Her Mafia Lord


CHAPTER Forty three

The world went blank as Giovanni heard those words from her; he stared at her in the eyes hoping she was only kidding but though masked, he could make out the seriousness on her tone.

“This is a joke right? I mean, you are kidding right?” He asked laughing awkwardly at the situation.

“This isn’t a joke Fred and my husband is demanding for a DNA test”

“Shit!” He ruffled his hair in frustration. “But aren’t you on some birth control pills?” He asked.

“No, I was never on any birth control pill. We didn’t thought to the effect while hitting out*” Bianca indicated.

“I am screwed!” He bowed in defeat.

“No!! I am screwed Fred! There is a lot of shit going on in my life right now that I have to handle; having to deal with pregnancy happens to be a twist in the plot” She tried to make him understand.

“What do we do?” Giovanni asked

“Well, I informed the doctor to manipulate the DNA test to indicate that he is the father but he has refused on the ground that it is his profession” Bianca explained

“Then make your husband believe that you both had sex” He suggested.

“He has never touched me before the revealation by the doctor and other than that, he is already suspecting I am hitting on someone outside” Giovanni was in pool of dilemma at the moment; how would he be able to handle a tough situation like this. Aside the fact that he had to deal with Imade’s antics if she finds out about the pregnancy, he would feel extremely guilty knowing that he had failed himself. He had promised to be a better father to both Alonso and Gonzalez and now, he would be having a third child from another lady.

“I am sorry, but we need to handle this” Bianca repeated

“We? There is no we in this situation” Giovanni replied angrily.

“Are you being serious now? When you were hitting me at the right spot, you didn’t deny the fact that I was sweet and now, you are denying this pregnancy?” Bianca looked on at him in this belief.

“Look, we need to stop seeing; I can’t father this child, especially the fact that it’s coming from someone like you” Giovanni regretted those words immediately after he felt his masked face sting with a slap.

“Someone like me?” Bianca had just slapped him with the mask on. “Are you in anyway insinuating that I am a whore”

“But it’s the fact. I hate to say the truth but it was you who lured me” Giovanni pointed out to her.

“But you approached me remember? You gave me all manners of word to have me under the bed” She was getting emotional and it got Giovanni frustrated.

“You were the one searching for fun, you were looking for a way to satisfy your sexual desire and you found me” He explained. Though Bianca couldn’t deny the fact that he was speaking the truth, she was not going to allow him go away without claiming responsibility.

“Listen Fred, this child has become our responsibility. Either you take it or leave it” she stated firmly.

Giovanni stood up from the bed and was about heading out when she grabbed her hand

“You are not going anywhere until you tell me what we could do to ease this brewing issue that would happen if the world knows” Giovanni struggled free off her tight grip and hurriedly left the room before she could get to her.

Bianca was dejected; Fred was outrightly a coward, one that would not want to take up responsibility when they see one. She head out of the room, towards the counter to meet up with Romeo. He noticed how swiftly Giovanni had left the room and he wondered what had transpired between them.

“A shot of tequila please” She pleaded upon seating down on the chair.

“What is the problem, I noticed he left rather quickly and i couldn’t help but get curious” Romeo said pouring the content for her to take.

“Fred is a douchebag” She commented.

“How?” He asked

“He is denying the pregnancy! He said it is my responsibility and not his” Romeo felt really pissed; how could Giovanni treat her like this. He felt the urge of revealing the truth to Bianca but he calmed himself down.

“How dare him, he has no right to run away from you in this situation” Romeo indicated.

“My worst night mare is Amore, he has grown so supicious of my activities” Right on cue, Amore walked into the bar with Antonia and Micheal behind him. When Bianca’s eye landed on him, he swiftly turned around hoping he had not seen him.

“Shit! Thats my husband”

“Uhmm, he seems to be coming over here” Romeo pointed out, looking at his direction.

“Good day sir, we don’t allow our customers without masks here” Romeo said the moment the reached his counter.

Amore didn’t spare him a glance. Rather, he turned his gaze to the lady with the mask hiding away from him. He forcefully removed the mask off her face which showed none other than Bianca

“I knew it! This was were you usually come to and then lie to me” Bianca wasn’t looking at Amore but Antonia who had a regretful face on.

“You are coming with me this very minute” He grabbed her forcefully. While Romeo tried to interfare, he got kicked in the gut and he fell to the floor.

Bianca knew she was in deep trouble as they drove away from the club unto the mansion. There was no justification that should give neither was there any excuse that would be okay to give Amore in this pissed state that he was at the moment.

Once she entered the living room, she began pleading to Amore for her son’s life.

“After all I have done for you! Bianca” She flinched as his voice increased to a very large range.

“I am sorry” she pleaded!.

“I loved you Bianca! Everything I have ever done, I did it for you! And now this is how you could possibly pay me back” Bianca could feel the hurt on his voice.

“I am sorry” she kept on saying.

“Tell you what, I see the only reason why you ever succumb to my advances; it’s because you were scared of loosing Alonao isn’t it?” Amore looked on at Bianca.

“You claimed to love me not because you truly love me but because you are scared of me” Every word that came out of his mouths were the truth.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I.. ummm..” Bianca staggered.

“I don’t want to hear any of it. Infact, I think I know what to do to you” Amore said with a smirk and head inside. Bianca was nervous; whatever was going on in Amore’s mind, she knew it wasn’t good. She was fearful for her son and hoped that he doesn’t harm him. When she heard the cry of Alonso, she jolted up to her feet and rushed up the stairs.

“What are you doing to him!” Bianca struggled with Amore as he held the child in his hands. He fought off Bianca as he moved down the stairs, ignoring her cry.

“Here, take the child, I will contact some of my intels in Russia, keep him in their care” He instructed Micheal who nodded and head out the house.

“Please Amore, don’t do this” She pleaded to him. Bianca noticed a strange reaction blaces on his face; one that depicted consideration.

“You know Bianca, you have my weak spot and it hurts me alot knowing this. I will consider getting Alonso back on two conditions” Thelma was willing to consider any options at the moment, she wasn’t ready to loose Alonso.

“The first condition is this; you would not leave this house unless I grant you permission, and other than this, you would stop seeing your friends Doris and Thea” Bianca weighed in on the condition and it was favourable to her.

“The second condition; I will set up a scene tomorrow at your school premises where you will humiliate Giovanni totally” Bianca looked at Amore in disbelief.

“But… He hasn’t done anything” Amore’s countenance changed and she crawled back to her submissive state.

“And third condition is more like a punishment; Alonso would not be considered for joining the Elites family. He would be treated as a bastard of the Elite’ family” Bianca looked at him in disbelief.

“You cannot be serious!”

“Do I look like I was joking” Amore looked on at her with a satisfactorily smile.

“Now these are the terms and conditions, do you agree to them or should we proceed to giving Alonso out to my intels in Russia” Bianca refused by nodding her head outrightly.

“Very good then, we start tomorrow”


The following day, Bianca dreaded waking up; she had to accomplish the task of humiliating Giovanni today. Apparently, Amore had set up the scene, he had forced Bianca to call Giovanni and tell him to meet up with her at the school premises.

When Giovanni arrived, he was elated to see Bianca; he was hoping that with the call he had received from her, they would get back together. He really missed her and Alonso.

“Bianca!” He said rushing to meet up with her. Bianca felt emotional knowing she was about to the most nastiest words that has ever been said to anyone before.

“What is it?” She replied rudely causing Giovanni to halt a bit.

“What do you mean?” He asked looking confused as ever.

“I warned you Giovanni, stop bugging MY LIFE!” She screamed at him causing everyone to look at the commotion.

“But you called me” Bianca gasped.

“Such accusation! Everyone come take a look at the bloody liar; Marco Giovanni. He announced on television that he was done with am and that I am his baby mama, here he is still bugging my life!” Giovanni felt hurt by her words; so this was all a trap, he said to himself as everyone looked on in disdain at him.

“Bianca, why are you doing this, your words and action keeps hurting me alot” He said in a rather low tone.

“Coming from someone who has made my life misrable. You think I don’t know? You think i don’t know that Imade has a second child for you? And you are here, saying shit to me” Giovanni was shocked. Every words from her had venom laced in it.


“No don’t call my name sir, Mr. Giovanni, social media sensational, the man of every girl’s dream but guess what, he failed to secure his wife and abandoned her, referring to her as a baby mama live on television” Giovanni had heard enough of it and was heading towards his car when he halt for a moment and turned around.

“I know you well enough Bianca, I am certain of the fact that Amore is putting you through this just to spite me; let him know that regardless of what games he is playing, I will continue to love you forever” Bianca almost broke out of her character as she felt emotional with each words he said.

She watched him enter his car and speed away and turned around to see everyone holding up their phones which they had all captured the moment. She was certain that Social media would go crazy today knowing that she had embarrassed one of the most prolific personality. She slowly turned and walked towards her car. While she was going, she heard Romeo call out her name causing her to stop.

“What the fuck is going on! I just saw a video of you embarrassing Giovanni” He said trying to catch his breathe in the process. She turned and looked at him, saying

“Fuck off Romeo” She hissed and entered her car and speed off.

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