Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 56

“Sorry hun, he’s sleeping right now. I kind of wore him out.” The skank smirked.

Then she opened the door to show Smokey lying naked in bed face down.

“Look hun, it was good while it lasted, but it’s ran its course. Don’t embarrass yourself chasing after him. He loves his variety of pussy. He always comes back to us club women. That’s what he needs. Not some vanilla undertrained housewife wannabe. He’s bored with you but didn’t want to hurt your feelings with you being the Queen B’s best friend and all.” She retorted.

Sam turned around and walked out. This was another reason she didn’t do relationships. Men are pigs. They can’t keep it in their pants. In her distressed state she went to Will’s penthouse. She just needs someone to comfort her right now. Her heart is aching.

Will answers his door. “Sam? What are you doing here?”

“I just needed someone.” Sam replied. Then she heard a woman call out his name.

“Oh, I’m sorry you have company. I’m just going to go. Sorry I bothered you. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” She replied.

“No! Don’t go. I can send her home. Stay, please? I’ve really missed you.” Will begged.

“No, this was obviously a mistake on my part.” Sam said as she backed away.

“You’re upset, let me help. Let me be there for you Sam.” Will replied.

“No sorry. This really was a bad idea.” Sam replied before she left. She got on the elevator and left the building. As she stepped outside her cell phone rang.

“Great. It’s Smokey. Might as well get this over with.” She muttered to herself.

“Hello.” Sam said answering her cell.

“Hey, I thought you were coming over?” Smokey asked.

“I did. You were busy.” Sam replied.

“Sorry I was exhausted and fell asleep. You coming back?” He asked.

“No. Look, we can just do this over the phone. I think we’ve ran our course. You obviously want something different than what I want now. We should just call it quits.” Sam replied.

“Sam, I don’t understand. Look just come back over and let’s talk about this. Or tell me where you are, and I’ll come to you.” Smokey begged.

“No. It’s just not going to work. I want more now, and I know I said I didn’t, but things changed and you obviously don’t want what I want. You’re not the type to give me what I want now.” Sam rambled.

“I’m coming over.” Smokey replied.

“I’m not home.” Sam replied.

“Well, you got about 20 minutes to get there.” Smokey replied before he hung up.

Shit, it was going to take her 30 minutes to get home. When Sam pulled up, Smokey was waiting on her. He was leaning against his bike.

“What took you so long?” He asked.

“I was across town visiting a friend.” Sam replied.

“A male friend?” Smokey asked.

“Yep.” Sam answered.

“You fuck him?” Smokey retorted.

“No.” Sam replied.

“Good! Let’s talk, inside.” Smokey replied heading for her door.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him into her house and into her living room.

“So, what’s going on?” He asked.

“You tell me.” Sam retorted.

“Sam, you’re not making any sense. You say you need to talk, then you show up but leave, now you’re saying we are over. Help me understand what’s going on here.” Smokey replied.

“Your blonde whore explained the situation to me.” Sam huffed crossing her arms.

“Ah, now it’s making sense now. You’re jealous.” Smokey smirked.

“Fuck you and get the hell out. I don’t need this shit.” Sam ordered.

“It’s not what you think. As soon as I got to the clubhouse, I took a shower and was so exhausted I fell asleep. I didn’t bother putting on clothes because I was waiting on you. When I woke up Daisy was in my bed with me naked. I made her leave. I swear to you I have not fucked another woman since that first night in the bar.” Smokey explained.

“Why? According to her, you need variety. And I’m not enough. So, I find it hard to believe I’ve been the only one.” Sam replied.

“In the past yes. I know you said you don’t do relationships. I didn’t want to push you into something you weren’t comfortable with. Since I met you, I’ve not wanted another woman. Sam you are the only one I want. The only woman on my mind. The only one my dick gets hard for.” Smokey replied.

“Do you really mean that? You’re willing to be faithful to me and only me?” Sam asked.

“Yes. And I expect the same from you.” Smokey replied.

“Ok, I can do that. I actually haven’t been with another man since we started hooking up. But I do have to tell you something first. About my past.” Sam explained.

“Ok. You can tell me anything.” Smokey agreed.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“When I was 16 and my sister was 18, she fell in love with a disgusting pig. He was 19. He wanted my dad’s wealth and power and me. I refused him so he turned to my sister. For 18 months he degraded her, called her fat, cheated on her, treated her like she was nothing. She’d starve herself to the point of being hospitalized. I begged her to leave him. I begged my parents to get her help. Neither would listen.” Sam begun.

“Go on.” Smokey encourages.

“One day I heard them talking. He was telling her how she made him cringe at the mere thought of touching her, how he had to imagine it was me he was fucking just to get off. He said how much she disgusted him. And she begged him, yes begged him to stay with her. She told him she’d do anything he wanted, let him be with whoever he wanted if he’d just stay with her. I couldn’t handle it anymore. So, I went to him and asked what it would take for him to leave her alone for good.” Sam replied.

“He wanted you for her.” Smokey guessed.

“Yep. To be his fiance to be precise. So, I agreed. There were conditions. He had to apologize to her and treat her with respect from then on. And no sex with me until I turned 18. The day he told her I made sure I was with him. He was nice about it, apologized like he agreed to. He did everything I had asked. I watched her heart shatter and then the hatred in her eyes towards me. He told her he was in love with me. He was supposed to have waited a month before letting her know. But he had to get one last dig in.” Sam replied.

“What happened?” Smokey asked.

“She got severely depressed. Wouldn’t even look at me or even talk to me. She locked herself in her room and tried to kill herself, twice. Then finally mom and dad got her help, then had her committed to a psych ward. Even to this day if I try to see her, she goes crazy cursing me and they have to sedate her. I finally just stopped trying. In the end, I ended up losing my sister anyway.” Sam’s voice caught on the last part.

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