Hekate’s Bride

Interschool Games

The Lycan King’s Hall is super packed today and it has me wondering if only half of the school’s population attended the first assembly. As I-we arrive, myself and Maya-yes, she won’t leave my side-there is little room to move about so we opt for remaining in the back of the hall, since our attempt to squeeze in closer to the front of the line has everyone shoving us and elbows jutting into our ribs.

Everyone chats nervously and they all think the assembly is to address the matter of the deaths.

I am itching to hear what will be said, especially since I got a visit from yours truly. Thinking about it causes goosebumps to raid my skin and I shudder, rubbing lightly on the wound.


A hush falls over the growing crowd and I stand on my toes to try get a view of the podium and the Chancellor. I catch a glimpse of him ascending the platform stairs with a couple of teacher, as well as regally dressed people I do not recognize.

He takes the center of the stage and his voice carries well over the crowd as he says grimly, “It is with a heavy heart that I address you today. We have lost two of our own. Their tragic and untimely deaths have shaken this school and our realm beyond. I wish to express my deepest sympathies to their families, friends and loved ones. We shall observe a minute of silence to pray for the dead’s safe passage to the Goddess’s embrace.”

My eyes flutter close and an ethereal silence takes over the hall. I murmur the prayers with the crowd, “May the moon guide your souls to rest, and the stars light your path to our mother’s embrace.”

“We have begun thorough investigations,” Chancellor Vesper begins after the minute is due. “Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure we do not lose anymore. Curfew will begin by nine, pending the results of the investigations.”

Anxious voices swell in the hall as my peers express their displeasure. I lean back on my heel, wondering how the curfew is going to help against an enemy that doesn’t need keys to get through locks. I am trying my best to push it out of my mind that he was in my room last night.

I fear thinking more and more about it will make it as real as the wound it left on my forearm.

If it truly had been the Hekate, then a curfew isn’t what we need. Perhaps an evacuation.

But then, if it had been him-if he had truly been in my room last night, why am I still alive?

“We will receive more sentinels by the week’s end, all of which will be positioned at every nook and cranny of the school. While these are measures taken to ensure your safety, you must all also be keen on your safety as well. Should you notice or experience something strange and out of the ordinary, report it to the nearest sentinel to you.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. Shall I speak to him of my dream then? No. He won’t believe me or take it seriously. I blow out a breath.

“On a much lighter note, there is an important announcement to make,” Chancellor Vesper says and he inclines his head towards the back of the podium with a slight bow of deference. “As you all know, every four years, The Interschool Games are held. . .”

The noise swells up another notch and even Maya is squealing with excitement like we weren’t just praying for the death a minute ago. “I completely forgot all about that. It’s been four years-I can’t believe it!”

I look around with confusion as I see the excitement on everyone’s face. “What. . . is this about?”

Maya looks at me funny. “You are princess and you have not heard of the Interschool Games?”

I shrug. “My interest was invested in other things of great importance,” I pause. Great importance? Like fine men and drinks and I miss everything. “You gonna tell me or not?”

But before she can speak, my gaze is drawn to the platform and I scowl when I see Rune standing on it. He isn’t dressed in uniforms or casual clothing. He is in court attire and my eyes rise to the crown placed askew on his white hair. Royal attire for royal announcements. Cute.

Maya sighs wistfully beside me. “He is a dream. Too bad he’s taken.”

I say nothing, instead folding my arms and watch him unroll a golden scroll. I suppose. . . he does look nice in the blue tailored coat. It clings to him like second skin and I stare at the ripples in his arms as he does quick work with the scroll.

“In a fortnight, the Interschool Games will commence with our sister school, Werewolf Academy, gracing these grounds. By the order of my father, King of this realm, and the blessings of the Moon Goddess, the stadium will be reopened-”

Joyous shouts and screams fill the air and I find the excitement rubbing off on me. Their shouts cover most of what Rune is saying and by the time he is audible again, he is already ending his talk. “The Games aren’t only about winning, but about sportsmanship, honor and unity. Should you wish to participate, do meet any of your tutors to get enrolled. Goddess bless you all.”

As one, the hall bows to Rune as he walks off the stage in that swagger I finding absolutely arrogant and annoying. The soft thud of his elegant suede blue boots are the only sound that can be heard in the hall and I watch him, back straight as ramrod. Not my prince. I do not have to bow.

You don’t have to keep looking at his ass either, Sloan whispers within me and I look away from Rune’s ass abruptly, feeling all shades of weird for checking it out.

He really isn’t my type.

“You’re not getting enrolled?” I ask Maya as we walk back to class and I watch lycans run about, swarming any tutor they can see to get enrolled.

“Oh. No. I’d rather watch. I don’t think I’d qualify to represent anyway. They accept only the best and I do not want to lose my front teeth or my legs. The games get pretty brutal for those who do not yield at the end of it.”

Something suddenly occurs to me and I jerk to a stop. “Will the Lycan King and Queen attend?”

Maya nods. “Yes. The Royals host the event.”This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

My insides get tangled in knots of excitement. “It is Interschool. Will my parents be there as well?”

A contemplative look crosses Maya’s face. “Perhaps. I have never attended before, so I cannot say for sure. Maybe the Chancellor can tell you-”

I grin. Of course. The Chancellor. “I’ll. . . ah. . . see you in class!” I shout as I run back to the hall where I last saw the Chancellor. If I am right about this, then I can go back home with mother and father. They would need to cross the portals to come here. I can go back home with them, see my friends again-live my life again. See Thorne again.

I spot Darian talking to a couple of students as I walk into the hall. His eyes shifts in my direction the moment I sight him and there is an instant softness to them that makes my insides turn to jelly–no. I shake my head. Focus.

My gaze is drawn to Chancellor Vesper’s white coat. He is still on the podium, talking to the men and women dressed in luscious robes. Rune is among them as well. Their faces are tight with intensity and the dark looks they have about them is a far cry from the smiles they had on their faces a while ago.

Anxiety has me slowing in my steps. Would it be wrong to interrupt their meeting? A week ago, my answer would be no. As princess, I did not need to worry about stopping or interrupting gatherings. My presence would be enough to put a pause on things.

Here, however, I am just Astrid and I doubt he’ll stop his meeting for me.

Best to wait it out then.

“Princess,” Darian says in greeting and his smooth, velvety voice is a lover’s whisper against my ears. Hell. I’m trying to not think of what his lips had felt like against my cheek yesterday. Hot. Soft and gentle, yet firm and purposeful. The touch was intimate, yet respectful, leaving me with a lingering feeling that reminded me too much of Thorne. It had sent a shiver down my spine and just as quickly, I had shut the thought out of my head.

Now, though. . .

“You’re rocking the one-eyed pirate look,” he says, drawing an invisible circle in the space before his eyes.

“Ha ha. Very funny,” I scowl.

“I do hope you got a few punches in at least.”

“What do you think?”

He laughs, taking up the space beside me. “I heard about it much later. I would have stopped it if I was present.”

He is watching me-I know with my peripheral vision, even if I am looking straight ahead. His gaze singes me and I glance sideways, meeting his eyes. “I can look after myself, Darian.”

“Not here. It is hard enough for first year lycans. You’re a wolf. It’s not the same.”

“I can look after myself,” I say again, holding his stare. “You do not need to worry about me.”

“I care about you, Astrid. I do not like seeing you go through these-”

“I am not a princess in distress, Darian. I appreciate your concerns and-” Chancellor Vesper is walking off the podium with Rune. “I need to go. Some other time.”


“Later, Darian!”

I sprint, crossing the space in record time. The Chancellor’s expression closes off when he sees me. “Blackwood.”

“Chancellor Vesper-I need to talk to you. About the Games.”

He waves me off. “There is no need to register. You are already enrolled.”

“I wanted to know if the portal–wait. What?!” I look between the Chancellor and Rune. “What do you mean I have been enrolled? I never said I wanted to. I do not wish to particpate.”

Rune’s answering grin is nothing short of evil as he purrs, “Do to our royal status, there are events we cannot shy away from. The Interschool Game is one of them. It is required of all royals enrolled in the schools to participate.

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