Emma was super confused.


This was not her. It was like some sensational article in a women’s magazine, headlines plastered on the cover in bold red letters to sell more copies. She had always thought a contact orgasm could never really happen. That it was no more than fantasy and fiction.

But it had just happened. To her.

“Oh God….” She groaned and turned away. “I’m so embarrassed” she said

“Why?” He laughed quietly. “I’m not”

She hid her face in his shoulder

He sounded like had just saved the world.

He gently forced her head away from his shoulder with both hands.

Her nose was somewhere near his chin. She had no choice but to look at him.

That cocky male look he wore in the golden light made her laugh. She shook her head, still embarrassed.

Emma noted the redness tinting Daniel’s cheeks, the stubble covering the jutting line of his jaw. Beneath the fringe of his lashes, ebony eyes glittered down at her. His mouth moved slightly, the hard contour shifting into confident sensuousness.

“You’ve got fantastic hair, lady. It’s like silk. It curls around my fingers as you are going to curl around me” He murmured.

Despite the heat of his body against hers, Emma shivered. He knew all the smooth compliments to bolster a woman’s ego. Tall and attractive, he possessed the savoir faire to make a woman desire him. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than to be made love to by Daniel Rohan.

But who was he? A possessive male who just threatened her job, a job she loved. A man from a world whose inhabitants changed bed partners as easily as most people changed sheets. Daniel Rohan probably gave every woman the same deluxe treatment.

He assumed she would bow to his demands and just drop into his bed.

“Hey!” The deep drawl contained amusement. “What are you thinking about?”

She leaned away from him, eyes lowered to the cleft in his rugged chin. Her lips closed, the fine edges of her teeth grinding against each other. Male chauvinists did not rate high on her list of household pets, and she classified Daniel as one of that species.

He frowned, but allowed her to pull away slightly before looping his arms around her hips. His sleepy expression cleared, the black eyes alert.

“What is it?” he asked

Lips that moments ago had explored hers settled once again into a harsh line. “I want to know why you turned it off just now. Minutes ago you were soft and willing, but now you are doing a replay of Saturday night. Your sudden coldness isn’t setting any better with my system now than it did then. Now, what is wrong?” Anger threaded the deep voice.

Emma stared intently at his desire flushed face.” You can’t tell me what to do, Mr Rohan.” she whispered.

His brows met in a harsh line.” What? ”

“You act as if you own me. Well, you don’t. You have no lien on me, no right to make demands of me. You are out of line, Mr Rohan. I am good at my job, and I’m going to keep on doing it. You can play the dominating male routine with someone else.

His fingers bit into her waist. “Either you are so steeped in midwestern provincialism that you can’t see reality” he growled, “Or you are parroting the rhetoric of women’s lib. Either way, lady, you have succeeded in leading me down a pretty enticing path twice now. I wanted to make love to you and forget the world existed beyond your sweet mouth and silky skin.”

He took a deep breath.”In my thirty years I have learned that when you want something special, you have to reach out and take it. Life is too short not to.” A muscle tightened in his jaw as he freed her and reached behind him for a package of cigarettes.

Stepping back, Emma watched him strike a match and light the cigarette, his eyes holding hers over the rising curl of smoke. His gaze dropped to her rumpled shirt. “You’d better fix that, honey. My control isn’t too steady right now”

To her chagrin, her nipples scored the light fabric. She spun away from him, her fingers shaking as they searched her back for the bra clasp.

“I will do that” he said roughly, and ground the cigarette into an ashtray. He hooked her bra, then gently tugged down her shirt. He cupped her shoulders, his thumbs massaging the rigid muscles over her shoulder blades.

“You are trembling,” He whispered.

“I’m going home” Emma managed to say raggedly. She had to get away from him, from the maleness that heated her bones, melted her inhibitions and demanded she comply with his kingly wishes. If she didn’t leave soon, he would have the satisfaction of seeing her give in to her anger. At the moment, she wasn’t certain she could stop her hand from slapping his arrogant face.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You are not going anywhere, right now” he said as he slid off the desk and walked over to stand before her. “You will hear me out”

Emma’s mouth tightened, the cords in her neck growing taut. He possessed the ability to make her emotions take a roller-coaster ride from desire to anger to vulnerability and back to anger. The man was a class A dictator. She raised her face to his. If he needed directions to the nearest exit from her life, she would give them.

But before the words could form on her tongue he interrupted.

“Don’t say it” he said like he knew what she was thinking

“I don’t like cavemen, Daniel,” she said.

“I get the feeling, honey, that you are not exactly the timid type yourself” he rumbled. “Especially after the bedroom door closes”.

Flushed with anger, she trembled all the way down to her shoes. “I would like to go home” Emma said

“No you are not”

“You are maddening” she sputtered

“Only where you are concerned, honey” he replied

They glared at each other. The silence crackled about Emma like one hundred volts of electricity

“You are an arrogant, domineering bastard” she accused.

“And you are going to love it” he purred.

“Not in a million… Make that In a trillion years” she brushed past him.

At her first step, a large hand clamped over her shoulder. It seemed to sizzle through her shirt.

“Wait a minute, lady.” he said. “I will walk you to your car”.

She shrugged free of his touch. “Suddenly a gentleman huh?” she mocked. “Are you afraid I don’t know how to drive my car?” she inquired sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

His laugh rocketed around the still room. “Lady, I would like to find out just what you do know. You wait. I have to lock up. Everyone else is gone. You friend Tom too”

“Is that another order, boss man?” Emma said as she started for the door, aware that Daniel was following her closely. The quiet tap of his shoes echoed off the deserted hallways behind her. ”

At the main exit, his hand shot out to open the door, and Emma edged past the heat of his body into the cool of the evening.

The door clicked shut behind them. She almost ran across the lot, her need to escape Daniel as strong as that of any convict fleeing from prison.

“Hey” steel strong fingers wrapped around her upper arm, gripping it securely. His suit jacket in his other hand, he walked beside her to the two remaining vehicles.

Emma had the distinct sense of being escorted by a man who found her delicate, who wanted to protect. She resented the feminine rush of pleasure his gallantry gave her. It was probably a standard ploy, she decided.

Beside her car, he turned her to him. His finger went under her chin to lift it.

Feeling emotionally drained, Emma did not resist the gentle pressure. The setting sun bathed his tanned face in a warm glow

“Let me go, Daniel,” she said huskily, her mouth trembling. She longed for the cool sanctuary of her home, her quiet, Daniel-free home. “Let me go now”. She stared straight into his eyes, but the smug assurance she expected to see written on his features was not there.

“I get the feeling” he breathed. “that you…” The musing tone became an oath. “Dammit… How many men have made love to you?”

Emma’s chin jerked away from the rough scrape of his fingertip. “You are trespassing” she hissed. “It’s no business of yours if I slept with the entire army?”

Daniel’s genuine grin deepened the lines bracketing his mouth. Its warmth stretched all the way to his gleaming eyes. “I like that lady” he rumbled softly


“That’s cute. Sleeping with the whole army. I have known women who have nearly matched that” He threw his head back and chuckled, his laughter rich with male delight. “You’re a surprise package, honey. Now get in and go home. I’ll follow you”

“Oh, no.” Emma insisted. “you’re not coming home with me”

“Hey” the lift of his brows proclaimed mock innocence. “You live next door to Frank, and I want to see him. What’s wrong with that?”

Stunned, Emma allowed him to open her door. The hand on her arm urged her into the driver’s seat. He took her hand bag from her and tossed it on the passenger seat.

Emma sucked in her breath as his hand came dangerously close to her breast. He straightened, closed the door, and patted it twice.

“Come on lady, let’s go” he said.

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