Filthy Beautiful Lies(#1#2)

Chapter 48 Sophie


I run into Marta in the hall outside of one of the guest rooms.

“Sophie?” She sounds surprised and her eyebrows rise as she takes me in.

“Hi.” I peek around her and see several suitcases in the guest room and stray articles of clothing on the bed. What in the hell? I don’t understand what’s going on, but rather than stay and chat with Marta, I want to talk to Colton. I head straight for the kitchen.

“Marta looks pretty cozy upstairs.”

“She’s going to be staying here,” he says, without further explanation.

“Why? Doesn’t she have her own place?” If he gives me some speech about companionship or the house being empty, I am going to lose it. I was already suspicious about what all their relationship entailed and after his marriage fiasco I couldn’t handle anymore bombshells of information being dropped on me at the moment.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“She has a rat infestation in her building and her condo is being restored. It’s just for a few days or so.”

Rats? Ew. “Okay.”

“What’s wrong? You seem upset.”

“She just seemed surprised to see me here, like she didn’t know I was back in the picture.”

He shrugs. “You just came back yesterday. I haven’t gotten around to telling her yet.”

His response makes sense, I just don’t like the idea that with Colton newly single, Marta’s wasted no time in moving herself in. And judging by the three giant suitcases she brought with her, she’s planning on being here for more than just a couple of days.

Marta chooses that exact moment to enter the kitchen and help herself to a coffee mug from the cupboard. I know it’s irrational, but her familiarity with this man and his home bugs me. “Ready for work, boss? We can ride in together.” She treats him to a wide smile.

Colton gives me a peck on the lips and his eyes implore mine to let it go before he turns to face Marta. “Actually, I figured we’d probably be working different hours, so we’d drive in separate.”

“No, that’s okay. I don’t mind if you have to work late, I’m game for whatever. Plus, it’ll be a good time for us to catch up. I can bring you up to speed on the renovations I have planned for the pool house.”

“What renovations to the pool house?” I inquire.

“Colton didn’t tell you?”

I shake my head.

“One of the pumps malfunctioned and the pool house flooded. I’ve taken over redecorating it since … never mind.” Marta smiles coyly, sharing a secret look with Colt.

“Since what?” I ask.

She shrugs. “Since Stella is the one who decorated it and I didn’t think the purple and gold décor went with Colton’s taste, I figured it was time for a makeover.”

Colton slides his warm palm against my limp one, a gesture meant to calm and reassure me. I have no idea why I’m acting so territorial over a man I’m not even sure is mine, but seeing Marta here this morning has all my senses on high alert. If I am going to have an actual relationship with Colton, I need the women of his past to stop showing up here unannounced. I make a mental note to ask Colton for details about his relationship with Marta.

I stand near the front door in my pajamas and watch as Colton and Marta climb into her little red sports car. They pull out of the gated driveway and onto the road and the sound of blaring music lingers until they disappear from sight.

I sigh and shut the door. My new life is going to take some getting used to.

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