Her, his desire


Max sat there in the doctor’s office patiently waiting for him. He was able to get a strand of Sofia’s hair very much easier than he thought. FLASH BACK . Sofia looked outside the window as they Max drive her to the mall for grocery shopping. Max couldn’t let the opportunity slip away, driving with one hand. His other hand carefully went to her hair. He gently removed a few strand of her hair, Sofia noticed it then turned back from the window facing Max who quickly hid his hand away from her. Sofia gave him a questioning look followed by a familiar glare. ” Why did you do that? Don’t you know it hurts dragging my hair for no reason? She asked oblivious of what Max did while Max on the other hand smiled nervously at her. ” I. I. I… I am sorry, I just wanted to feel the softness of your hair, it is so silky and soft. I have no intention of hurting you ” He lied accurately cursing under his breathe. The way he lies this this days is so frustrating since he met Sofia. Sofia snorted with a scowl that has been on her face since forever. Like what in God’s name gave him the audacity? ” You do not have the right to feel or touch my hair, you are neither my husband nor my boyfriend ” she snarled a little bit angry. This Max guy has a way of getting on her nerves all the freaking time. Max chuckled focussing straight on the road after successfully placing the hairs in the car drawer. I am sorry, I won’t try that ever again ” he replied. Max’s excitement was becoming over the Mars, he can’t wait to conduct the test. If it happens that Sofia is his sister, They are definitely going to discuss all this again and laugh over it. Sofia hissed turning back to the window as she stares at the moving vehicles and also taking glances at the beauty of New York City. END OF FLASH BACK Max sighed hoping that all his efforts don’t go in vain after seeing the result. If it doesn’t come out as expected then, he can as well become friends with the two girls. Finally! Doctor Gemstone came back. He sat on his chair surfing through the papers in his hand. ” How is the result doctor? ” Max asked eagerly. ” Well Mr kelvin, from what we’ve gotten as a result from the DNA conducted with both your hairs, it shows that you two are siblings ” ” Your DNA matches with hers, here, this is the result paper ” Doctor Gemstone said handing the paper to Max who sat there looking flabbergasted. After fifteen years of searching, he finally found one of his sisters. Staring at the paper unbelievably, it’s true! His guess was right! Sofia is his sister!! One of the people he has been searching for all his life. Max let out a loud scream which made the doctor flinched. He just couldn’t hold it in. ” Sorry doctor, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just so excited ” Max apologized. ” It’s fine, I understand perfectly well ” the doctor replied with a smile on his face. Who wouldn’t be happy finding his or her family? ” Thank you doctor! Thank you ” with that, he dashed out of the doctor’s office and out of the hospital. If Sofia is his sister, could it be that the woman she stays with is their mother? Thinking about his mother, will she recognize him again? She lost her memory, will she? The moment Max is done getting Sadie’s DNA, he will go visit Sofia to see things for himself. Everything was getting him excited and overwhelmed. Thinking about Sadie, Max sighed. Getting her hair will be very difficult especially with the fact that she is fierce and married. But he is never giving up. At last, coming to New York wasn’t a waste after all. Fûck whatever business he came for. Finding his family is more important. ************************* Three days later…………….. James pace to and fro in his room. Anger, annoyance and irritation was written all over him as he punch his bed over and over again. He feels angry and frustrated thinking of where to start from. Why didn’t he get the information about Nathan’s marriage before hand? If he had known, he would have been more prepared and thought of a better way to execute his plan before coming down to New York. James sat down for a moment. A devious smile appeared on his face with the devilish thoughts that kept running on his mind. Why don’t he pay his dear brother a visit in his said household to see his wife? He will destroy their home and take Nathan’s wife as his property and his sèx slave when Nathan is finally out of the way. From the way Nathan spoke about his wife lovingly, he must be so much in love with her. She must mean a lot to Nathan. James thought about another thing entirely, he can easily get Nathan through his wife. James laughter echoed in the room. Why didn’t he think about that earlier? He believes this will work perfectly seeing Nathan so drunk in love with his wife. ” My return isn’t all good big brother Nathan, I am sorry you love me for who I am not. I won’t be happy until I become the only heir to your father’s numerous companies. I am sorry you have to die before that can happen ” James said to himself and laughed again. That moment, his door opened revealing an angry Mena glaring daggers at him. Seeing his beautiful sister’s face and curvy body, James chuckled walking up to her and ignoring her dangerous glares. He hopes she didn’t listen to whatever he had said earlier. ” And what brought my beautiful sister to my room? The last time I checked, we aren’t acquittance ” he said huskily while taking in Mena’s appearance. Mena scoffed disrespectfully. ” I will never come to your room if mum did not insist I call you down for dinner ” Mena replied angrily, she so much hates talking to James. James chuckled mischievously grabbing her by her waist. It was so sudden and unexpected that made Mena gasped. James caged her to the wall behind the door before she could say anything. ” Wat the hell are you doing James? Get your filthy dirty hands off me ” Mena screamed fighting her way out of his grip. James chuckled again with his breathe fanning Mena’s face. ” Scream all you want baby sis, no one will hear you, remember, every single room in this mansion is soundproofed and it hasn’t changed over the years ” He whispered seductively into her ear giving her earlobe a bite. Mena felt irritated and angry, she knew James was no good but she never thought he would stoop so low to make advances at his own sister. ” Let me go now before I do something you will regret you bastard ” she spat angrily but Mena received a smirk in return. ” Since I came back, I have been thinking about you lately. You have grown into a beautiful and curvy lady ” ” Each time I see you in those tight fitting dresses of yours, I get aroused ” James confessed shamelessly with one of his hand caressing Mena’s cheek. Mena wasn’t that surprised, she was just confused as to why everyone trust this ass leaking idiot in front of her. ” I never knew you will get this worse over the years, what is your problem James?” She asked feeling frustrated. Mena felt so dirty for being unable to do anything while his hands hover around her body. ” You are my problem sis, I want you, I want to be buried deep inside you, I want to fu….” He didn’t complete his words when a thunderous slap landed in his cheek. Mena slapped him. James’ hands flew to his cheeks releasing Mena unconsciously with wide eyes. He wasn’t expecting that Mena would slap him this hard. ” How dare you Mena?” He roared angrily dragging her with her too kissing her aggressively. He wanted to do this peacefully but she decided to rise the devil in him. Mena spat in his mouth and kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine. James screamed in agony as he fell on the floor. ” Fuçk ” he muttered under his breath. ” Do not ever try this nonsense with again else, I promise you James, you won’t live to see the next day ” Mena said and dashed out of his room in anger ignoring the slight migraine and numbness she was feeling. She have been so busy within this three days in school that she didn’t get the chance to go for a check up. Mena stormed into the sitting room walking past her parents. ” What took you so long Mena? I was about sending in a maid, where is James, where are you going and why is your face that way? Is anything the matter?” Mrs Rogers asked sharing a glance with her husband who didn’t say anything. Mena paused for a moment and snorted. Like they will believe her if she tells them their dear James tried raping her his own sister. ” I am not interested in eating the dinner anymore, I can’t answer any question concerning your beloved Son James and no one should bother about me or waiting up for me ” ” I won’t be coming back home tonight, I rather stay in my lodge for some days to avoid all the dramas in this house ” She said rushing out of the house leaving her parents confused. As soon as she was out of their mansion, she dialed leon’s number to come pick her up.

********************* ” Tomorrow is your father’s court trial Alex, is there nothing we can do to withdraw this case from the court?” Mrs Meyer asked . Carly hissed and left to her room, she doesn’t care about whatever happens tomorrow. Her Dad deserves a jail term for lending money and unable to pay back. If there was no Sadie before she was given birth to, her career wouldn’t have been threatened and at stake. Compared to Sadie, Carly is now more of a new inexperienced and unknown model. Her fame is dying each passing day. A lot of endorsements are not coming her way anymore and people have began to forget that she even exist as a celebrity all because her Dad and mum gave birth to Sadie. It’s all their fault!!!! Everyone ignored Carly, by everyone. It meant both Alex and Mrs Meyer. Jenna just sat there going through her phone without caring about anything and everything happening around her. ” Nothing can be done Mum, you and I both know I don’t have a money as huge as, is it twenty five or two hundred and fifty million? I can’t do anything Mum ” Alex replied truthfully. Even his life time savings is not up to a quarter of it. Mrs Meyer seethed her teeth in anger thinking of how Sadie refused to see her or even help her own father. That brat!!!! ” If only Sadie you sister agreed to help us, we won’t be talking about this now. You see why I dislike her Alex? She is too stingy and greedy ” Mrs Meyer said. Alex couldn’t help but laugh at his mum’s statement. ” It’s best you don’t think about Sadie, think about your husband’s trial tomorrow. She is somewhere in the city enjoying the privilege you gave her ” ****** ★ Next Day ★ Alex sat beside his Mum in the court room as they stared at the judge and Mr Meyer. The judge was currently on a case of a murder that occurred three months ago. ” Your honour… ” The victim’s lawyer was about speaking when the judge interrupted. ” No more words, with the investigation and evidence on Mr Jones murder case, I hereby pronounce the suspect acquitted” The judge said and hit the table with his standby hammer. The man screamed in joy as tears flows down his eyes. He has been proved not guilty. ” The next person’s case is Mr Joseph Meyer ” the judge announced. Alex sat up properly upon hearing his dad’s name. Including Mrs Meyer, she sat there praying silently and hoping for a miracle to happen. ” Wasting no time, we will announce his judgement ” ” From the law of Decree act 1 concerning lending, Mr Meyer is thereby sentenced to five months imprisonment with no labour ” ” He can be bailed out if any of his family member is able to pay the money before the next five months and if it’s other wise, his jail terms will be extended ” ” We have come to the end of today’s session ” ” Court!! ” ********** ” are you sure you are okay babe? ” Leon asked for the one thousandth times since yesterday. Mena sighed and looked away. She haven’t told Leon about her encounter yesterday with James. She knows he will flare up so bad but he has been so worried. ” Aside feeling weak, I am fine Leon. Stop being worked up over nothing ” she said without glancing at her. Leon knows her very well, she is hiding something from him. She always avoid his gaze whenever things like this comes up. Leon took her hand in his while raising her chin to look up at him . ” when did we start hiding things from each other cupcake? ” He asked but got no reply from Mena. ” Tell me whatever it is, why did you leave home yesterday? Something must have happened” He said to her. Mena sighed, what option does she have? Even if it’s one person she has to tell. That person should be Leon. He needs to know about it before she falls a victim of James’ taunting. ” It’s James ” she said sighing again and again. Leon sat up on hearing that name. James again? ” What about him? Did he do anything to you? What did that mur… Bastàrd do to you?” He asked with his fist clenched in anger. ” He tried to ràpe me Leon, that nincompoop tried to…” She breaks into sobs all of a sudden. Leon stood up red in anger! James again!!!!! He hit his hand on the wall and his knuckles turned white immediately from the collision. That ingrate!!! What does that adopted Son of a slút wants from the Rogers family huh? If he can do anything and go freely, he can’t temper with leon’s girl. Leon hit the wall again, this time blood gushing out. ” Leon please you are hurting yourself ” Mena said trying to reach for his hand but he shifted away in annoyance. This is one of the reasons Mena didn’t tell him this since yesterday, she knows he will take it over!!! Leon doesn’t know how to stay calm when angered. ” James took my best friend away from me and now, he had the guts to touch what is mine? I will destroy him, he will regret ever coming back home. I will kill him with my bare hands if I set my eyes on him ” Leon said, each of his words carried a punch! The poor wall and his hands were receiving all his pain, anger and frustration. Mena did not understand quite a lot of what Leon said, she doesn’t know how James took Nathan from him. Everything was disturbing her, even leon’s anger right now. She held her head in her hands as her vision was becoming blurry. The migraine increased as her head was hurting her so badly. She could see a blur image of Leon punching the wall. ” L. Leon ” she managed to say faintly getting his attention before passing out. Leon stopped and rushed to her with a panic expression. ” Babe? Mena? Cupcake!!!”All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

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