Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 125

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 125

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 125

Two Choices


Nothing . I couldn’t feel anything or hear anything . Not even my heartbeat . Nor could I sense i f it was hot or cold . There was darkness around me , yet at the same time , I couldn’t see it . It was just … emptiness .

✓ The pain that had consumed me was gone . I had been stuck in this state for so long that I had no idea how much time had passed . Was I dead ? I had felt the agonising pain and then my life slipping from my grasp .

The last thing I remembered was Kiara’s scream of anguish . I had failed her . I left her when she needed me the most . I once thought I’d destroy the world for her , but then I realised I needed to create somewhere safe for her . For our pup .

At times , when I felt the darkness consume me , something would tug me back , leaving me suspended in this emptiness . But now … I was getting pulled into the depths of the darkness that I was always teetering at the edge of .

A sudden dazzling light made me close m y eyes , raising my arm to shield them from the brightness .

Taking a moment to adjust from the darkness that I had grown so accustomed to . I looked around , only to be surrounded by a white light . It was bright , yet it wasn’t painful on the eye . Where the fuck am I ? ” You’re exactly where I want you .

” An ethereal voice that sounded pretty goddamn soothing spoke . I looked around as I sat up slowly .

How the fuck did she hear me ? ” Because here … I can see and feel 11 everything . I turned and frowned when I saw the glowing outline of a woman , but somehow looking at her directly just hurt the eyes .

I looked away but from what I could tell , she looked about seven feet tall . Wearing pure white , her hair as long and a s white as her dress . Maybe I was losing it , this shit wasn’t real . She laughed softly and the sound felt like i t was in my head .

” But of course , I am . ” She whispered softly , it felt like she was right next to me . I stepped away , glaring at her .

” Stay the fuck away from me . Where the fuck am I ? ” I growled . I felt my irritation growing when she simply laughed softly . Something about her voice held so much power … and it was then I realised she wasn’t human …

” As I said , you are where I want you to be … in other words , we are at the crossroads between the human realm and that of the afterlife . ” ” Yeah , like I’m going to believe that shit . ” I snapped crossing my arm .

I looked around but all I could see was the bright light , and the mist or clouds that drifted around . It seemed it was only that mist that covered my junk . The fuck was this ? ” You really are a stubborn one . Walk with me .

” Her command was absolute , and although I sure as fuck wanted to ignore her , I couldn’t . Finding myself walking beside her .

” Are you going to fucking share why I’m i n this shit show of a dream or whatever the fuck this is ? ” ” You are smart , Alejandro . Do I need to repeat myself more than once ?

” I frowned . Like I’m going to believe that this shit was some fucking meeting between life and death . ” Believe it or not , it is the truth . ” She stated .

I looked at her , not missing the aura that swirled around her , the power she held and the urge to yield to her . No shit … I knew who this was , but was it even possible ? ” Why not ? I breathed your soul into you , created you , so why can I not meet you ? ” She now turned and looked at me , a knowing smile playing on her lips .

” Selene … No fucking way . I didn’t get it , why the hell didn’t I just die ? ” Because you surpassed my every expectation . You reshaped your destiny and did more than I ever expected you to do for my children , despite being different .

Whatever that meant . And yeah , her fucking reading my thoughts was fucking annoying as hell . ” Well , let us start at the beginning . ” ” I don’t like bedtime stories and I don’t have all fucking day .

” I growled . She let out another of her whispery laughs .

” Oh , but we have eternity if I so wish . ” Well , fuck . I did not want to be stuck all damn eternity with some weird – as – fuck woman playing goddess . ” Your sense of humour is indeed strange .

Now pay attention because your life hangs in the balance . ” ” F ” I’m already fucking dead . Nothing’s going to get me to listen to your shit . ” I retorted . My heart ached at the fact that I had left Kiara . I had broken so many promises to her …

” Then how about your mate’s destruction or survival ? ” Her voice was lower , and I sensed the warning in her calm tone . I didn’t say anything . My heart tightened at the thought of hurting Kiara .

” Now , back to the story … I create one Lycan every few centuries , when a calamity falls upon my children . Your soul held darkness and I was not sure you alone were enough , so I created for you an equal .

A mate in the form of a blessed wolf , however I broke a rule to do that , and the price to pay ? After your trial in life , one of your lives would end .

” Her words sent a stab of pain through me . So I was never meant to have a happy ever after … I should never have strung Kiara along . I had caused her unnecessary pain when I shouldn’t have ” Stop .

” Her command was supreme and m y mind went blank . She turned to me and for the first time , I could make out some of her features and the sympathy in her deep black eyes . ” You deserve happiness just as much as anyone else and I have decided … I will give you a choice . “

What did that mean ? ” A choice ?

” ” Yes , I have two choices for you . You are welcome to choose either . ” She smiled .

I waited for her to continue and she turned . ” Option one , you may return to earth and spend the next one hundred and thirty full moons with your beloved . On the last moon , you will both die . ” I frowned , doing a quick count . Ten years …

” Option two , you will continue into the afterlife and I will take away all of Kiara’s pain , the emptiness of the broken bond and all memories she has of you . She will b e able to live in contentment , I will bless her with every happiness in life with her son . She will live to a merry old age , surrounded by her loved ones . A life perfect but devoid of you .

” She ended her statement , now turning back to me , her eyes boring into me . It felt as if she was looking into my soul , a soul that felt empty without my queen .

My heart clenched painfully , to spend another moment with her … But Kiara was only eighteen , how could I be so selfish and even consider taking her life so early ?

She had her family , our son … I looked at her , realising we were having a son . Fuck a boy … a pup I’d never get to hold … The emotions that consumed me threatened t o cripple me . Selene would take away the emptiness from Kiara’s heart …

she would be happy . I didn’t need to decide what I wanted . I knew the answer to that choice already . I took a deep breath turning away from her , fighting back the pain and sadness I felt .

All I could do , to give Kiara the best life was … ” ” I will move on to the afterlife . Bless Kiara with every happiness she deserves , let her … ” I took a deep shaky breath as I closed my eyes ” Let her forget me . ” Something wet touched my cheeks and I brushed it away determinedly .

” Let her be happy . ” ” Are you sure ? Ten years together , as a family . It’s better than nothing . ” ” ” No. I will not shorten her life . ” I whispered with complete determination , feeling my heart shatter completely ..

” As you wish . ” Her voice echoed around m e , and I was suddenly thrown into darkness . ‘ Forgive me , Amore Mio … ‘ I felt the pressure wrap around me and everything was spinning , I was being sucked away .

This was truly it , but I would happily embrace it as long as she was ok … A blinding light surrounded me and Selene’s mystical laugh echoed around m e . ” You passed the test . You are a king and a true mate … Under the moonlight , look within her eyes and all shall be replaced .

” I didn’t have time to understand what she meant as darkness enveloped me . I felt m y body weigh down on me . My chest and ribs were suddenly aching and I sucked in a deep breath , as if I had been deprived of oxygen .

My eyes flew open and I stared at the ceiling . I shot up , looking around me , my heart beating loudly in my chest . I groaned , I felt like I had been hit by a fucking truck or a shit load of rabid wolves .

I froze when I realised I was in my bedroom …. it looked the same yet different there were changes … yet … the delicious , intoxicating smell of hazelnut chocolate hit me hard and I inhaled . Kiara .

I looked at the tubes that were still connected to me and wrenched them off a s I pushed the blanket away . I was alive . I don’t know how but somehow Selene … ‘ You passed the test . ‘ Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Her words rang in m y head as I fell out of the bed , my legs screaming in pain as if they didn’t know how to function . I took a deep breath , resting on all fours I suddenly realised I was alive .

Everything came rushing back , I had no idea what happened after that battle but I was fucking alive . Kiara . I needed Kiara . I needed to see that she was ok .

How the fuck were we back here ? I crawled to the bathroom , grabbing the door as I pulled myself up and into the bathroom . Going over to the sink , I stared at myself in the mirror .

I had lost weight , but apart from that , I looked the same . I splashed water on my face , before gulping some down . I didn’t know what exactly happened , but I still felt like I had gone through hell and back .

I stumbled back into my room . ” Fuck . ” I looked up to see Darien standing there , pale like he had just seen a fucking ghost . ” Al … Alejandro ! Man , is that you ? ” He whispered .

” No , it’s the ghost of fucking Christmas past . The fuck ? Obviously , it’s me . ” I growled , my voice coming out fucking hoarse as if something was being grated o n sandpaper .. ” Fuck … We … You … ” I rolled my eyes as I staggered over to him .

” Enough of me , you , I and all that shit . Where is she ? ” ” H – hospital . ” He managed to stutter before I rushed past him as fast as I could .

I needed to see her , now . I felt this emptiness within me , as if something was still missing . I probably fell down a few steps , not that I gave a shit as I ran out the door and towards the hospital .

I rushed through the empty halls , night had fallen and by the looks of it , it was near midnight . Her scent hit me and I stopped in my tracks , my heart thundering . Even when I heard Darien enter the hospital , I didn’t bother with him as I followed the scent .

It grew stronger and with each step , I felt it give m e the strength to continue . I reached her room , my heart thundering as I stared through the small window in the door .

My heart was in my throat as I looked at the scene before me . Kiara sat in bed , a baby in her arms as she breastfed him . Tears trickled down her cheeks and I could sense the pain she was in .

My heart tightened painfully and I felt a s if I was drowning . Why was she so broken ? How long was I gone ? She had the baby already ? ” You were in a coma for over four months .

11 ” Darien whispered from behind me . Several hours ago , your heart stopped …

W e tried to revive you , she tried to heal you , but you were gone .

You were dead . We all felt it … I don’t know how you’re back , but you’re back from the dead Al . ” Four months . I had left her for four months . She had suffered alone , carried o n alone …

A memory flitted through my mind when we had found out she was pregnant . ‘ If I were to keep it , you would support m e … All the fucking way ‘ But I didn’t , I wasn’t even fucking here … I looked at her .

She looked as beautiful as ever , but the radiant smile that once graced her face was gone . The light in her eyes was missing . My eyes shifted the bundle in her arms , ignoring my thundering heart . Our pup … ” She had him a few hours ago .

A baby boy . ” Darien whispered . Was this really happening ? Was I really here ? Taking a deep breath , I reached for the doorknob …

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