Guardian Wolf

Chapter 8

Lost Family Nova POV: As we f follow Beta Laurence through the pack house he shows us some of the communal areas on the way. The house is very different to the one back at the White Mountain Pack, it’s open and light in colour throughout. Similar as to how I had decorated the guest rooms at my previous pack, it welcomed the natural sunlight through large floor to ceiling windows on both the east and west side ensuring both the sunrise and sunset would be visible. Seeing the lounge rooms and game rooms I nod in approval, “your pack members must be very happy here” I comment to the Beta. “Yes they are, we rarely have to deal with disputes and I strongly believe that’s down to the changes Jax has made throughout his time as Alpha. Despite the pack house only housing those in a higher position everyone is welcome to come in throughout the day. We also have a large dining hall through those double doors where the entire pack is welcome to dine if they wish. The pup nursery is in a building joined to this at the back as well so they have food prepared by the chefs and are near the safe bunkers and pack hospital if there is ever an emergency.” He reals off proudly. “That is brilliant” I admire. “If you could both follow me this way, I’ll show you up to the suites.” He says gesturing up the large staircase. As we walk I look at all the pictures adjourning the walls, everyone looks happy and content, “this is where we are meant to be” Kia purrs with content. “This corridor on your right is where the Alpha, Beta and Gam ma offices are as well as the Omega office where our head Omega Brea prepares for events, staff rotas and meal plans etc.” As we walk up another flight of stairs I look down to the sprawling hallway below and can’t help but think how amazing it must be to hold events here. As we reach a set of double doors at the end of theContent © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

corridor he opens them slowly with a key card, “this here is your suite Nova, I hope you like it” he softly says with a nervous twinge to his voice. Walking in I gasp in shock, it’s decorated with a lovely sage green and cream effect throughout with soft gold highlights on furnishings. Walking over to the balcony situated at the far end of the lounge area I look out across the gorgeous pack 川 1/5 evad esi Nt my head up letting the sins warmth bask my face. Turning with a wase we tot help but express my thanks, this is absolutely gorgeous Beta, are you sure it play for me to reside here for now?” Lask slightly shocked Most delote) he affirms with a tu nod, we will leave you to get settled, food will #45 antes downstairs the first door on your right As he closes the door behind him I sink down into the sola letting the last few days events run through my mind. Feeling Kia’s contentment task gently “You think this is where we are supposed to be ki “Yes Nova Ive never felt more secure than I do here. It just feels right” she purrs. back happi

Letting myself relax for a few more moments i then stretch as I stand up, heading forwards the bathroom I gasp in amazement once again. “Oh my goddess” I breath out loud. The walls are covered in a light white marble with a large mirror covering. the entire wall behind the sink. A large bath with relaxing jacuzzi sits is in the corner with a large shower opposite. Through a small door there is a toilet with another sink unit next to it. “Wow” Kia exclaims happily Quickly showering I blow dry my hair and put a quick flick of mascara on my lashes. and a coat of lip gloss. Dressing in a flowing summer dress that ends just before my knees I admire myself in the mirror, “yummy” Kia teases me in my head, “I’m sure a certain Alpha is going to agree.”

I “What! Kia no” I laugh it off although I find myself blushing slightly from her words. Leaving the room making sure I grab my key card I head downstairs running into Alice on the way. “My room is amazing” she says under her breath, “I’ve never lived in such luxury, that shower… dreamy” she exclaims floating her hands in the air. I giggle in agreement as we knock slightly on the door and walk in quietly. Seeing Beta Laurence here already alongside a stunning woman with red hair and green eyes I smile in greeting as she goes to stand up. “No need to stand” I wave her off, “hello I’m Nova and this is my friend Alice, it’s wonderful to meet you” I say softly smiling at her. Seeing her face break into a large smile, she reaches her hand over to clasp mine, “the pleasure is all mine, I’m Naomi, Laurence’s mate. How did you find your suites ! 2/5 chose?” She asks warmly to Alice and 1. “Mine is absolutely stunning thank you Naomi” I hear Alice thank her beside me, They’re beautiful Naomi, I can’t express our thanks enough” I add on squeezing her hand “Oh nonsense” she says waving her hand, “I’m glad you like them.” With that the door swings open and Alpha Jaxs familiar scent of pine trees and berries fills the room. Looking up at him I smile at him in greeting seeing his eyes soften when they meet mine, “good afternoon everyone” he says. “Florence link your brother and let him know we are all here” he says as a young toned she-wolf walks through the door. Looking around the room smiling her bright grey eyes meet mine freezing. “Nova?!” She whispers in disbelief. Standing up slowly I gasp, “Flo?!” Pausing we stare at each other for a few more seconds before we both squeal and run towards one another wrapping each other in a tight embrace. Feeling Flo start sobbing in my arms I step back and wipe her tears away, “I t..thought I’d never see you again” she gasps, “oh my goddess Theo is going to

be so excited we never did get to say bye.” “He’s here?” I exclaim. “We are Alphas Jaxs Ga mm as” she proudly says smiling at me. Clasping her hands in mine I rest my forehead against hers, “oh you’ve grown to be so gorgeous Flo. I’m so proud of you both and I am so happy I’ve gotten to see you again.” Seeing her eyes begin to tear up again I wipe them away before turning to face the room, seeing everyone’s shocked and confused expressions I explained vaguely, “I’ve known Flo and Theo since they were 12.” Turning to Jax I smile up at him, “I’m so glad their your Gam ma s, I always knew they were something special.” “Nova rescued us you know” Flo piped up from behind me. “It was nothing” I spin to face her trying to wave her words off feeling my cheeks start to blush. “It doesn’t sound like nothing” I hear Alpha Jaxs husky voice murmur from behind me. 3/5 Lost Family “Alpha can you remember me mentioning how Theo and I were saved from being drowned by rogues when we had been kidnapped and taken across unknown territories?” Seeing him nod she continues, “Well Nova is the the wolf who saved she fought off 7 rogues by herself and then pulled us both from the river carrying us back to her home. She was only 17 at the time but she took us both in and helped us gain our confidence back. The whole reason Theo and I are warmors now is because of Noval” She exclaims wrapping an arm around me. “Nova ensured we went back to school once she found out our pack has been destroyed and she became our big sister. Then one day you just disappeared leaving behind us money to go to the elite warrior training centre and support us for the foreseeable future and a letter

explaining how much we meant to you and that one day you hoped to expian. She trailed off quietly. “I had to lovely, the council heard of an immediate threat to me and extracted me from that pack that night. If I’d told you I would have put you both in danger, I did what I thought was best and I’ve doubted it most days since. But now I think I did co the right thing” I smile with relief. Hearing footsteps running down the hall I hear a deep voice enquire whics made cookies? Before a tall muscular man steps in the room, his blonde hair making his grey eyes pop even more. Seeing his eyes focus behind me I look to see Alice staring at him as she stood up for her chair, “Mate” he growls rushing forward and embracing her burying his nose in the nape of her neck scenting her. ‘Mate” I hear Alice laugh as he swings her round. Grinning at Flo I can’t help but think how happy I am for Alice, she deserves to be treated like an angel she’s so kind and compassionate towards others. “Congratulations” i murmur to them as they turn to face the room. Hearing my voice Theo’s head snaps up from gazing at his mate to look at me, “NOVA?! He shouts excitedly as he rushes forward to wrap me in a hug. ‘Our sister is home’ he laughs gleefully. Setting me down on the floor he drops a k*ss on my forehead, Tm so glad to see you again Nova” he whispers against me. Stepping back I look him up and down, “and where has the scraggly teenager I left behind gone?” I laugh. “You’re pure muscle now, Alice you lucky woman” I giggle wriggling my eyebrows at her. 111 LS Lost Family “We did what you left us money for Nova, we went to elite warrior training and there we got scouted by Alpha Jax. When Flo found her mate who was a warrior here. Alpha immediately offered us residence, being twins he said we were a package deal. Then after a year of living here he offered us both the position of Gam ma” he reports. with pride. Resting a hand on his shoulder I smile at him, “I’m so happy for you Theo, I am sure you are an

amazing Gam ma. Congr atulations to you and Alice, you truly have ant amazing she Wolf here” I wink at her whilst saying it. As she walks forward to clasp his hand she laughs, “well now you won’t be losing Nova anytime soon, it seems we’ve become a bit of a package deal as well as of late.” Alpha Jax comes to stand beside me and offers his congratulations to the newly found mates as his scent envelops me. “Shall we eat?” He asks his eyes glinting. happily looking around. Seeing everyone nod and agree he pulls a chair out next to his and gestures for me to sit. “Thank you Alpha” I graciously thank him as he pushes me in before sitting down himself. “Enjoy!” He toasts. Comments Check More (Ad) > Vote 111

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