Found Again


Noah’s word stuck in my head.

I never dreamed to become a fashion stylist. But from the looks of it, this is where I am not heading to. And I wanted to give a shot to see if my real destiny is fashion styling.

When I recall styling for Vince and Lieo, I often got a compliment from them and the people who got to see them. So maybe I really have talent on this.

As I discussed with Lush, I will first establish my channel to reach a target number of subscribers before promoting Lush on my channel. They are confident that I will reach the targeted number of subscribers before they launch or promote their new collection.

It took me a whole day to finally come up with solid content for my channel. I named my channel, STELLAR. The word stellar came from the Latin word Stella which means star. This word may mean exceptionally good or outstanding. I will do a styling challenge similar to what I did with Noah, but aside from that, I wanted to do what I love most: meeting celebrities. And I know that Noah will help me to reach those stars.

I will be meeting Noah again to shoot my intro video for my Youtube channel and my first two vlogs. After our serious talk about Andrew, we were able to discuss and finalize my Youtube channel.

Noah is acting like my manager, the only difference is that he doesn’t ask for payments. He was offering his time and resources for free. Just like now, he offered me his studio and team for free. I am so blessed to have him with me.

“My Stellar are you ready?” Noah said then he winked at me.

I chuckled and shook my head. This guy is a flirt but I know he’s harmless.

Noah introduces me to his team. “Team I want you to meet my star, Allison Alonzo. Allison here is my team, Jacko he’s our photographer and videographer. Edison is Jacko’s assistant. Jessica is in charge of my hair and make-up. Mia is in charge of my outfit. And Robert our video editor.”

After the quick introduction, Mia ask for my luggage where my outfit for the shoot was. Then Jessica asks me to go with her for my hair and make-up. Everything happens so fast. My intro video took almost an hour which I didn’t expect since it will only be ten seconds. I did like three to four different acts or expressions for the video effect which took so much time and then my vlog intro which is “Welcome to Stellar.”

Noah calls for a lunch break after the intro video shoot.

“When did you order this? You should have told me.”

“I order this while you were busy with the shoot. It’s not a big deal Alli.” Noah said like it was nothing.

But I beg to disagree with him. “Noah I should be the one paying for our lunch. You have already helped me with so much. I am not that thick faced you know.”

“Just give this lunch to me Alli. If you want to treat the whole team, then we can just have dinner later.” Noah suggested.

“I will definitely treat you all to dinner, but I also want to pay for this lunch. Give me your bank account Noah, I’ll send you the payment for our lunch today.”

Noah sighed in defeat. “Fine if that is what you want. I text you the details later.”

After our lunch, we all proceed with my first vlog content. My content for my first vlog is all about myself and what do they expect from my vlog.

Edison was the one who did the set-up. I already gave the questions to Jacko and Robert since they were the ones who will be working together for this video.

Now that we are done with my first vlog, we took a short break before we start my interview with Noah. We decided to shoot this interview video because we would want to use this as a sneak peek for my next vlog to make the viewers more excited for the next vlog.

The interview was fun. I did not tell him the content of the interview because I wanted him to answer naturally and not scripted. I watch some of his interviews. And most of his interviews were all about his modeling career and dating life. I want to go deeper, so I made some research about him. I don’t give anyone to ask yet about him so I was depending on the internet. Good thing I found interesting things about him and I’m sure that his fans will like it.

“Today, we are joined by one of the most in-demand high fashion models in the world, influencer and businessman Mr. Noah Elordi.”

Noah looked so confidently smile at me. “Thank you Alli for having me here. It’s a great privilege to be chosen as your first guest in your vlog.”

“I don’t have a choice. You’re the only celebrity that I know.” I joked.

Noah laughs aloud. “I’m more than glad to know that. I want to keep you for myself but I don’t want to be greedy. It would be such a waste if the world will not know how great you are.”

I can’t help but blush from his compliment. I just hope that it won’t be shown much on the video. “Thank you for your compliment. I was researching about you, and I found out that you founded a charity for children with cancer. Can you share more about it?”

Noah’s playful aura change to a serious one. I was a bit nervous because of his sudden reaction. I feel like there is a story behind it. I just hope that he will not be mad at me.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“If you are not comfortable sharing the story with us, we will respect that,” I told him when he looks so uncomfortable with my question.

Noah smiled warmly at me. “It’s okay Alli. I was just a bit shocked because no one asked me about that. I founded that charity after my sister died from cancer.”

I was taken aback upon hearing his answer. I just let Noah share his story.

“She was only nine years old when she was diagnosed with cancer stage four. We did everything to save her. But we were too late. After three months of battling cancer, our princess died.”

It was my first time to see him this vulnerable. His tear keeps on falling. I signal Edison to hand me the tissue and offered it to Noah.

Noah shared more about his sister. He told us how loving and sweet Leona was when she was alive. “She was a fighter. She always gives us her sweet smile before she starts his chemo and other medication. She never complains about all the sufferings she experienced. She was always thankful and hopeful.”

“One night she told me how much she loves me. She asked me not to blame anyone especially myself if she didn’t make it. She told me that it was not our fault nor anyone’s fault. And she asks me if I can be an instrument of God to help those cancer patients like her, especially those who can’t afford treatments for cancer. Little did I know that it was her last request to me. The next day she was already with God.”

I can’t help myself from crying silently upon hearing his sister’s story. I did my best to control it as much as I could. I want to look professional as long as I could. But there are still some tears that escape from my eyes. I wipe it quickly and focus on Noah’s story.

“Thank you Noah for sharing your inspiring story with us. I am very sure that your sister is very proud of you.”

I ended the video with the lesson I got from the inspiring lesson of Noah and his sister.

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