Dominance (Book 1)

Chapter 36: School

Chapter 36: School

I walked downstairs to see Ethan talking to Zayn. They both were staring at me.

"Hey Danielle" they both said in unison

"Hey guys" I return the smile

Ethan took his car keys from the table and grabbed his bag

"Ready?" He asks and I smile at him, nodding

He walks to the car and opens the door for me and I climb in and smile again at him

Ethan climbs in the other side and starts his grey Camero and speeds off

The whole thing of Harry was on my mind. Why was he back? Will he ignore me?

I was an emotional mess

"Whats wrong Danielle?" Ethan glances at me, breaking the silence

I snapped out my thoughts

"Huh? Oh- nothing" I lie

He raises his eyebrow

"You can talk to me about anything.. I'm here for you" he smiles at me. He also had dimples, not as deep as Graysons though but it was attractive. Ethan was really attractive, I'm not gonna lie.

I smile at him.

Should I tell him?

"Basically.. my ex has come back from overseas and is now at school.. our school" I say

"Oh? But you must have many exes"

"Maybe, but he was my first love" I say, looking out the window

"I'm so sorry Danielle. You can come and chill with me and some of my friends at break. Then I can also go and look out for you with your ex" he says, smiling at me

"That's really sweet of you Ethan, thank you" I smile

Ethan has always been really sweet to me, which I appreciated

We drive in the school gates and Ethan parks in Graysons parking space

Ethan climbs out and opens the car door for me and I smile at him

Ethan walks next to me as we enter the school's entrance. He puts his arm around my shoulder and walks with me to his group of friends around four of them. The only one I recognized was Zayn. The rest I didn't know. They smirk at Ethan and Ethan returns the smirk. Boys will be boys, especially in this school, their was mostly boys and not so much girls. Their was testosterone everywhere. And not so much oestrogen to dilute it.

"And this must be Danielle" a boy with short brown hair and beautiful blue-green eyes says. He was really attractive. He was tall and he had a gorgeous jawline. And his voice was really deep Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I smiled at him

"Yeah guess so" I giggle

"My names Colton. It's finally nice to meet you" he smirks

"Yeah you too" I smile

"Ethan can't stop talking about how beautiful you are and now I see why" a boy with green eyes and black hair says. He was also really good looking. He had a deep voice.

I can't help but to blush.

Ethan coughs and glares at him

"And that's Tyler. His really straightforward" Ethan adds in. I couldn't help but notice that he looked flushed.

"But you really weren't lying Ethan" Colton says

I looked as red as a tomato

"I'm Daniel" a boy with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes says. He had an adorable smile. Also, very attractive

"Hey" I smile

"Guys calm yourselves" Zayn playfully rolls his eyes at them and they chuckle

"Zaynie have some fun" Colton teases

"I tried and I literally got an ass whipping from Grayson" Zayn says

"Well on Graysons behalf you did tell Danielle she looked tasty which is a bit cringe" Ethan burst out laughing and the others joined in. I couldn't help but to giggle

I had to go find Jessica but I don't think she was so bothered with me since she is Luke's mate.

"Guys I'll be back'' I smile

"Aww where you going?" Tyler asks

They were all staring into my soul

"I have to find my friends" I say

"Mind if we come along?" Colton asks

"Uh sure" I smile

"Give the girl some space, after all you stand no chance with her after all" Zayn says with humor in his voice

They glared at him and looked back at me

"It's fine" I smile awkwardly

"Great" Colton smiles. I see that he was the cocky one.

I smiled at them and walked down the long hall. They followed behind me. I heard a few inappropriate comments about my ass from each one of them and I rolled my eyes. I saw Jessica standing against her locker with Luke making her laugh and blush. Jess notices me and waves her hands at me.

"Hey" I smile and hug the both of them. The other boys stand close to me and look at Luke

"Why are they following you around like lost puppies?" She furrows her eyebrows

"Well..." I tried to think of why they were actually following me but came up with nothing

"I dont really know" I smile awkwardly

"Oh" she looks around at them and stops at Ethan

"Hey Grayson" she smiles. The boys burst out laughing and Ethan blushes like crazy

Jessica furrows her eyebrows

"That's Ethan" I whisper into her ear

She starts blushing from embarrassment

"Sorry" She smiles at Ethan and he shyly smiles back

"I need to talk to you" she looks at me and pulls me to the girls changing room, leaving the boys awkwardly staring at Luke

"What's up?" I ask

"I saw Harry. He is on the field" she looks at me


"He was hanging with Louis" she says

"Crap" I groan

"And his in our class" she purses her lips

"Fuck" I groan

Just then the bell rang.

"Lets go" she pulls me out of the changing room

The boys were still their

"Hey.. so I'll see you guys at break yeah?" I ask

"Definitely" they smirk and walk off

Jessica kisses Luke and I look away awkwardly.

They start making out for about 3 minutes until I intrude

I cough and they pull apart. They exchange their 'I love you's' and I walk with Jessica to first class. Biology

I walk inside the class and that familiar cologne hits my nose. I coughed up the confidence to look up and I saw Harry looking at me with his beautiful green eyes that I so deeply fell in love with. My stomach turns.

I look away and sit at the back of the classroom. Harry grabs his things and I look at Jessica to come and sit next to me but Harry was too quick.

I just stare at my hands that was folded on the table.

"Danielle" that raspy voice says. I missed that voice

I look up at him and my eyes lock with his

"I cant begin to say how much I've missed those blue eyes. I thought that I would of never seen them again" he smiles at me, revealing those dimples

I just give him a half a smile and look back at the teacher

"Look I'm sorry ok. Please just talk to me. I've longed to hear your voice" he says desperately

I look at the teacher who is explaining the human body and how cells all form together to create a being

I really wanted to talk to him and catch up on old times and old feelings but I can't. I'm with Grayson now. He was my future. Harry was just my past.

Harry grabs my hand and pulls me so that I would face him.

"Please look at me. I want to hear your voice" he begs

"No Harry. I can't do this. I can't pretend like nothing happened and I can't pretend that I can be your friend. I went through all different levels of hell without you. I was so in love with you. But that's the past. I'm mated to someone now Harry. I'm sorry" I say sadly

"I know you are Danielle. Grayson, but that won't stop me from winning your heart back. I did it once and I'll do It again. I promise" he pleads and I see that his eyes were watery

I just look back at the board and listen to the teacher. The whole period he tried to talk to me but I avoided it.

My day went on. Harry being back just brought back old memories of us. I tried to get rid of them but it didn't disappear. It doesn't matter. I have Grayson. Right?

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