Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Drama Prt 1

“You two look so cute together, you know?” Linlin cooed at YuZhi who was casually lounging in the corner of the booth, his arm stretched out along the back of the chair while dangling his beer bottle from it. TangShi was tucked into him under it, her head on his shoulder and completely out cold from far too much alcohol consumption and the late hour. It was almost two am and all four of them had gone far beyond the tipsy stage of drunk.

“That’s because I’m handsome, and she’s pretty.” YuZhi smiled, confident in his own attractiveness, still not slurring anywhere near like Linlin was as he had higher tolerance and still had his wits about him. He dipped his chin to check on TangShi, watched her breath slowly and deeply for a moment and then went back to drinking his beer, comfy like this and not too bothered about being used as her cushion. She was peacefully and blissfully unaware of the noisy club carrying on around her.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

They had enjoyed the night so far and Linlin and ZhengLi had finally progressed to kissing and cuddling in the chairs opposite him. Making out every so often and getting handsy until he told them to go get a room, worried TangShi was uncomfortable with the show. He knew this would probably be a short-lived affair as he knew ZhengLi wasn’t the settling type, but Linlin didn’t seem to be either. Two birds of a feather.

“What about us? Don’t we look cute together?” ZhengLi had her in his arm, almost a choke hold and prodded her in the cheek with a mischievous wink before pulling her phone from her hand to scroll the pictures of tonight. There were a million selfies of the two of them, more of them as a group and an alarming lot of sly TangShi and YuZhi shots. He sent the best Linlin, ZhengLi smooch one to his phone that caught them both at their best angles while enamored with one another.

“Obviously we are the far superior hot couple, but I have to give my girl some love. Look at her. Angelic little lamb just cannot handle booze.” Linlin slid out of ZhengLi’s embrace to stagger over and awkwardly bent to kiss TangShi on the forehead, almost falling on top of her if it wasn’t for YuZhi’s fast reflexes. He caught her by the waist with one hand and managed to hold her upright until she straightened again and the danger of squashing TangShi passed.

“Leave her alone. She did well for a nondrinker and the fact we plied her with about a dozen shots. She’s lucky she’s still alive. I’m proud of her.” He jested, leaning in to brush her hair back from her forehead where Linlin messed it up and managed to make her stir with his touch despite Linlin’s kiss having zero effect.

“Where am I?” TangShi mumbled, not quite aware of her surroundings as she came to and tried to sit. Dazed as it all came rushing back to her and she blinked around to get her bearings. YuZhi helped her up until she was able to prop herself into a semi straight position while she rubbed her eyes to remove blurriness. She had no idea when she passed out, only that she was nowhere near as drunk. YuZhi watched her coming around properly and brushed her hair back out of her face as he appraised her from his lazy point of view. She was tussled and sleepy looking and irresistible to him like this; it brought out a fierce protective instinct.

“I think it’s about time we think about heading home. I have work tomorrow and you look done.” YuZhi was reluctant to go as he was having a mellow time, but it was late, and ZhengLi would stay until he passed out and bail on him tomorrow otherwise. They had important business at the moment, and neither could afford a day off.

“We should. We have that noon lunch meeting.” ZhengLi wasn’t as gone as Linlin and still had some semblance of wits about him, pushing her onto the seat when she flopped onto his lap so he could get up to make her move. Catching her by the hand and hauling her with him, grabbing her bag and waving it in her face to signal it was home time.

“Come on crazy. Your bed is calling to you.” He bopped her on the forehead with it and jumped back when she lurched up unexpectedly.

“You better take her home and tuck her up in bed like the princess she is. Or I’ll come for you Leng!! Linlin swayed on unsteady legs, pointing YuZhi’s way with a scowl and a black tipped talon, which earned her a pat on the head from ZhengLi.

“Okay tiny terror, he’s well and truly scared, so can I please escort you home now. I thought you were a seasoned drinker? I may be the one tucking certain princesses into bed at this rate.”

“Don’t be so mean…. YuZhi is nice to me.” TangShi tried to defend him, but it came out like a childish breathy statement as she hiccupped then giggled at her own weirdness.

“I think home is probably for the best.” YuZhi got up, shaking his head at the state of both and helped TangShi to her feet too. Evaluating whether he might have to carry her and was surprised to find her nap had sobered her enough that she seemed capable of walking again. She had zonked out on him for a good forty minutes while he watched his friend play Romeo and listened to the music in the club, lost in his own head and glad of the break form life.

“I need the bathroom.” TangShi yawned, head spinning around to navigate the direction it was in while YuZhi hooked her hand in his and nodded ahead.

“That way, it’s by the door so we will pass it. Come on.” He tugged her lightly, entwining fingers snugly to keep her close, so she started to follow and picked up her bag and his jacket with one hand. Aware how tired he was now he was upright.

They walked off leaving ZhengLi to deal with Linlin who had decided she wanted one more shot before hitting the road. They made their way out into the dark and quiet hallway which housed the doors to the bathrooms and cloakroom before the main entrance.

“Meet me here when you’re done, I’m going to tell Cheng we’re leaving and to pay the tab for tonight.” He watched her walk into the first door marked with a symbol of a female and turned on his heel, assured she was not going to fall over or pass out.

TangShi spent a little time in the toilet, freshening up her face with some cold water to wake herself fully, patted on her cheeks in a bid to become alert again. She was dizzy, felt slightly surreal with a merry mood. The sleep had done her some good, but her feet were now killing her in her high fashion shoes, and she was looking forward to going to bed. It seemed like today was about three days long already.

She wandered out into the empty corridor on fragile legs, limping a little forma newfound blister and caught sight of YuZhi at the far end where the bar curved round to let people in. He was talking to Mr Cheng, and she turned away to wait on him.

The door at the other end opened with a gust of wind, and a dark figure slid in, blowing in to give her a chill and the smell of oncoming rain. The glimpse of view showing the duskiness of the early morning sky outside which distracted her from the entering person. It was only when her eyes trailed down to glimpse the human walking this way did she realize she knew the figure and face of this woman and she was marching right for her with intent, at a fast and angry pace that made TangShi step back timidly.

“Rhea? What are you doin…” TangShi never got the full sentence out of her mouth, registering surprise in her tone, before Rhea slapped her hard across the face with such force that it knocked her sideways. TangShi was stunned, clasped her burning cheek in reaction with her left hand and stumbled against the bathroom door which stopped her fall. Blinking back up at the red eyed and tear stained woman in utter shock, she managed to slide up the shiny surface but kept her distance as tears pricked her own eyes. She had no idea what was going on.

“What the hell, Rhea?” YuZhi’s hostile tone pulled TangShi back to reality from shock as he stormed in between them, pushing Rhea back by the shoulder where she seemed to be gearing up for a second attack. She was poised and filled with hatred and aggression, wild eyed and staring down TangShi as though she was her worst enemy.

He turned to see if TangShi was okay, instinct pulling him to her and cupping her small face with a gentle hand to lift it up to him. His face was ashen, and his eyes narrowed with a brewing storm of emotions and rage as he checked to see how bad it was. “What the actual fuck are you doing? Why would you hit TangShi of all people? For what?” He snapped over his shoulder at Rhea.

“Let go of her!” Rhea spat, grabbing him by the back of his sweater with a vicious clutch and hauled him backwards so he let go of TangShi’s face and stumbled to right himself before turning on her and grabbing her wrist. His grip firm as he unhooked her without a care if he hurt her and threw her hand aside coldly.

“What are you doing? Are you out of your fucking mind?” YuZhi was beyond angry, seething at her and couldn’t wrap his head around why she would storm in here and do something like this. She wasn’t prone to violence, or erratic behavior and this was in no way acceptable to him.

TangShi’s legs were shaking violently and she was too shocked to say or do anything except stand there and rub her face to try and calm the swelling aching pain and the burn of what she assumed was a handprint on her cheek.

“You’re supposed to be my friend!” Rhea spat accusingly at TangShi, pushing YuZhi to one side so she could face her down, but he stepped back between them right away. Lifting his arm to create a barrier between them and shielded TangShi from another attack.

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