Forbidden Desire


He bites his lip and walks away, leaving me on shaky legs. I can hardly believe I almost had sex with him.

After gathering my wits, I took a refreshing shower, brushed my hair until it gleamed, and slipped into a pair of form-fitting jeans that accentuated my curves. Paired with a black V-neck blouse and Chuck Taylor sneakers in the same color, I aimed for a casual yet stylish look. Since we were headed to a burger joint, there was no need for any overproduction.

As I entered the room, I found him waiting for me, clad in jeans and white sneakers, topped with a vibrant red sweatshirt. As always, he looked effortlessly handsome, and I couldn’t help but lose my breath admiring him.

“Shall we?” he asked, breaking the momentary silence with a nod towards the door.

I nodded in response, and we made our way out. He drove with ease, one hand on the wheel and the other resting casually on my thigh. When we arrived at the burger joint, I was greeted by the cozy ambiance and the tantalizing scent of fries that filled the air.

Jason turned to greet a man a little taller than him, sporting a backwards cap and a friendly smile that lit up upon seeing Jason.

“Man, I thought you weren’t coming!” the man exclaimed with genuine delight.

“Did you think I’d miss the opening? Of course not. We’ve been friends for many years, and I’m very happy to see you achieving more and more things,” Jason replied warmly, his eyes reflecting genuine pride.

“I’m delighted, and I hope you like the burger,” the man said, his smile widening.

“I’m sure I will,” Jason replied confidently.

“And who is this beautiful girl?” the man inquired, turning his attention to me.

Jason pulled me closer, his hands finding their way around my waist as I instinctively shied away.

“That’s Jane. She’s my…” Jason began, but before he could finish, I interjected, “I work for him.”

I spoke quickly, cutting him off before he could label our relationship with anything too intimate. After all, what could he say? Mistress? Concubine? The tension between us was palpable, and I could sense the confusion in the air as the man regarded us with curiosity.

“Anyway, shall we sit down?” Jason suggested, steering the conversation away from the awkwardness as he guided me towards a table.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Once seated, facing each other, he chuckled softly.

“What?” I inquired, curious about the source of his amusement.

“I found your desperation funny. What did you think I was going to say?” he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

“Lover? Concubine? The other one?” I retorted with a smirk, attempting to lighten the mood.

His smile faded, and he lowered his gaze, his expression turning serious.

“That’s not how I see you,” he confessed quietly.

“Then how do you see me?” I pressed, my heart pounding in anticipation.

He bit his lip, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

“Like a friend,” he admitted, his voice soft yet tinged with longing.

“Friends don’t look at each other like that,” I protested, the heat rising to my cheeks.

“I know. You’re much more than a friend to me. You’re my girl, but I really want to make you my wife,” he confessed, his words hanging in the air between us.

My heart skipped a beat as he reached across the table, taking my hand in his.

“Just wait for me to sort out all this mess,” he pleaded, his gaze searching mine for understanding.

Before I could respond, a waitress approached, interrupting the moment with her cheerful demeanor.

“Good evening! My name is Lia, and I’ll be serving you tonight. What will you have?” she chirped, her eyes flickering between us.

We perused the menu, and I settled on a double burger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake. Jason chuckled at my choice, ordering the same with a playful glint in his eye.

As we awaited our meal, he admired me with a silly smile, his eyes sparkling with affection.

“What?” I questioned, a hint of self-consciousness creeping in.

“Will you be able to eat it all?” he teased, his laughter contagious.

“If you fool around, I’ll eat mine and yours,” I countered with a playful smirk, relishing in our banter.

He laughed and reached across the table to take my hand, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through me. His eyes danced with mirth as he glanced around the bustling restaurant, lost in thought.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sensing a shift in his mood.

“Regret,” he admitted, his voice tinged with melancholy.

“For what?” I inquired gently, a pang of sympathy tugging at my heartstrings.

“When Lee decided to open this burger shop, he asked me to join him as a partner. I was excited about the opportunity, but when I mentioned it to Jinhee, she scoffed at the idea, saying it didn’t suit me as an entrepreneur. She made me feel ashamed of considering it,” he confessed, his eyes clouded with regret.

“Well, it’s never too late. You can still invest here! The place is packed, and if the burger is as good as it smells, it could soon become a successful franchise,” I encouraged, offering a glimmer of hope.

He smiled gratefully, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of gratitude and longing.

“Do you think so?” he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

“Of course! With your charm and dedication, I have no doubt it’ll be a hit,” I reassured him, a warm smile spreading across my face.

“Thank you for always encouraging me,” he murmured, his expression softening with gratitude.

“Of course! Team Jason all the way!” I declared with a playful grin, eliciting a shy smile from him in return.

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of our meal, and we dug in eagerly, savoring the juicy burgers and crispy fries.

“This is really good!” I exclaimed between bites, a satisfied smile gracing my lips.

“I can see that. Your face is smeared with sauce!” Jason teased, reaching for a napkin to wipe my face.

I blushed, embarrassed by my lack of grace, but he looked at me tenderly, his eyes alight with affection.

“There you go,” he said softly, his touch gentle as he wiped away the sauce.

I couldn’t help but smile back at him, feeling a warmth spreading through me at his gentle gesture.

“What?” he asked, noticing my lingering gaze.

“I love…” he began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words.

My heart fluttered in my chest, anticipation coursing through me as I waited for him to continue.

“I love your way. You’re so authentic, and you don’t bother pretending to be something you’re not. When I’m with you, I feel good, and I feel like I can be myself,” he confessed, his eyes locked with mine.

“And you can. I’ll love any version of you, whether you’re sad or happy, relaxed or angry, joking or quiet. No matter how you are, I’ll always want to be by your side,” I promised, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smiled at me, his eyes shining with emotion as he reached across the table to squeeze my hand.

Our intimate moment was interrupted by Lee, who approached our table with a grin.

“So, is it approved?” Lee inquired, his eyes flickering between us with curiosity.

Jason turned his attention to his friend, nodding in affirmation as he took another bite of his burger.

“Look, it’s so approved that I’m seriously considering investing in the business,” Jason declared, a proud smile spreading across his face.

Lee’s eyes widened in surprise, and he pulled up a chair to join us, his expression one of genuine delight.

“Really, man?” Lee exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

“Yes, I had my doubts, but someone very convincing persuaded me,” Jason replied, nodding towards me with a playful grin.

Lee turned to me with a grateful smile, offering a mini bow of thanks.

“Thank you. I’m sure you won’t regret it. I know you didn’t do it before because of Jinhee, and I’m glad to see you making a decision without her influence. That’s progress!” Lee remarked, his admiration evident.

“It is. I shouldn’t have let her opinion sway me. She doesn’t even like hamburgers,” Jason admitted, a hint of sadness in his voice.

“She doesn’t like anything, does she? She makes a disgusted face at everything,” Lee remarked, his tone tinged with amusement.

Jason’s gaze softened, a flicker of sadness crossing his features as he contemplated his troubled relationship with Jinhee.

Sensing his discomfort, I interjected, eager to change the subject.

“Look, this sauce has won my heart!” I exclaimed, gesturing to my burger with a playful grin.

Jason chuckled, grateful for the diversion.

“She liked it so much that her face was all smeared with the sauce!” he teased, eliciting laughter from all of us.

“Let me enjoy my snack in peace, please?” I pleaded with mock indignation, joining in the laughter.

We continued to enjoy our meal, our conversation flowing effortlessly as we shared stories and laughter. Despite the crowded restaurant, I felt like we were in our own little bubble of happiness.

Before we knew it, the hours had passed, and the bottles of Soju had been emptied. Jason declared that it was time to call it a night, mindful of his responsibility to drive safely.

“But seriously, that was the last one. I still have to drive. I’m going to the restroom, and I’ll be right back to leave,” Jason announced, rising from the table.

I followed him with a silly smile on my face, unable to shake off the warmth of our shared moments.

As we made our way towards the restroom, I caught Lee watching me with a knowing smile.

“What?” I asked, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.

“You like Jason, don’t you?” Lee remarked, his smile widening.

I couldn’t help but smile sheepishly, hiding my face with my hands.

“Is it that obvious?” I admitted, feeling a rush of embarrassment.

“It is! And I’m really glad. He deserves someone nice and not that witch who sucks his soul like a Dementor,” Lee quipped, his tone laced with disdain.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his colorful analogy.

“Technically, Dementors suck up happy memories. She’d be more like a bogeyman,” I corrected with a playful grin.

“A girl who knows Harry Potter! I’ll tell Jason to marry you!” Lee joked, his laughter echoing through the air.

Our laughter subsided, and a somber expression crossed my face.

“As much as I love Jason, I know he loves Jinhee,” I confessed, a twinge of sadness in my voice.

“That’s not love. It’s a schism, an ego, anything but love. I’ve never seen Jason smile like he did today. I’ve never seen him hold Jinhee’s hand like he did yours today. I think he really likes you and just hasn’t realized it yet,” Lee reasoned, his words striking a chord within me.

“Do you?” I asked, desperately clinging to the hope in his words.

“I’m sure. I hope he realizes it soon and puts that woman aside,” Lee replied, his gaze filled with sincerity.

“So do I,” I whispered, a silent prayer echoing in my heart.

Our conversation was interrupted by Jason’s return, his expression curious as he observed us.

“What are you laughing at?” he inquired, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Lee chuckled at Jason’s expression, drawing closer to me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

“I was asking Jane out,” Lee teased, earning a playful swat on the arm from Jason.

“WHAT?” Jason exclaimed, his expression turning serious as he regarded Lee with suspicion.

Lee couldn’t contain his laughter for long, soon bursting into laughter as he clarified his statement.

“Calm down, you don’t have to be jealous. I was just telling her that I liked seeing you smile like that. I haven’t seen you this relaxed for many years,” Lee explained, his words softening Jason’s expression.

“Hmm. I see. Shall we go, Jane?” Jason suggested, his hand extended towards me.

I reached up to take his hand, interlacing our fingers as we bid Lee farewell. Despite Lee’s attempt to hug me, Jason was quick to intervene, his protective instinct kicking in.

“Hey, not too intimate,” Jason teased, a playful glint in his eye.

We shared one last laugh before exiting the restaurant, the night air cool against our skin as we stepped outside.

Before starting the car, Jason pulled me close, his lips capturing mine in a delicious kiss that left me breathless. With a playful grin, he turned on the car stereo, blasting a dance song that had me rolling my eyes in amusement.

“Wow, no!” I exclaimed, laughing as I attempted to change the station, only to have him resist my efforts.

“What? Don’t you like it?” he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief as he began singing along to the song.

As the music filled the car, I couldn’t help but join in, our voices mingling in a chorus of laughter and joy. He whipped out his cell phone, capturing our impromptu karaoke session on video, his playful antics filling me with a sense of happiness I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Stop it, Jason, you’re driving!” I protested, though the laughter in my voice betrayed my amusement.

“Am I going to crash? Give me a kiss, and I’ll stop!” he countered, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I indulged him with a kiss on the cheek, unable to resist his playful charm. He captured the moment on video, his laughter echoing through the car as we continued our journey home.

As we arrived at his house, Jason stumbled out of the car, his movements unsteady from the effects of alcohol. I couldn’t help but worry about his ability to drive, but he seemed determined to make it to his room.

“I’m so drunk I don’t think I’ll find my room,” he admitted with a sly grin, his gaze locking with mine.

“Will you sleep with me tonight?” he asked, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

I nodded in response, a surge of excitement coursing through me as he led me towards his room. But as we reached the door, a wave of apprehension washed over me, memories of the day I saw him in bed with Jinhee flooding my mind.

“I’m sorry! I won’t be able to sleep here. I think I’d better go to my room,” I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

With a heavy heart, I turned away, leaving Jason standing in the doorway, his expression a mixture of confusion and disappointment.

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