Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


Alex stood in the doorway, his face flushed with anger as he locked eyes with us. The intensity of his emotions made it seem as though he could explode like a simmering volcano at any moment. “What the hell is going on here?!” his voice boomed as he forcefully entered the room. The air grew thick with tension, causing me to instinctively clutch the blankets and pull them closer, desperately attempting to shield myself from the brewing storm. Beside me, Ace scrambled to put on his shorts, his movements hurried and tense.

“What are you doing here?!” Ace shot back at his brother, his voice dripping with fury that mirrored the rage in his eyes. The atmosphere in the room was charged with an electric blend of anger and frustration, emanating from both of them in palpable waves. It was as if their combined wrath had transformed the room into a pressure cooker, threatening to explode at any moment. My heart raced in my chest, the sound echoing loudly in my ears as I felt the weight of their intense emotions pressing down on me. In that moment, I wished more than anything to vanish, to escape the piercing gaze of Alex and the scorching anger that radiated from him.

As Alex’s gaze shifted from Ace to me, a fleeting expression of disappointment crossed his features. My heart sank further, the weight of his disapproval hitting me like a ton of bricks. The shame and embarrassment that washed over me were suffocating, as if I had been caught in a spotlight of judgment. The sound of my own heartbeat seemed to drown out everything else, a rapid rhythm that underscored my profound discomfort. I longed to be anywhere but here, trapped in this suffocating confrontation that I had unwittingly become a part of.

The verbal onslaught escalated, the decibel of their voices rising even higher. Alex’s frustration was palpable as he retorted, “Like you guys were quiet?! The whole neighborhood could hear you!” His voice reverberated through the room, a mixture of anger and exasperation that seemed to shake the very walls around us. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, the thought of our actions being broadcast beyond these walls making me want to shrink into nothingness.

As Alex’s eyes bore into mine once more, I saw a mixture of emotions swirling within them. The disappointment lingered, now accompanied by a flicker of something else-was it concern? My stomach churned with unease, a sense of guilt and regret settling heavily in the pit of my stomach. I had never meant for any of this to happen, never intended for their world to collide in such a catastrophic way.

Their anger escalated, their voices now rising to a crescendo that felt deafening. The tension was almost palpable, a living entity that wrapped around us with a vice-like grip. Without warning, Alex’s patience snapped, and he lunged forward, his hands shoving Ace with a force that sent him stumbling backward. The physical altercation mirrored the emotional turmoil that had been building since the moment Alex had walked in on us. The room seemed to shake with their aggression, a battleground for a conflict that had been brewing beneath the surface.

As the chaos unfolded before me, I was frozen in place, a silent witness to a clash of emotions that had spiraled out of control. The air was heavy with their anger, their words cutting through the tension like a knife. I felt like an intruder in their world, an unintended catalyst for this explosive confrontation. The weight of my presence hung heavily in the room, a stark reminder of the choices that had led us to this moment.

Alex hit Ace in the face. His lips were now bleeding. Oh my God, this was getting out of hand! “Alex!” I yelled out. “Stop it.” But neither of them listened. Ace wiped the blood off his face and then attacked Alex with his fist. His fist hit Alex straight in the eye. A loud gasp. A loud thud. Alex fell to the ground and groaned. I screamed. But that didn’t stop them. They continued fighting. Yelling and screaming at each other. “Stop!” I yelled. “Stop it!!”

They stopped and then looked at me angrily. One with a busted lip and the other one with a bruised eye. “I told you to stay away from him!” Alex growled at me. “Why the fuck don’t you listen?!”

“Stay away from me?!” Ace bellowed. “Why the fuck would you stay away from me! I’m the one she fucked!”

“Well I’m the one she kissed!” Alex screamed. “She belongs to me!”

Ace let out a humorless laugh. “No, she belongs to me!”

Amidst the lingering tension, my voice quivered but held a newfound strength. “I don’t belong to anyone,” I managed to say, my words carrying a hint of defiance. It was a declaration that I refused to be reduced to a possession in their argument, that my choices and feelings were my own to determine.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment, as if my statement had thrown a curveball into their heated exchange. But the respite was short-lived as Alex’s frustration erupted once more. “Well, I’m the one she kissed!” he screamed again to his brother, his voice cracking with a mix of anger and desperation. The intensity of his claim echoed through the room, a reminder of the tangled emotions that had brought us to this explosive point.

Ace’s response was sharp and laced with bitterness. “No, she belongs to me!” he shot back, his words dripping with an equal measure of resentment. The air was charged with their rivalry, a battle for possession that had escalated far beyond the original confrontation. The walls seemed to close in around us, the space shrinking as their voices grew louder, their emotions spiraling out of control.

As their argument raged on, the room felt suffocating, as though the weight of their emotions was pressing down on me from all sides. Their voices blended together in a cacophony of anger and hurt, the words becoming a blur as the lines between their grievances blurred.

“Stop,” I said, my words cutting through their verbal onslaught. The room fell silent, their eyes turning towards me, a mixture of surprise and irritation in their gazes. “This isn’t about ownership or possession,” I continued, my voice steady now as I met their gazes with conviction. “I’m not a prize to be won or claimed. I’m a person with my own feelings, choices. So get the fuck out of my room!”

I couldn’t deal with this anymore. Not after the text. Not after everything I’ve been through.

“Get the fuck out of my room!” I yelled out again.

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