Alonso back after she fufilled the terms of their agreement and she did but wondered why he didn’t keep to his own promises.

It had been four months since Amore had forcefully taken her beloved son away from her and she still felt guilty for what had transpired that day. She wondered if things would have been different if she didn’t meet up with Fred at the bar.

Her pregnancy was almost due and knowing that Fred hadn’t man up to the responsibility, she had convinced Amore to adopt the baby as his own and although he didn’t accept at first, he would eventually succumb when Bianca promised to marry him. Although their marriage was of no convenience because it was forced and the fact that she still had feelings for Giovanni complicated things for her also, she could only but hope that a day would come when this is over and she could be in his arms.

Bianca gathered all the strength left in her and stood up to her feet, she was about heading towards the toilet to ease herself off the urine, her phone began to ring. Checking the caller, she noticed it was an unknown contact. Bianca had made up her mind never to pick contacts without identity. The phone rang once and then twice and at the third ring, she decided to answer.


“Seems like our godmother trying to avoid me” The deep voice of Tevez spoke through the phone.

“How did you get my number?” She asked in bewilderment.

“Remember we are king of New York city for a reason. So, I have my way of doing things” Tevez stated.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“The gang is pleading to see you godmother and thus I wish to enquire, when can we meet?” Bianca sighed in frustration and exasperation; she was tired of having to bear that title and another issue was how she could possibly relate all this with Amore without his retaliation. She summoned all the courage she could muster and replied

“We cannot simply meet”


Xavier was in Las Vegas having the best time of his life. Las Vegas was the home to gambling, shopping, fine dinning and all sort of entertainment an average American could possibly dream of.

Though in his sixties, if there was anything he enjoyed doing was playing the poker cards as he felt he could never be defeated in the game. His luck had always shined even in the most intense games possible.

“Am putting all money on this game” the man he was about playing with indicated.

“Are you sure about this son” Xavier asked staring at the man mockingly. “I hope you do know that if you loose, there is no refund” He reminded the ma whose name was Ceballos, a Columbian.

“You should be worried my friend, because I am about to break your winning streak” Ceballos indicated picking up the cards as everyone wat he’s, he slowly turned it around and got two ace card.

“What did you say about breaking my streak again?” Xavier asked upon seeing two ace of hearts in his hands as his pick. He studied the pile of the card carefully before picking up. When he turned it around, the card revealed a King

“Fuck” Ceballos commented, shoving off his brief case of two million dollars towards Xavier who smiled in return.

“Excuse me sir” A young feminine voice suddenly caught his attention. When Xavier turned around, he came face to face with the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

“I heard you are king in all games. So I wonder, do you play chess?” Of course Xavier had numerous records in the game of chess.

“Yea. Want to try your luck with me young lady?” He asked licking his lips

“You know, for someone old enough to be my father, that is really disgusting” The young lady pointed out.

“Alright, let’s move over to the chess board shall we?” The young lady smiled, taking his hands and they both walked into the far corner where the chess board was located.

“Which color would you rather pick?” He asked.

“I will pick the white piece” She indicated, moving over to the one side of the board with the white piece.

“Alright, shall we begin?” Xavier asked smiling.

“Definitely!” She indicated making a move on the pawn.

Few minutes later, the game was over, Xavier had his winning streak in the game of chess broken by a young lady.

“You havs never heard of the scholar mate before?” The young lady asked smiling victoriously at Xavier.

“You sneaky girl! You did that stupid trick and finished me off didn’t you? Well then, I must say I am impressed” He extended his hand to shake the young lady who recieved it delightfully.

“Anyways, chess wasnt the reason I lured you over here” She said, her happy face morphing into a serious look.

“Why did you brought me here then?” Xavier asked casually. The young lady smiled and brought out a necklace, and showed it to Xavier.

The moment Xavier eyes fixed on the necklace, he gasped in shock, quickly grabbing it and staring at the young lady and then at the necklace.

“Where did you get this from?” He asked checking the necklace critically.

“Well, few weeks ago, I moved into New York but then, I am a resident of Las Vegas. I didn’t stay for long in New York as I had things to get from Las Vegas over to the City. Before I came here, my mother who technically, has revealed she is only my Nanny, informed me to meet you up. She said you are the only one in the right position to explain” When the young lady finished explaining, Xavier looked at her closely.

“Impossible! You looked just like her” He said trying to reach out to her face but the lady moved back a bit.

“What are you talking about? Who am I?” She asked.

FlashbackOwned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Congratulations Mr. Marco, your wife has been delivered off twins” The doctor stated with a smile on his face, Marco and Xavier stared at themselves in disbelief. The doctor watched as the two seemingly conversated with their eyes.

“Doc, I will meet you in the office” Marco mentioned after finally shaking hands with the doctor, whose hands has been lingering.

“We cannot allow the table know that your wife gave birth to twins. You and I know the custom of the family” Xavier commented in low tone as he looked around hoping no one was eavesdropping.

“So, what do you suggest we do?” Marco asked, ruffling his hair in frustration.

“We can simply take one of the child and hire a nanny to take care of it, while the other one stays with us as legitimate child of the family” Xavier advised.

“But Leila..”

“Would you rather loose your position as leader or please Leila?” Marco didn’t give a reply to the question.

“So we need to act fast before any of our brothers get to know of this”. Xavier stated.

“Listen brother, here is how it will go; I will hand over one of the twin to you, I need you to leave New York city soon and take the child to Las Vegas to meet up with a Nanny who I will pay to cater for the baby” Marco instructed and Xavier nodded accordingly, and was about heading into the lab room with Marco when he was drawn back.

“One more thing, not a word of what has happened today must be said to anyone” Marco warned and Xavier gave him his full assurance of total privacy.

“What do you intend to call the twin” Xavier asked once they laid eyes on the baby upon entering the laboratory where Leila his wife was asleep.

“The male will be called Amore, while the female will be referred to as Tina” Marco indicated admiring his twins.

Flash back ends

“Tina?” Xavier asked looking once again at the young lady who looked confused as ever.

“Yes, my name is Tina” She admitted.

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