Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 12

My eyes were deceiving me. It was only Sarah standing there.

Adrian and I gave each other a knowing look. We totally got each other. As my cheeks started turning a bit rosy, I scooted away from Adrian, feeling really embarrassed. I quickly looked over at Sarah, praying she wouldn’t ask about our private moment.

But nope, she went right in. “What’s up with the two of you?” she asked with a sneaky smile.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

I tried to pretend I had no idea what was happening and acted chill. “Nothing. We were just soaking up the chill by the stream.”

Adrian seemed to get the hint and left us alone. Sarah wasn’t buying it though and kept pushing. “C’mon, Lily. I can tell there’s something else going on here, right?”

I stood up, feeling uneasy and refusing to meet her eyes. “Sarah, seriously, it’s nothing. Let’s not make a big deal out of it.”

Sarah could tell I was feeling uncomfortable, so she tried to change the topic. “I heard about Audrey being a bitch to you…”

It felt like a punch to the chest. Obviously Sarah was aware of Audrey’s rudeness, but I didn’t want to ruin the great time I had been having with Adrian by talking about it.

I sighed, feeling tired and drained. I didn’t feel like going into the details of that matter right now.

“I’m really worn out right now, Sarah,” I said, hoping she would get the message. “I think I’m ready to call it a night.”

Sarah wanted to keep pushing me but she understood my need to escape and smiled in sympathy. “Okay, hun, let’s get you home,” she said.

We walked to the car where Adrian was waiting. I could feel the tension between us, the words we weren’t saying lingering in the air. I had no idea how I was going to face him after what had happened, our relationship now so complicated. I climbed into the back seat since an object took up the spot I sat on before.

“Take care, babes. If you need anything, just call me and I’ll be right there to throw a punch or two,” Sarah said, her trademark humour making me laugh. I squeezed her hand in thanks.

As Sarah said her goodbyes, I couldn’t help but sense Adrian’s lingering eyes on me. His gaze stirred something inside of me, making me reflect on the passionate kiss we had just shared. I quickly glanced at him, taking in his every detail as the car began to drive away. Our eyes met, and in that instant, a mixture of feelings and thoughts raced through my mind. The taste of our kiss still lingered on my lips, and my imagination ran wild with possible outcomes.

I actually just made out with a vampire, and a hot one at that.


Life couldn’t be more sweeter than this.

Lost in my thoughts, I drifted off to sleep. I was exhausted. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the comforting presence of Adrian beside me lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

Morning revealed itself with a stretch, the first rays of the sun stretching in through my windows, decorating my room in a peaceful hue. A contented smile graced my lips. It was a new day, a fresh beginning, and I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of anticipation for what would happen that day. The connection I had established with Adrian made my heart race. It was like a dangerous and tabooish journey we were about to embark on together and it was just beginning. Yet, I couldn’t shake off the grim thought of being caught or worse, Adrian’s true nature being discovered. It would ruin everything.

I ignored those depressing thoughts and recalled the events of the night before. The words we exchanged, the intensity of our feelings… it all replayed in my head, giving me a delightful warmth.

I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Adrian’s face flashed again in my mind, and my senses felt numb.

The mystery behind him always had thrilled me but the possibility of having something to do with him, thrilled me even more.


I walked into the dining room, carefully scanning the room for my parents. My father and mother were huddled together, deep in conversation. I noticed the deep-seated anxiety present on their faces and was immediately filled with concern.

I slowly made my way to their table, cautiously preparing what I was going to say. My father glanced up at me, his usual sober look now more intense. He said my name and then followed with, “I need to speak with you.”

Something important was happening.

I blinked, “Oh, really? I was actually coming to talk to you, too.”

“About what?”

“I hope things are fine? I saw both of you talking about something urgent as I came in…”

My mother nodded, “Yes, we will be traveling soon,” she added, her voice hinting some worry.

My heart sank at the news. If my parents travelled now, the responsibility of overseeing the pack hunters would fall on my shoulders and it was a weighty task. Dealing with life was already stressful; adding supervising duties of a ragged pack hunting grove like this one filled with menly men sounded almost impossible for me to handle.

Taking a deep breath, I asked, “Why are you leaving? Is everything alright?”

My father’s eyes softened as he reached across the table to take my hand in his. My father rarely showed emotion so this gesture surprised me a bit. “There are matters that require my attention elsewhere and your mother has to follow too,” he explained gently. “I trust you, Lily, to look after the pack hunters in my absence. They respect and trust you and you have come of age to take on this responsibility.”

My mother nodded in agreement, “You have proven yourself capable, my dear, even though you still have a lot to learn. We believe in you.”

I felt pride and anxiety coursing through my veins. I had always admired my father’s leadership, and now he was entrusting me with a crucial task; to do what he’s perfectly done for years. I knew I couldn’t and shouldn’t let him down but I had never done this before. It wasn’t easy being the leader of the pack hunting grove, and I’m not a big fan of the arduous tasks imbedded in the role.

“You know I have never done this before, Father.”

“And that’s why you need this to be your first.” My mother completed for me.

“If you have any issues that’s bigger than you, you have Jaxon or Tyler to confide in …”

My mom pinched my father and exchanged a knowing glance with him, making him give me a face, “I’m sorry, dear. I mean you have Jaxon or Don to confide in.” Not like that’s better. “If it’s very serious, take it to the main pack house.”

“Alright, Father.” I tried to sound convincing, “How long will you both be gone?”

“I don’t know for now but I won’t be away for too long, I’m guessing.”

So why was he making it seem like he was going to be away for months? I for sure hoped not. The freedom I would enjoy for this while will be nice but not the duties that came with it.

“I won’t let you down, Father,” I said earnestly, hoping my father saw the determination in me. “I’ll do everything in my power to protect the pack and fulfill my responsibilities.”

My father’s smile reassured me. “I know you will, Lily,” he said. “You are strong, smart, and resilient. I have faith in you.”

I gave a slight nod, my resolve firm. My parents didn’t usually express such encouraging sentiments to me, so it was nice to hear the supportive words from my dad as he entrusted me with a great weight of responsibility.

“You can leave now.” My mom said and turned back to face my dad.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way to the kitchen, a heavy sense of obligation settling onto my shoulders.

I wasn’t sure if I was quite ready for such an important role in the pack, but I also knew that there was no escaping this moment. I had come of age, but I wished the occasion had come at a later time.

My father prepared for the journey and it reached a day before they both were to depart. I did tell myself I would try my best to lead our pack in his absence. Though, I didn’t know how hard this was until I actually got my first case when the boundary keepers complained about the navigators.

Now how the hell was I supposed to fix that?


After a grueling afternoon with the boundary keepers, later that day, as the sun began to set, casting an orange glow across the land, everyone was busy with their duties and I was satisfied that I had completed my tasks for the day. Adrian was confined to his chamber so I couldn’t go visit him without suspicion from the guards. I became bored out of my senses so I found myself drawn to my father’s study.

I had so many questions that I wanted answered from my parents, but my mother always shooed me away while my father tried to explain. Thankfully, I had a spare key to unlock the study room and maybe, just maybe, I could find the key to uncover the secrets of my family.

For so many generations, traditions and tales were passed down, none of which had reached my ears to be honest. I had only lived a comfortable life from birth till now and my mom would constantly remind me of the privilege I had as I was born in a golden age, centuries after the most devastating war that threatened to wipe out almost all species on the earth. My childhood till now had been a blur and a bore, so if anybody asked me to talk about my past, it was the same answer.


I pushed open the heavy wooden door, and the scent of old books and ancient knowledge hit my nasal holes. The room was filled with shelves, lined with volumes of books and dusty manuscripts. The atmosphere felt charged with anticipation, as if the room itself held the weight of generations past.

I let my fingers slide along the spines of the books as my eyes scanned the titles until something caught my attention-a worn, leather-bound journal hidden among the others. Its pages were weathered and yellowed with time. It looked like it had been preserved for literal ages and belonged to another time. It seemed like a shrine to the secrets of my family that I had been aching to learn.

Curiosity got the best of me, urging me to explore further. I carefully lifted the journal from its resting place, too excited to know what I’d find inside. What secrets were tucked away in these pages? What facts about our family history would I discover?

I cozied up in an armchair close to the window, the setting sun casting long shadows around the room.. With fidgety hands, I opened the journal and beheld a delicate handwriting that seemed to dance across the paper.

As my eyes scanned the cryptic entries, my pulse raced. The words spoke of a long-lost werewolf artifact-a relic of immense power that had been hidden for centuries for a very important reason. Its whereabouts remained unknown, guarded by what looked like riddles and ancient prophecies I had no idea how to even identify talk less of decrypting it.

I traced the lines with my finger, my mind spinning with questions. What connection did this artifact have to my family? Why was its existence kept hidden? And most importantly, what was this doing in my dad’s study room?

As I continued exploring the journal, the entries became all the more captivating. I discovered sections of our family’s history, which revealed the struggles and sacrifices of our ancestors.

My great-grandparents were heroes of the noble werewolf troops throughout the Grand War. My dad was born on a battleground during the war – probably the reason why he was so distant and cold.

I read about Aunt Belinda and Uncle Sam. Both served sentences for eloping together a day before their arranged marriages to different partners. Aunt Belinda sure had a wild streak!

The journal was a treasure trove of secrets, woven together throughout the ages, just waiting to be untangled by someone. I didn’t pay attention to the close of day, as I was overwhelmed by the secrets it revealed. Time flew by as I absorbed every word written, my thoughts racing to put the pieces of this complex jigsaw together.

I was given a glimpse into a world that I had only seen in my dreams and in the stories people told: my past, my heritage, my family.

With each page I turned, my curiosity and my sense of urgency increased. I knew I couldn’t keep this newfound knowledge to myself. The artifact, the prophecies, and the hidden truths-I felt they held the key not just to our family’s past but also to our future.

Closing the journal, I took a deep breath. I had already gotten most of what I wanted in my deep dive, so I was now hungry for answers. It was time to confront my father, to demand the truth that had been withheld from me for far too long. As soon as he came back, I would most likely confront him about it.

As the night sky started to glimmer with stars, I held the journal close to my heart. I felt an excitement coursing through me – a feeling that something greater than myself was about to happen. I sensed that I was meant to play an important role in the secrets of my family’s past.

Even though I never felt particularly needed before by the people in my life, I knew that there was a purpose I was meant to fulfill. Something told me I had a role I was destined to play in these prophecies I had seen in the-

Wait a second.

I suddenly remembered a line that caught my attention in the journal. With a quick flick of my wrist, I reopened the book and flipped through it until my eyes landed on it.


“Blood will always run through the hunter, but the hunted will never be the hunter. This will change in the time when the shadows and flickers begin to produce light together.”

What the hell does this mean?

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