Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 52

A couple of days later it’s just after midnight and Sam was getting ready for her shift end. Some nights it’s a little boring. All of a sudden, the song “Old Time Rock and Roll” comes on someone’s phone. Then Dr. Will slides down the end of the hallway in his sunglasses and socked feet doing his best impression of “Risky Business” moves.

He removed his scrub top also. And he’s singing along with the words. His scrub pants are a little snug too. He’s a dark-haired blue-eyed Adonis. With a couple days’ worth of beard growth. Beautiful white smile and barely there mustache too.

“Tom Cruise ain’t got nothing on you doc!” Sam smirked.

He went over to Sam and sings to her. She’s just soaking it up. The other nurses are jealous but also laughing at the show.

“Shew Lordy, I need a fan. Think I’m running a temperature!” MaKenzie laughed as she fanned herself. Dr. Will went over and felt her forehead and she acted like she swoons then drops into her chair. Sadly, the song ended and he pulls his scrub shirt back on.

“Umm doc? Where’s your shoes?” MaKenzie asked.

“Some kid threw up on them.” Doc replied.

“Sorry I asked.” MaKenzie replied.

“Thanks for the show doc!” Sam smiled.

“You’re welcome. Did I hear you were accepting dates?” Will asked.

“Yep, you did.” Sam replied.

“Well then, when can I take you out?” He grinned.

“I’m free Saturday.” Sam replied.

“I think I can arrange that. Give me your number.” He replied.

Sam gave him her number and he entered it into his phone. He then sent her a text. After she got the text, he snapped a picture for her profile on her contact.

“Have a good night, Nurse Sam.” He smiled as he turned to leave.

“You to Dr. Will.” Sam replied.

Sam went home after her shift excited at the idea of having 3 hot guys to date. They’re all successful men in their fields. She’s glad they like her because she really enjoys looking at them. Thursday night finally arrived.

Tonight was date night with the hot sweet EMT Nick. “Wow! You look amazing!” Nick exclaimed.

He’s holding a beautiful colorful assortment of live flowers which he handed Sam.

“You look very handsome yourself! Thank you for the beautiful flowers! I love wildflowers!” Sam replied.

“You’re welcome. My mom always taught me to never show up to a date without flowers.” Nick smiled.

“She taught you well. Must be a good woman.” Sam replied.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Nick took Sam to a nice restaurant. It’s not fancy but quaint and has amazing food. They talked and told each other about how they decided to go into their professions. As Nick was walking Sam to her door, he held her hand.

“I had a great time tonight. I was wondering if you’d like a repeat? Maybe a movie next time?” He asked.

“Sure. I had a great time and I love movies. But I need to be honest and up front with you that I don’t do relationships. Dating and hook ups only. I also have a date with Dr. Mike and Dr. Will. If that makes you uncomfortable, I’ll understand.” Sam explained.

“As long as you’re saying yes to me too, I’m good with it.” Nick agreed.

He kissed Sam’s cheek before she went into her house. He was grinning as he climbed into his truck. It’s Friday night and time for a date with Dr. Mike. Sam put on a green body con dress that barely went to mid-thigh. She added some black heels.

Dr. Mike showed up in a black suit with a couple buttons undone on his silk shirt.

“Hello gorgeous.” He smirked as he looked her up and down.

“Hello handsome.” Sam dragged the word out as she took in his sexy body. Dr. Mike took Sam to a fancy five-star restaurant. The food was good, but it reminded her too much of her parents and their lifestyle.

“So, parents? Siblings?” Mike asked.

Mom and dad and one sister. All living.” Sam replied.

“Your last name sounds familiar.” Mike pondered.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of the Armstrong towers?” Sam asked.

Mike looked shocked then finally responded. “Are you serious? You’re from that Armstrong family?” Dr. Mike asked incredulously.

“Yep. But please don’t say anything to anyone. I like to earn my own way without having my family name shoved down my throat. People always think I don’t earn what I have.” Sam explained.

“So, what’s your middle name?” Dr. Mike asked.

“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you and bury your body.” Sam laughed.

Mike laughed. “Ok fine. Keep your secret. For now.”

“Thank you.” Sam replied.

Dinner was nice. Too nice. Dr. Mike walked her to her door. He kissed her on the lips. It was a hot kiss that didn’t last long but hinted at what was to come.

“I’d like to see you again.” He replied.

“As long as you understand I just date. No relationships. And I went on a date last night and have one tomorrow night as well.” Sam cautioned.

“Same for me. I’ll check out our schedules and see what works. Goodnight Sam.” He replied before he left.

“Good night, Mike.” Sam replied.

Saturday night arrived and time for Sam’s date with Dr. Will. Sam dressed in a white off the shoulder mini dress that hits mid-thigh. It had a zipper on one side and the dress fit her like a glove. She used her black purse with the gold chain and black high heels.

She opened the door to Dr. Will. He was in a black jacket and dress pants with a white dress shirt. And he looked very sexy.

“Good evening beautiful.” Will smiled after looking Sam up and down.

“Good evening handsome.” Sam replied.

“So, I had dinner catered at my home. But don’t worry, I don’t expect anything other than a nice dinner. I just figured after our noisy work week a quiet dinner at home would be nice. And easier to learn about each other.” Will explained.

“Wow, I’m flattered you put so much thought into it.” Sam smiled.

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