He took another step closer, “Did it ever occur to you, Care, that I would have liked to know that I have a son?” he asked. His voice was calm, but it didn’t fool Caroline, “Did it ever occur to you that I would have loved to be involved in my son’s life?”

“I… I didn’t think that you’d want him,” she stammered.

His voice was deep, dangerous, tightly controlled. “And why is that?”

Caroline stared him dead in the eyes, “Because you left,” she said.

She wasn’t going to admit it, but the months after he left had been horrible, especially after she found out that she was pregnant. She had missed him terribly, wishing he was there to help her go through the pregnancy. She had cried herself to sleep so many times and the only thing that gave her strength was the thought of the child she’d be bringing into the world.

Yes, she knew that she was wrong keeping Charlie from him, but she had honestly thought that he wouldn’t want to be involved in any way. The man ran from commitment like it was a plague. He’d walked away from her without caring how it made her feel, and all he’d been concerned about was her quitting her job. He’d never stopped to ask himself why she’d been so upset because he was leaving, but he’d gone anyway and he never looked back. Not even a call or a text. The memory made her angry, and now she hated him.

“I didn’t know you were pregnant when I did,” he defended.

“Neither did I!” Caroline retorted, “I found out very late because I wasn’t expecting it too,”

“Then you should have called me,”

“I didn’t see the point!”

There was silence then. Caroline stood there, wondering what he’d say next, and she wasn’t expecting it when he suddenly grabbed her wrists. “Well, I’m back now, Care, and I will be taking my son with me. He is no longer your concern.”

“What! No!” Caroline almost screamed. Charlie was her life. The only reason why she was happy… He’d come to her at her lowest, and he’d brought her back to life

“Yes.” His grip was grim, implacable.

She struggled in his arms. Once his touch had set her body aflame. No longer. Not now that she knew what he planned to do.

“Nicholas!” she shrieked helplessly.

Nicholas’ grasp tightened as he pulled her closer, preventing her from thrashing her arms or clawing his face. “My son belongs with me.”

It was exactly what she’d suspected that he’d say, but Caroline still staggered as if he had hit her. This time Nicholas let her go. She grabbed the car to keep herself from sliding to the floor. She had to be strong- strong for her baby. She had to think of a way to save her son. In spite of her best efforts, another tear left a cold trail down her cheek. Wiping it away furiously, she raised her chin and glared at Nicholas with every ounce of hate she possessed. “You can’t do this! I won’t let you.”

“I can and I will. You lost the right to be his mother when you hid him away from me and my father who you saw almost every goddamn day of every goddamn week. You could have told him Charlie was his grandson even if you didn’t want to talk to me. What kind of a woman does something like that?”

Caroline brought her hands to her mouth, knowing Nicholas could use his money and power and man-eating lawyers to keep her from her son forever. She’d been stupid to keep Charlie a secret from him and now her worst nightmare had come true. Her baby would grow up without her, living somewhere in New York with a heartless, womanizing billionaire and his new mistress…He could destroy anything he wanted. And he was going to. She could fight him, but would she win?

She had one option left. Begging. “Please,” she whispered. She took a deep breath and forced herself to say in a louder voice, “Nick, please don’t take my child. It would kill me.”

He barked a harsh laugh. “That’s what I’d call a bonus.”

She should have known better than to ask him for anything. “You…you heartless bastard!”

“Heartless?” He banged the palm of his hand against the top of the car. “Heartless!” he roared. “You kept him from me for almost a year after he was born, Caroline. Why?”

“Because…..” She stopped.

“Because?” Nicholas almost yelled.

“Because I didn’t think I needed you. And I don’t need your…your financial support,” she blurted out. But it wasn’t entirely true. She’d needed him, especially during the pregnancy. She’d craved for him, but now she’d programmed herself not to think of him anymore… More like forced herself. And she had honestly believed he wouldn’t want the baby… Or her. He was the one who took off when things started to get a bit complicated between them. Right after they’d made love, he’d told her that he was leaving and her heart had broken into so many pieces. In a short time she’d fallen for him, but he didn’t want commitments. And the last thing she didn’t want him thinking was that she got pregnant on purpose… To trap him or something.

Anger blazed from him. “Being independently wealthy does not give you the right to keep me in ignorance of my own flesh and blood.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

She stared at him helplessly, unable to offer any further defense for her decisions.

“Didn’t it ever occur to you that I might want to provide every care to ensure that my child was safely born and well taken care of?”

Suddenly afraid, Caroline drew back. “Nick… I was stupid to keep him from you, but….” she whispered.

“It took you all this time to figure that out?”

Caroline’s breaths came in tiny rattling gasps. “No. Please.” Tears welled up in her eyes and she grabbed at his coat sleeve. “You can’t take him. I’m-I’m still breastfeeding. Think what it would do to Charlie to lose his mother, the only parent he’s ever known…”

His eyes went dark, and Caroline wanted to bite off her tongue. He took a step closer, towering over her. “Then I suggest that when you go home tonight, you start to say your goodbye.” he said harshly, then he turned around and walked away from her.

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