Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 255 Take Both Of Them Down (Part Two)

Chapter 255 Take Both Of Them Down (Part Two)

His eyes landed on the two men who had been just apprehended. Rufus, confused, turned to look at Harper, who was trying to drag Matthew out from the bath barrel. "Hey, woman..."

"Don't just babble there! Come and help me!" Harper shouted. Anger gripped Harper's insides. It was like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn her from the inside out. This became evident in her voice, which was loud and thunderous. This quickly put terror into Rufus' heart that he unconsciously shook like a leaf. In a hurry, he dashed to help Harper. The two of them successfully got Matthew out of the bath barrel and put him on the bed.

"Go and fetch some water," Harper ordered. She opened the needle kit, only to find that her hands were shaking so uncontrollably. She slapped the back of her hand several times that it was already glowing red, but her hand was still trembling.

"Here's the clear water that you asked for, Your Highness."

"The liquid medicine on his body shall be..." Then, it suddenly clicked in Harper's mind. 'There is a hot spring in Matthew's bedroom!' she thought. Quickly, she reached out and pressed the button on the bedside. As she had expected, the partition door was opened. "Put him inside and wash his body."

With pursed lips, Rufus followed her orders. Swiftly but carefully, he put Matthew into the hot spring to tidy his body up. After the bath, he took him out and put him on the bed beside Harper. Her hands had already stopped trembling and within a few second, she was able to carry out the acupuncture treatment quickly and accurately.

"Barry, block Denny's and Johnson's internal forces. After that, lock them up. If any of the three prisoners gets way, you will be put to death as a punishment." Harper's eyes were as dangerous as a hawk's.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Forsythia." NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Go to the Bu Clan at once and request Zack to come here. Inform him that something urgent has happened and tell him to come here on the sly."

"Understood, Your Highness."

Seeing the serious face everyone in the room was wearing, Rufus, for a moment, was clueless as what to say. Denny was his friend and they got along well, but Harper had just issued an order to lock him and the other two up. Not even Barry had the courage to defy Harper's orders and say no.

"Hey, woman..." he said, walking towards Harper. That moment, however, he noticed something. "Oh, no. Your Highness, what on earth happened? " Seeing that Matthew was as black as charcoal, he immediately knew that he was poisoned. A sinister smile crept on his lips. It had never occurred to him that Matthew would be in such a situation one day.

"Don't you see that he's dying?" Harper gave Rufus a ferocious stare. 'How dare you!' she thought, her eyes narrowing. 'This guy literally has the audacity to smile at this moment!'

It was not until he heard Harper's voice that Rufus realized how serious Matthew's situation was. With a tinge of concern for Matthew, he asked, "What? Are you kidding me? The poison has taken effect on him ever before. Despite him looking terrifying, he was fine every time."

"Are you serious, Rufus?" Harper couldn't believe what she was hearing. "In six hours, Matthew will die!" She rushed to a desk and wrote a prescription down on a piece of paper. "Nina, Anabel, get the herbs with Jack. Cook them with three cups of water and bring it here when only a bowl of water is left."

"Yes, Your Highness."

After all the arrangements were made, Harper quietly waited for Zack to come. From that moment on, there would be no one in charge of Prince Matthew's mansion. She had to find a reliable person who could assist her in guarding the mansion.

Zack seemed like he was dragged to the mansion. He had never been a person who would make an effort to look good, but it was the first time that he had appeared in front of Harper in such a mess. Despite being embarrassed, when he saw the look on Harper's face, he asked with concern, "What happened? Why did you ask me to come here in such a hurry?"

Harper moved aside so that Zack could see the unconscious Matthew. Zack was taken aback. "His Highness..."

"He is in a coma." Harper took a deep breath. "From now on, there will be no one in charge of the mansion. People outside are hostile towards Matthew. He couldn't have been in such a state without someone framing him. I have no other choice but to seek your help."

"Tell me what you need. I will do whatever I can." As far as he knew, once people outside become cognizant that Matthew was in a coma and on the verge of death, they would make a move against his mansion. In that case, Prince Matthew's mansion would be in peril.

"He will wake up in seven days if nothing goes wrong. So, in the next seven days, I need you to guard his mansion for me," Harper stated while gritting her teeth. "I know that I am asking too much from you and that favor will give you an endless stream of dilemmas. Once His Majesty gets wind of it, the Bu Clan will be in serious trouble. But there's no one else I can put my trust in except you."

"Oh, really? In front of me?" You can have confidence in me!" Rufus mumbled unhappily.

"You care about Matthew's life because you're sworn brothers, but you don't give a fret about my life," Harper said coldly.

"You are alive and kicking, aren't you?" Although Rufus didn't want to admit that what Harper said was true, she was right. If something happened, he would, by all means, safeguard Matthew's life rather than hers.

"What are you planning to do?" Zack asked, obviously a little uneasy. He knew that Harper had the ability to guard Prince Matthew's mansion for seven days. It wouldn't be a problem for her at all. Why would she seek his help? He only thought of one reason, namely she could not deal with matters of the mansion.

"Everyone gets out! Let me and Zack talk alone," she ordered. Rufus was unwilling to follow the order. "I'm not in the mood to have a heated argument with you, Rufus Xiao. If you don't obey my order, I'll have my men beat you until you're disabled!" she threatened. "I will have you thrown out!"

"Oh, gosh. Don't be so hot-tempered. I'm going out." Rufus was reluctant to go out, not because he didn't believe Harper, but because the Bu Clan belonged to the emperor faction. However, Harper asked a person from the Bu Clan for help when Matthew was in a coma. Why? Wasn't she afraid that Zack would stab her in the back and betray her?

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