DeLuca (Mafia Romance)


“You start tonight,” it was the same guy that had spoken before, “We open at nine so stick around and pick out your set list.”

“Sounds good,” I said and made a beeline for the dressing room.

I was pulling my small purse out of the locker when Lana walked in, “You did well out there, how long have you been dancing?”

“About three years,” I said honestly.

“Wow, that’s impressive. Here’s your lock, the combination is written in tape on the back. You’ll need to pick out eight songs for your shift tonight. You can get them to me or Puck it doesn’t matter which.”

“I’m sorry, Puck?” I asked.

“He’s the DJ, he’ll be here in an hour or so.”

“Oh, right. Okay, thanks.”

“No problem, why don’t you come sit at the bar and wait? It’s still early and none of the other girls have shown up to audition, you can pick out your songs up there.”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Umm, sure okay. I’ll be right there.” I said. As soon as she walked out of the door I turned back to my purse, pulling out my phone and sending a text to Mia.

Me: All good, got hired on. You guys ready?

Mia: Perfect, ready when you are, how long?

Me: 5 min.

Mia: How many are in there?

Me: Four men and a female bartender, DJ will be here in an hour. No other girls are here to audition yet.

Mia: Got it, the boys will keep out any new girls. I’ll text you when we’re at the back door.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing bitch?” Lana’s voice screeched from behind me, I hadn’t heard her come back in. I turned quickly but she was standing right over my shoulder and caught me by the hair, forcing me to lose my balance on my heels and crash to the floor. “Who do you work for? I knew you were up to something you skank!” I tried to wretch free from her grip but her hold was too tight. She had moved behind me now, pulling me up by my hair she continued to scream at me, “I asked you a fucking question, who do you work for?” she asked throwing me face first into one of the vanity mirrors. I felt a pop when my face hit the mirror and blood started gushing from my nose. She had let go of my hair when she threw me so I was able to turn around and face her. My hand cupped my nose and when I pulled it away there was blood pooled in my palm.

“You fucking cunt,” I yelled, my voice nasally from the impact. I may be small but I was not a pussy. This bitch just barked up the wrong fucking tree. I lunged for her, catching her off guard and forcing her back into the lockers causing them to rattle. I prayed no one would be able to hear us over the music that was playing on the main floor. I punched her in the face with my free hand.

Fuck that hurt!

The bitch had a hard fucking head, I shook my hand out which gave her the opportunity to pounce. She knocked me to the floor and we rolled around struggling for the upper hand. She easily had six inches and thirty pounds on me but I was a scrapper who’d grown up with two boys nearly twice my size. I quickly maneuvered my body so I was on top of her and she was facing down.

I frantically searched for a weapon since hitting this bitch with my fists seemed to cause more damage to me than her. I spotted a bottle of Jack Daniels on one of the vanities just out of reach. At that exact moment she bucked, trying to get me off of her, it gave me the boost I needed to grab the bottle by the neck. I swung as hard as I could and the bottle exploded over her head, cascading bits of glass and liquor over both of us. She dropped like a fucking rock and didn’t move. I stood up on shaky legs and made my way to let the cavalry in.


“Sal is in place,” Mouse called out from the back of the SUV where he balanced a laptop on his knees. From what we could tell the club had security cameras at the front and back entrance but Mouse couldn’t find their system which meant they were either on a closed circuit or they didn’t work. We just had to hope that the distraction Sal provided was enough that if the cameras did work no one would be watching when Frankie let us in. Sal, dressed like a bum, was going to cause a scene at the front entrance hopefully giving us time to get in without detection.

Frankie: All good, got hired on. You guys ready?

Me: Perfect, ready when you are, how long?

Frankie: 5 min.

Me: How many are in there?

Frankie: Four men and a female bartender, DJ will be here in an hour. No other girls are here to audition yet.

Me: Got it, the boys will keep out any new girls. I’ll text you when we’re at the back door.

“Cue Sal. Antonio, you and Angelo go ahead, I’ll be a few paces behind you,” I said as we climbed out of the car. Once Antonio and Angelo were out of earshot I turned to Enzo in the driver’s seat, “If shit goes down you call for backup and then get Frankie and Mouse out of here, understood?”

He nodded, “Of course.”

I slowly made my way to the back alley of the club. We’d parked two blocks down and around the corner so it was a short walk. Careful to make sure no one was watching, I ducked into the alley where Antonio and Angelo were waiting. Pulling out my phone, I text Frankie again to let her know we were there. After a minute the door opened and Frankie stumbled out, her shirt torn and blood dripping from her nose and lip.

Angelo caught her before she hit the ground while Antonio grabbed the door before it slammed shut. I rushed over to Frankie, “What the fuck happened?” I asked.

“The bartender,” she coughed and tried to take a deep breath, from the disgusting gurgling sound her nose made when she tried to breathe it was probably broken. “She saw the text, bitch tried to kill me.”

“Where is she now?”

“Dressing room, I hit her over the head with a bottle.”

“Come on, we need to get you back to the car,” I said.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.