Choosing Her Lover

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


At the Club, waiting for Ryan, I find myself a barstool, entertaining myself by people-watching as I sip at a soft drink. I like to be alert for these evenings, and I limit my wine intake. No point blurring the senses….

Then I see them, the trio: Michael, James, and Charlotte. The two men flank Charlotte, who I must admit, looks amazing. She is wearing a full-length dress, halter-necked, low cut and slit to the hip. It flows and billows around her in a glitter of black and…. I don’t think she’s wearing anything under it. Her sea of red hair is up in an elaborate weave of coils and combs. Were she here by herself, she’d have the single men around her like bees to the honeypot, but with the powerfully built, athletic Michael to one side, and the aggressively protective James to the other, I don’t think she’ll be having any problems.

They’re with another group, chatting, laughing and sipping drinks, but show no sign of either breaking up their trio or expanding it by inviting any others into their group.

A figure appears at my elbow. “Hi, Debbie. All by yourself again?”

Oh, God, Steve…. Not again. Why can’t you ever take a freakin’ hint…?

“No, Steve. I’m not by myself. I’m waiting for someone.”

“C’mon, Debbie. You said that last time I saw you here, and there was no-one with you when you left. Why not spend some time with me?”

Because I’m not that desperate and you’re not that lucky….

Are you drunk….?

“Steve, please stop crowding me would you.”

“Hello, Kirstie. I just spotted you. I didn’t realise you were here tonight.” Michael has ambled over from the trio and is standing by me, flagging down the barman. He peers at my face. “Are you alright?”

Jeez…. He called me Kirstie. Will Steve notice?

I smile at him gratefully, rolling my eyes to the side. “I’m fine thanks, Michael. Steve here wanted to chat.”

Michael’s lids lower, ever so slightly. If I weren’t watching closely, I would miss it.

So, you don’t like him either…. What’s Steve done to upset you?

Charlotte has appeared at Michael’s elbow. “Hello. We thought we might run into you here sometime. All alone?” Something in her body language says that she doesn’t care for Steve either. She seems, not exactly friendly towards me, but at least open to the possibility….

…. And although her question sounds innocent enough, one girl to another, I see the question in her eyes….

Do I need help?

“I’m only alone for now. I’m waiting for a friend. Are you alright? After what happened earlier?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Thanks for asking. Would that be the ‘friend’ that James met earlier?”

I grin. “Yeah…. that’s him.”

Steve looks as though he just sucked a lemon. He mutters something incoherent and vanishes off to the other end of the long bar.

Will he come back when he thinks I’m alone again?

I turn to Michael. “Michael, could I ask you a favour? I am expecting someone, but he’s not arrived yet. Could you hang out with me until he gets here?” I glance at Charlotte. “If that’s alright with you of course?”

Michael looks at me sharply. “Steve giving you trouble?”

He’s…. a bit pushy…. It won’t be for long. My friend is on his way”

The blonde man smiles, all easy charm; one of life’s natural aristocrats. “No problem, Kirstie. It would hardly be the first time that Steve’s pushed his luck.”

There’s a subtext here, but I don’t know what it is. “Has Steve done something to upset you, Michael?”

He seems about to speak, but then stops as Steve reappears, a large drink in his hand; correction: two large drinks.

“I got you a G&T, Debbie. That’s your poison, isn’t it?”

“Steve, I told you. I’m waiting for someone. I don’t want a drink, thank you.”

“Aw c’mon. You can talk to me ‘til your friend turns up…. if he turns up.”

He moves close to me, but suddenly Michael is closer. “She said ‘No’, Steve. Take a hint. The Lady’s not interested.”

And now Charlotte is here too. “Leave her alone, Steve.”

Steve flushes, eyeballing Michael. “What’s it to do with you? She’s just a sub, and you’re not her Dom.”

“She may be a sub, but that doesn’t mean she’s your sub. And while I may not be her Dom, I like to think I am a gentleman.”

I think Steve has already had too much to drink, but he gulps down the one in his left hand, then starts on the one in his right.

A woman moves in on our group; another of my not-so-favourite people.

Oh God, now it’s Marcie.

The brassy blonde is making a beeline for Michael, pasting on an over-eager smile.

“Oh, lord….” I mutter.

Michael’s eyes follow my gaze, then slide sideways to me. He groans. “You don’t care for her?” he says out of the side of his mouth.

“Can’t stand her.”

He chuckles. “You and me both. Charlotte and James aren’t keen either.” Charlotte nods agreement.

Marcie angles over towards us, her eyes fixed on Michael. “Oh… God….” he murmurs.

“Looks like she’s still interested in you….” chuckles Charlotte.

“Mmmm…” His tone is wry.

“Hello, Michael. I’ve not seen you around here for a while.” Marcie’s over-made face radiates fake friendship, fake sincerity, fake everything.

She’d look so much better if she toned down the makeup a bit…. just tried to be a bit more genuine.…Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

…. mutton dressed as lamb….

Michael’s smile is polite but distinctly unwelcoming.

Nope, they don’t like her either….

Can’t argue with their taste in people….

“No, I’ve not been here for a while. I got married a few months ago.” He holds up his left hand, displaying his ring.

Her jaw falls slack, then she looks at Charlotte, venom in her eyes.

“Married? Really?” she almost hisses. She looks sideways towards Steve, then visibly dismisses him.

She’s looking for something to say….

“And what about the other one?” she continues. “That ageing Dom you used to hang out with…. Do you still see him? I mean, he’s not exactly in the first flush of youth, is he? He limps for god’s sake….”

Michael’s face freezes. Charlotte’s is furious….

“…. I saw him earlier.” continues Marcie. “He can’t even walk straight these days.”

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