Her Fae Lovers


Lola exited the small half-bath and walked down the hallway, an open doorway catching her attention. She’d never been in this part of the shop before, and her curiosity got the better of her as she pushed the door open.

Taking in the small, open roll-top antique desk. Running her hand over the smooth, polished wood. She wondered if this was Erik’s office. Picking up a letter, she read his name to herself before sitting it back down. She knew she should just turn around and respect his privacy. A framed photo tucked into the corner caught her attention and she moved closer.

It was a photo of her mother sitting outside of the antique shop. The wind ruffling the hem of her floral sundress as the sun shone down on her honey-blonde wavy hair. Lola bit her lip as she picked up the mother-of-pearl frame for a closer look. Her mother was smiling in the picture and Erik stood behind her in the doorway of the shop. A soft smile playing across his lips as he looked at her.

The look in his eyes was soft and loving, it was the same way he looked at her. The strange thing was, he looked as if he hadn’t aged.

If she hadn’t known it was her mother, she would have thought it was a recent photo. Setting the picture back down on his desk, she looked at the notebook that lay open.

It was the one she had written her number in before. She flipped through the pages, looking at the strange, swirling symbols. They were like the ones that were on the box she had bought. Like the ones that were on the chest she had hidden in her closet. She couldn’t help but wonder.

Did Erik know about the fae?

Was he one of them?


“What are your intentions with Lola?” Puca asked, pressing his lips into a hard line as he took in the other man.

“I’m courting her.” Erik said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“It is a wasted effort on your part.” Puca said, his lips twitching into a slight half smile.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I doubt that,” Erik said, stepping closer to the taller man, a challenging look in his cold steel eyes. “I’m not out of her mind yet.”

“Not yet, but when she’s with me. I will be the only man in her thoughts.”

“We shall see.” Erik said, a hard glint in his eye.

“What are you guys up to?” Lola asked as she walked back into the room, her eyes moving back and forth between the two men.

“Just getting to know each other.” Erik said, looking over at her with that same soft smile that she had seen in the photograph.

“I was just letting Erik know that we have plans for the day. So, we wouldn’t be able to stay for much longer.” Puca said as he moved to closer to Lola. A glare shot at the other man as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his side.

“Oh, um, okay. I guess I’ll see you Monday unless you need me sooner.” Lola said as Puca guided her towards the door. He hesitated for a moment before turning the iron doorknob and stepping out.

“Thank you Lola, I look forward to seeing you then.” Erik called out as Puca pulled her into the street.

Erik watched them leave the store with a frown. He hadn’t realized that he was going to have competition with that man. Things would not be as easy as he’d hoped.

Pressing his hands together, he moved forward to look at the chest that Lola had brought to him. Running a hand over the wood, admiring the craftsmanship that went into making such a piece. Erik hefted it into his arms and carried it up the stairs.

As he walked, he dug a heavy key from his pocket. Stopping in front of the locked door, he slid the key in, listening to the lock tumble as it opened. He pushed the door open, walking inside the vast room that was lined with shelves. The room practically hummed with old, forgotten magic. Desperate to be set free, he walked inside. Pausing for a moment as the ward brushed against his skin. Once the tingling feeling passed he walked deeper into the room, past all the shelves that were filled with boxes of various sizes.

Erik passed an enormous cage that sat in the corner of the room, as he searched for a vacant spot to put the chest.

The door chimed beneath him as he found an empty spot. Erik turned, rushing out of the room. One day he would be out of here. His term would be complete. Til then, he hoped to find someone to help him share his burden. Longed for the day when he would have help. It was a lonely task. At least he had the shop to keep him busy.

Until that time, he would keep guarding them until it was time to release these creatures back into the world. There were others like him, none truly as cursed as him though.

Trapped for a time to watch over their charges. In his long life, he hoped that it would pass by like the blink of an eye and he could forget about his time as warden. As a prisoner.

Erik knew one day his confinement would be up. Then he would do what he had been waiting to do for so long. He would take Lola to meet his family.

After all, a bride should get to know her in-laws before the marriage and he was sure that they would love her.

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