Daddies Brat

Chapter 37


Julia knew she should be getting back to the cottage that she was renting. The whole point had been to remove herself from distractions and finish the new book. To say that her agent was getting impatient was an understatement.

Julia didn’t need to be in the local town posting some letters; emails would have been fine. But here she was, wasting time gazing at a heritage railway station that sat opposite the shop that she’d dropped into for some stamps.

There was a train just in, huffing and hissing with steam. She couldn’t help herself, so she crossed the road towards the train.

A little breathless, Julia slumped into a seat just as the train pulled away, flopping her bag beside her. She’d only just made it onboard.

It was a fine old compartment, with wooden detailing, and leather straps at the windows. But it was different from any she’d been in before. There was no corridor. Sensing her puzzlement, a gentleman opposite smiled and explained: ‘This is actually a very early London Underground carriage, it’s a little unusual isn’t it?’

‘Thank you,’ Julia replied, adding rather cheekily, ‘You don’t seem like a trainspotter.’

The gentleman laughed. ‘Actually, I know nothing about trains; it was the guard who told me. I’m Richard, by the way.’ He held out his hand.

‘I’m… Julia. Lovely to meet you.’

Richard was smartly dressed in a suit. He had a well-defined face, a confident but gentle handshake, and a pleasant manner. Julia thought there were much worse people to be alone with in a train compartment that offered no corridor for escape.

‘So, this is a spur-of-the-moment trip?’ Richard wanted to know more about Julia.

‘Well, yes,’ Julia replied, ‘however did you know?’

Richard smiled again. ‘Not many people run to catch trains on heritage railways.’

‘Ah!’ It made sense to Julia now. ‘Yes, I really shouldn’t be here.’

‘Then, if you don’t mind my asking, where should you be?’

Julia didn’t mind. She was relieved by the opportunity to confess to a real person. ‘I’m writing a book. Well, I mean I’m not writing a book but I ought to be!’ Julia realized she sounded a little cross. She was cross only with herself.

‘I see.’ Richard looked at her but she could barely meet his gaze. ‘You’re avoiding writing? It must be a source of stress. What about it is worrying you?’

Julia took a deep breath. Richard was right, it seemed obvious now. ‘I guess, I guess, I’m scared it will be a flop. You see, not meaning to boast, but my first book was a huge success. Yet it was easy, there were no expectations. Now it just feels like everyone has more ideas about what my next book should be than me!’

‘Well then,’ said Richard, ‘that’s tough, a great deal of pressure. How will you work through it?’

‘No idea!’ Julia caught herself sounding a touch desperate. ‘I know I just need to be disciplined and push on. But I’ve never needed to be hugely disciplined in my work. It’s always just flowed. Nowadays a trickle would be nice.’

‘Yes,’ Richard sounded encouraging, ‘sooner or later, discipline is crucial because work is never easy all of the time.’

There was a pause. Julia reflected on her lack of discipline and Richard’s pertinent insights.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Richard broke the silence. ‘I could help you with that. The discipline, that is.’

Julia swallowed deeply. ‘How so?’ Julia had spoken rather curtly, feeling a little defensive at the thought of someone else helping her with discipline.

‘Well, I hope you won’t be offended, but I could spank you.’

‘Spank me!’ Julia was hoping to sound outraged but she was surprised to find that her tone betrayed more than an edge of curiosity. ‘I’m not a child!’

‘Well, I would never spank a child. I am offering to spank you as I think it could help you focus and finish your book. It is, of course, entirely your choice whether or not you take up my offer.’

Julia paused. ‘And this spanking you’d like to give me, where do you propose to administer such a thing?’

‘Well, right here. Assuming nobody gets on at the next station, which is unlikely. There’s quite a stretch to the stop after that. It’s an ideal opportunity. After all, right now is when you’re avoiding your writing. It’s a very apt moment to address your behavior.’

Julia was shocked yet, though she hated to admit it to herself, she was also more than a little intrigued.

They sat in silence at the next station. A distracted mother and her wide-eyed son stood on the platform. Strangely, Julia found herself willing to choose another carriage. They did. Julia contemplated changing carriages herself. But as the train pulled away, there she remained.

‘Very well then, spank me if you must.’ Julia could barely believe what she was saying.

‘No,’ replied Richard, calm as ever but rather firmer in his tone now. ‘I shall only spank you if I believe you accept that you need it. And if you ask me nicely.’

‘Okay,’ replied Julia, gathering herself, ‘please would you spank me?’

‘Sir!’ instructed Richard. ‘This won’t work if you don’t accept my authority and submit to it.’

Julia bristled a little and couldn’t believe how much she wanted the spanking now, even with these questionable theatrics. ‘Please would you spank me, Sir?’

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