Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 63

The next big event was Kim and Ice’s wedding. They got married at the courthouse and Ice took Kim to a cabin in the mountains for their honeymoon.

“What do you think of us getting married?” Smokey asked.

“I dunno. Not really thought about it. We’re still young.” Sam replied.

“Snake is coming down this weekend. He sends his apologies for not making it last time. Club business came up.” Smokey replied.

“Where were you planning on getting together at?” Sam asked.

“You can call it what it is. A three some. I thought my room at the clubhouse would be better.” Smokey replied.

“Ok. That sounds fine.” Sam agreed.

“Good. Because I thought you’d say that, so I already told him Ok.” Smokey laughed.

“Adrian!” Sam exclaimed while smacking his chest.

He just laughed harder. Saturday night they headed to the clubhouse. They found Snake at the bar.

“Hey beautiful, miss me?” Snake asked.

“Sure. But I didn’t miss the evil stares.” Sam replied.

“Don’t worry about her. I ended it and she’s with another brother. Haven’t fucked her since I met you.” Snake replied.

“Not sure she got the memo! And I hope you didn’t do that because of me!” Sam replied.

“Nah, it’s been a long time coming.” Snake replied.

“Amen to that! She’s needed gone for a while, but then she took up with Bear.” Hawk retorted.

“I’m thinking she’s sure I’m the reason. Because I’m getting some major death glares.” Sam retorted.

“Ignore her.” Snake replied.

“Drink and dance!” Smokey ordered.

“Brother you read my mind.” Snake laughed.

They each had a drink and then went to the dance floor. After a few songs Sam went to the bathroom. She peed then washed her hands. Just as she was about to leave, Ivy, Daisy, and another woman came through the door blocking her exit. Sam pulled her phone out to call Smokey, but Ivy smacked it out of her hand, and it slid across the floor.

“Look who we have here ladies.” Ivy scoffed.

“Boyfriend stealing slut!” Daisy retorted.

“I think she needs taught a lesson!” The third woman Demi replied.

“Definitely! What do you think Daisy?” Ivy asked.

“Yep, I agree.” Daisy grinned.

Sam put up a good fight but she’s no match for three against one. After they beat her up and knock her out, they carry her out the back door. Snake noticed Sam being gone too long.

“Hey man where’s Sam?” Snake asked.

“She should have been back already.” Smokey replied.

He headed towards the bathroom to look for her. After they managed to run the women out, they found Sam’s cellphone with a busted screen in the corner.

“This doesn’t look good. You thinking what I’m thinking?” Snake asked.

“Either a jealous bitch or a bad brother in your group.” Smokey answered.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nah, none of my brothers would do this.” Snake replied.

“You round up your skank, I’ll round up mind. Then meet in Prez’s office. I’ll text him what’s going on.” Smokey replied.

“On it. Texting Hawk too.” Snake agreed.

Jax, Hunter, IT, Blade, Smokey, Snake, and Hawk were all in the office. Smokey had drug Daisy and Macy in and Snake had drug in Ivy. Jax the Prez stands up.

“Ok ladies, first one to talk will leave here with their life. So, who wants to tell me what happened to Sam?” Jax demanded.

“Jax, I swear I don’t know anything! I’ve been with Cowboy all evening. Just ask him!” Macy begged. “Blade, go find Cowboy and bring him here.” Jax ordered.

Blade left the room. “Ivy?” Jax asked.

“I’ve got nothing to say!” Ivy retorted.

“I’d say that black eye you’re trying to hide under makeup says a lot!” Snake snarled.

Cowboy walked in. “You wanted to see me, Prez?”

“Yeah, Macy here said she’s been with you all evening. Is that true?” Jax asked.

“Yeah, we got together around six and she was with me until Smokey came and got her.” Cowboy replied.

“She didn’t leave your sight anytime? Even to go to the bathroom?” Snake asked.

“Well yeah she went to the bathroom, but I followed her and we showered together.” Cowboy replied.

“Ok, Cowboy and Macy y’all are dismissed.” Jax ordered.

“And then there were two. I suggest someone starts talking before I get really pissed off!” Jax demanded.

Neither one would talk. Smokey, Jax, and Snake walk out into the hall to talk.

“What the hell are we going to do? I don’t know about y’all, but I can’t torture a woman, no matter how bad she is.” Snake explained.

“Yeah, and they know that!” Jax grimaced.

“Looks like we need to call in the big guns.” Smokey replied.

“Yeah, I’ll call her.” Jax replied while the brothers went back in the office.

He walked back in after his call. “So? Any takers on talking?”

“We don’t know anything! Besides, you guys don’t torture women.” Ivy replied smugly.

“Not us brothers, no. But I have a secret weapon I use for women. And she’ll be here shortly.” Jax grinned. About fifteen minutes later the office door opened and Vixen his mom walked in. This woman was 5’11” and weighed about 195lbs. She’s a force not to mess with!

“Jax honey, what kind of trash are you letting in your club these days?” Vixen asked.

“Hi mom.” Jax replied.

“You think I’m scared of this old hag?” Ivy retorted.

The guys all back up. Vixen punched Ivy so hard she actually knocked her back a couple of feet on to her butt.

“She’s in the woods!” Daisy screeched.

“Shut up you stupid bitch!” Ivy warned.

“Blade, grab Daisy. She’s going to show us where Sam is!” Jax ordered.

“Leave this one for me to play with.” Vixen grinned.

“Make it last.” Smokey ordered.

“Sure thing sweet cheeks.” Vixen agreed.

The guys grabbed Daisy and made her lead them to Sam. They had torn her clothes off, tied her to a tree, and duct taped her mouth. Soon as Smokey saw her, he took his shirt off to cover her. The brothers cut her loose and Smokey picked her up and carried her as she was unconscious.

Once they were at the clubhouse, Snake and Smokey piled into a truck and rushed her to the hospital. The rest of the guys went back to the office. Vixen was still there waiting.

“You find her?” Vixen asked.

“Yeah. Beaten, unconscious, and tied to a tree naked.” Jax retorted with disgust.

Vixen turns to Ivy and Daisy. “Who was the ringleader of this disgusting attack?”

“It was Ivy! She asked me and Demi to help her so we could get our men back!” Daisy cried.

“You stupid slut! If they were really your men, they wouldn’t be with her! Besides when are you whores gonna learn that none of the brothers ever make your type their old ladies?” Vixen retorted.

“Wait! Demi was in on this too?” Jax roared.

“Ah ye yes.” Daisy stuttered.

“Fuck! Blade, go find Demi!” Jax barked.

Blade nodded. “On it Prez.” He left the office.

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