Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 81

The guys loaded up and left for Snake’s mom’s house. Sam went to the kids’ rooms and asked them to come out for a talk.

“Kids, I need to talk to you.” Sam replied.

“What’s up mom?” Brady asked.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Hanna Grace asked.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your cousin Jessi is coming to stay with us for a while. I need you both to help her feel welcome.” Sam explained.

“Ok, but if she’s trouble count me out.” Brady remarked.

“She’s fun.” Hanna Grace replied.

“Hanna Grace.” Sam warned. “Just remember your upbringing.”

“I know mom.” Hanna Grace rolled her eyes.

Friday night the clubhouse was having a party to celebrate Maverick and Maddox’s graduation and their initiation into the club as prospects. The girls were worried about them moving in to the clubhouse.

“Ok ladies, time to party and claim our guys. No more waiting on them. If they don’t want us then we can move on to someone else.” Hanna Grace explained.

“Jessi, Maverick and Maddox are off limits.” Hanna Grace ordered.

“Ok cuz.” Jessi replied.

Jasmine went up to Maddox. “Maddox, we need to talk.”

“Ok Jazz, let’s go out back.” Maddox agreed.

Jade’s crush on Brady ended after hearing about his constant club whore fucks. Her respect for him as a guy was destroyed. She walked over to Levi. He was more mature anyway.

“Levi, let’s talk.” Jade ordered.

“Ok baby, let’s go.” Levi agreed.

Maverick looked at Hanna Grace. “So, are you talking to me now?”

“Maybe. Depends on what you have to say.” Hanna Grace replied.

Jessi walked in front of Hanna Grace. “Hi. I’m her cousin Jessi.”

“Maverick.” Is all he replied. “Hanna Grace, let’s go find a quiet place to talk.”

“Ok.” She agreed.

Maddox and Jasmine went out back to the seats near the fire pit. It wasn’t late enough for the brothers to be crowded around the pit yet, so they had the area to themselves.

“So, Jazz. What’s up?” He asked.

“I like you. Like a lot. And I want to know how you feel about me?” Jasmine asked.

“I like you too Jazz.” He replied.

“Like as a friend, or like as a boyfriend?” She asked.

“Boyfriend?” He said it like a question.

“Are you asking or telling?” Jasmine huffed.

“Telling, ok telling.” He replied. “I just wasn’t sure about you, and how you felt?”

“I want to be your girl, only yours. And I won’t share you.” Jasmine warned.

“I’m good with that. And I don’t share either.” He grinned.

“I’m yours, and only yours.” Jasmine agreed.

Maddox pulled her into his arms and kissed her, showing her how much he liked her. They made out for a while. In the past they had flirted, but never went any further until now.

Jade and Levi went to a picnic table that no one was at. “Ok baby what did you want to talk about?” Levi asked.

“I really like you. And I wanted to know how you felt about me?” She asked.

“I’ve liked you for a while. I actually thought you were into Brady. And I know he like you, so I didn’t say anything.” Levi replied.

“I thought I did, but hearing and seeing him with the multiple club whores killed that infatuation really quick!” Jade explained.

“I want someone who’s not a player and who will be with me and only me. I want to be your girl, your only girl.” Jade explained.

“Ok, I’m good with that.” Levi agreed.

“That means no other girls, especially the club whores and skanks!” Jade replied.

“And no other guys for you either.” Levi warned.

“If I have you, I won’t need any others.” Jade agreed.

Jade wrapped her arms around his neck while Levi wrapped his around her waist pulling her into him as they kissed and made out.

Maverick took Hanna Grace to the Gazebo for some privacy. They needed to discuss somethings and he needed to apologize for ruining several events she’d planned.

“Look, I want to apologize for ruining prom for you. I handled it all wrong. You just caught me off guard and I panicked.” He explained.

“Mav, I’m tired of dancing around whatever this is between us. It either goes forward, or ends for good now. I can’t live in this limbo status anymore. If we aren’t going to be together, then that’s it. End of story, dead and buried for good. We move on and steer clear of each other.” Hanna Grace explained.

“Hanna Grace, we’re too young to get serious. I really care about you; I care a lot.” Maverick replied.

“I’m not asking you to marry me. Just be my boyfriend and faithful to me. You know the normal boyfriend girlfriend stuff.” Hanna Grace explained.

“But that’s it, isn’t it? The faithful part.” A tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

“Hanna baby, don’t cry. It rips my insides up to see you cry.” Maverick sighed.

“Well when you lose something you love, that’s a natural reaction. I wish you well in whatever your future holds. I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for. Goodbye Maverick.” Hanna Grace replied as she turned and walked away from him.

Maverick felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. His feet started moving him towards her. He reached out and grabbed her wrist.

“Hanna wait.” He pleaded.

“Why? I can’t do this anymore. I can’t chase after a guy who doesn’t want to be caught. Who doesn’t even want me and only me. I deserve better. I need to move on and get over you. Just let me go before you hurt me even worse.” Hanna Grace begged.

“I can’t. Hanna Grace, I’m willing to try. I can’t lose you. It hurts too bad. I do love you; you know. And it scares me how much. Knowing it gives you power over me, power to destroy my heart.” He explained.

“Mav, I love you. Hurting you hurts me. I don’t want to have power over you, I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to be with you 100% all in.” Hanna Grace replied.

“All in baby.” Maverick agreed.

And it felt right to him. For the first time in a while he felt like he could breathe. He felt happy. They kissed passionately.

Like a starving person who’s went without food or water for days. Mav ground his erection into Hanna’s stomach. Her arms hugged him tighter.

“God Hanna, I need to stop before I can’t.” Maverick groaned.

“Get us a room Mav.” Hanna Grace whispered.

“Fuck just the thought of that made my cock jump. Baby, are you sure?” He asked.

“200% sure.” Hanna Grace agreed.

“Well, I got my bedroom in the clubhouse today. Looks like you can help me break it in.” He grinned.

“Lead the way, Stud.” Hanna Grace said huskily.

“Baby, you keep talking like that and I’m gonna cum in my pants! Party will be over before it even starts!” Maverick groaned.

“Then hurry!” Hanna Grace replied.

Maverick and Hanna went to his room. They locked the door, and in minutes had each other’s clothes torn off.

“Last chance to back out.” Maverick warned.

“No backing out.” Hanna Grace replied.

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