Heart of the Past

Chapter 23 Affair with the boss

Amelia POV

Walking into the company on a Monday morning had always been a lovely morning for me but that’s morning, I felt the stares of people on me as I walked in. I met the Director of finance in the lobby and he was giving me a disgusting look.

“I must say I’m impressed by how cunning you are. I knew it the moment you were given the damn annual party. ”

I tried to put on my best smile cause I had no what he was talking about. “Director, I thought we’ve passed this. Why are you still whining about what happened months ago.”I chuckled and raised my brows at him.

“We’ll see about that, I’m still watching you,” he said and walked away leaving me clueless.

what was going on?

I walked towards Diana with a smile but I saw an expression of confusion on my face.

“What? Where is everybody staring at me like that?”. I asked.

Diana gave no reply to me, she handed over a newspaper that was laying on her table to me, I eyed it as I took it from her but she pointed to the newspaper. “Look girl you are trending everywhere “.

I read what was in the newspaper, a picture of Dylan and me back in Paris was published in the newspaper, it was a picture of us dancing. We both looked like couples and he looked like he was about to kiss me. the headline was written as.

“Personal assistant caught in an affair with the boss”.

“What’s the hell is this? “I inquired from Diana, she threw her hands up in the air in denial.

“Girl I have no idea,” she replied. “Turn on your phone and see what they are saying about you online.”

I gave Diana an inquiring look then I bought out my phone and went to the online news, my picture with Dylan was everywhere and the comments were really bad. “A whore? Gold digger? What’s the hell? I’m not one of this?” I let out a groan at the comment of the people. “I’m not any of these actually, who posted this? “.

“Someone who hates you, I saw the boss and his fiancee walked in. Now is not the time to see them. But Amy tell me what’s is going on with you and the boss? “Diana inquired, I eye her and hissed. “What? Just stating the obvious pictures don’t lie girl”.

“You know what? You don’t have to believe me okay” I said in anger and walked into the elevator, when I got to the floor I worked in, I went straight to Dylan’s office without bothering to knock. what I saw infuriated me, Dylan was kissing Anna passionately on his desk, one of his handheld her while the other was groping her breast. “manwhore!! “I cursed silently.

I cleared my throat to gained their attention. They quickly pulled away. Anna stared at me like she was going to kill me but I didn’t give a damn.

“I need to talk to you Dylan”

Anna chuckled, she walked to me and pointed a finger at me. “Are you freaking blind? Haven’t you done enough!! “She yelled.

“I wasn’t talking to you, the last time I checked you ain’t Dylan, “I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Anna raised her hand to slap my face but Dylan stopped her. Thank God if not I would have beaten the hell out of her.

“That’s enough you both, Amelia why did you enter the office without knocking,” he asked.

I laughed at his stupid question. “Really? Oh, you mighty one I’m sorry I didn’t bother to knock not everyone loves seeing their faces plastered on a newspaper and the internet.!!! “I replied him and folded my hands.

“If it is about the article posted about us, Anna and I are going for an interview this afternoon, we are going to clear all the mess up” he informed but I wasn’t satisfied.

I scrunched my face in anger and looked at how messy his hair looked. it must have been from too much kissing That’s was not my business right now.

“Do you know who posted those photos? ”

“How do you expect him to know when it could be you trying to gain popularity “Anna mocked, I was so angry that’s I didn’t know when I slapped her. “How dare you, witch? “She screamed.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Dylan opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him. “You think I want my pictures posted because of popularity, you don’t know me so you have no reason to judge me. I want my name off the internet before tomorrow, the last thing I need right now is to be pictured as a bad person. “I poured out my mind and walked out of the office not bothering to listen to their argument that started as I came out.

When I entered my office, I ran to the washroom and threw up, even my baby is upset with what going on. “Calm down baby, mummy have you now “. The feeling of having a baby inside of me calmed me.


At lunch break, I got a lot of stares which I ignored, as Diana and I settled to seat down to eat our lunch, her phone beeped and she signals for me to come to watch the live video interview of Anna and Dylan.

“Good afternoon, welcome Dylan and Anna the bride and groom to be”. The interviewer welcomed both Dylan and Anna. They were both dressed in formal clothing, Anna wore a black short dress while Dylan wore a blue suit. When did they have the time to change their outfit?

“It’s an honor to be here “Anna smiled cheerfully at the presenter.

“There has being a picture of Dylan and some girl trending online since this morning. What can you say about the girl? ”

Anna laughed out loud, she then opens her mouth to speak. “Well like you said she is just some girl seeking attention, seeking popularity. ”

The presenter smiled and turned to asked Dylan, I could read through his expression, he was contemplating on what to say. “She is no one” he blurted out.

What’s he said got in my heart, I could feel my heart beating faster than normal, when I looked up from the video I could hear the murmurings of some of the workers.

“Some workers she is”I heard someone said.

“She is no one,” another said, the talks continued as they said bad things about me. I couldn’t bring myself to hear anything else as I stood up from the chair I was seating and ran out of the cafeteria, I could hear Diana calling my name but I didn’t answer. I walked outside the company to the street. I placed my hands on my head and let my anger out by shouting. People watched me like I was a madwoman.

I didn’t cry, I have cried enough. He clearly said I was a nobody. After everything, it is not as if I want him back Or something. I was just expecting him to say something nice.

“Why are you trying to break the wedding of Dylan and Anna?”I raised my head to see that paparazzi had surrounded me. some were throwing questions at me, some throw shades at me some even called me names. I ran away from them and called a yellow taxi I sighted and quickly enter to escape the media.

This was too much for me

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