Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 85

Hanna turned and ran into the house slamming the door behind her. When she got to her room, she slammed that door also and locked it.

“She is definitely your daughter.” Smokey retorted to Sam.

Sam just rolled her eyes and scoffed.

Snake looked at Maverick. “I think you boys need to take Jasmine home. And then get to the clubhouse.”

“Yeah.” Maverick agreed.

After Hanna locked her door, she threw herself down on her bed for a good cry. She was frustrated and hurt among other feelings like embarrassment and anger over the entire situation.

“Hanna?” Sam lightly knocked on her door.

“Go away!” Hanna shouted.

“Honey, we need to talk.” Smokey said calmly.

Hanna opened the door then sat on her bed. Her three parents came in the room.

“I am 18 not a child. To ground me like that is way unreasonable!” She retorted.

“You’re right. And that’s why we came to talk.” Sam agreed.

Smokey sighed. “Honey, I over reacted. When your mom was pregnant with you, I got drunk did some stupid shit, and we had an argument. I then got on my motorcycle and wrecked almost losing my life in the process. I had a broken arm and leg, busted my skull, broke some ribs, punctured a lung, and was in a coma for days. And that’s why it hit me hard hearing you drank and drove.”

“I’m sorry dad. But honestly, I wasn’t drunk. I had two mild mixed drinks like hours before Mav showed up acting like a huge ass. We got into it and I got pissed. I understand how you felt hearing that, and I promise I’ll never drink a single drink and drive again. Maybe I shouldn’t have driven after the whole situation. I promise, if there’s a next time, I’ll call you first.” Hanna promised.

“It was still dangerous to drive with any alcohol in your system. Not to mention you’re under the legal age to drink anyway! Hanna, you know we don’t allow that.” Sam warned.

“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I was just so upset and wanted to get out of my head for a little bit.” Hanna whispered.

Sam sighed. “Well, I guess we’re just going to have to trust you to be responsible in the future. You’re not grounded, but we are very disappointed in what you did young lady.”

“I know. I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you guys.” Hanna explained.

The guys kissed her on the forehead and left the room.

“Mom? Can we talk?” She asked.

Sam sat on the bed beside Hanna. “Sure, what’s on your mind?”

“I’m just really confused.” Hanna replied.

“About?” Sam asked.

“Mav.” Hanna stated.

“Ok. Give me the details.” Sam replied.

“I really love him. I don’t have any doubt about that. I know he’s my other half. But I do have serious doubts about his feelings for me. Sometimes it’s like I’m the only thing that exists in his life, and others it’s like other stuff is more important.” Hanna explained.

“At the clubhouse a club whore was in his room. He said nothing happened. Then Jessi said she’s seen several hang on him at the club when I’m not there. He’s canceled so many things we had planned due to “club business”.” She air quoted.

“Tonight was just another cancelation. He canceled the Christmas formal because of the club. I’ve planned for this night for weeks mom, you know that. It meant something to me. I feel like what I want doesn’t matter. Like I’m second best and the club have his true loyalty. Am I wrong to feel that way?” Hanna asked.

Sam sighed. “No honey, you feel how you feel. Every woman wants to feel like they are the most important thing in their man’s life. Like they’ll drop everything to come running. And be very careful what you believe in as far as Jessi. We don’t know what kind of person or what morals she truly has. Honey, you know club life is different. You’ve grown up in it your whole life. That being said, I think we need an expert’s opinion on this.”

“Who?” Hanna asked.

“Lucas. He’s third generation and has a calmer head than Adrian does.” Sam laughed. “plus, he was third generation Prez.”

Hanna rolled her eyes. “Ok.”

“Lucas babe, can you come here?” Sam hollered.

A few minutes later he poked his head in the door. “Sure beautiful, what ya need?”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Sam patted the bed between her and Hanna. He sat down and Hanna explained how she was feeling.

“Well kiddo, the club has been in Mav’s life just like yours. It’s always been known he’d prospect as soon as he was old enough, all the MC boys were known to. Just like everyone else he has to start at the bottom being a prospect. Just because his dad is Prez, he can’t get any special treatment. It could get a brother killed if he doesn’t pay his time and make sure he’s cut out for this club. We all rely on each other, and one weak link can destroy a club. And you know a prospect can’t refuse a job any patched brother gives him, no matter what plans he may have.” Lucas explained.

“Impossible situation.” Hanna sighed.

“Can you imagine how Mav would feel not to make a patched member? How it would look for the Prez’s son to not make the cut?” Lucas asked. “I can promise you; Prez won’t go easy on him; he can’t afford to. In fact, I can bet he’ll be even harder on him.”

“This sucks.” Hanna muttered.

“And your mom is right about Jessi. Tread carefully there baby girl. And if it helps, we’ve not seen him with anyone at the clubhouse or on the runs. Me and Smokey would personally kick his ass if he fucked around on our daughter.” Lucas assured her.

“Yeah, well this is my senior year. I’ve earned this year to enjoy, but that’s not happening all because he had to prospect.” Hanna retorted.

“Yes, but if you really love him, you’ve got to support him. I know you’re disappointed. But this is his future and yours he’s working towards. Just like he’ll have to support your decision to go away to beauty school for eight months after graduation.” Lucas raised his brow.

Hanna looked away sheepishly. “Hanna? You have told him, right?” Sam asked.

“I’ve been trying to. We just hardly get to spend any time together anymore, and I don’t want to spend what little time we get fighting.” Hanna explained.

Sam sighed. “Hanna, you’ve got to tell him, and you’ve got to let him know how you feel. Keeping all this bottled up will be so much worse the longer it goes on.”

Hanna nodded. Sam and Lucas hugged her before they left her room. Hanna laid across her bed face down. Her cell phone notification dinged. She picked it up. It was a message from Mav.

“You still mad?” He asked.

“Yes, and we need to talk tomorrow.” She replied.

“Are you breaking up with me?” Maverick texted.

“No. Goodnight Mav.” Hanna replied.

“I love you.” Maverick texted.

“I love you too.” Hanna responded.

“Goodnight.” Maverick texted back.

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