Camp Closeted

Chapter 36: Sugar

Chapter 36: Sugar

Something about a guy owning a really nice car made my cheeks flush. It was a shiny black muscle car

and I loved it. It reminded me of Brandon's and how he would always drop me off after school.

Both of us got into the car as I was breathing heavily for some reason, making me laugh out loud like a

weirdo. Romeo scrolled through his phone for music to play as my eyes quickly lit up at my favorite

song being scrolled up so I quickly grabbed his phone and pressed it.

I coughed, preparing to sing as he tilted his head at me in an annoyed facial expression, making me

laugh out loud again. "I'm so into you, I could barely breathe. And all I wanna do, is to fall in deep." I

loudly sang while I subtly snapped my fingers to the beat, making him quickly change the song. "Wha-

no! Why?" I cried.

"Your voice makes my head hurt." He threw me a dirty look as a new song began to play. "Don't touch

anything of mine ever again or I will hurt you. This is my car so I can play whatever the fuck I want."

I pouted, crossing my arms as my visions still felt slightly dizzy. "I thought weed is supposed to make

you nicer, I don't know why you're being so mean to me."

"I didn't even smoke. I was only there because of my friend." He explained, my eyes looking at the

name of the song which was named A Big Jet Plane. "Also, I don't have to be nice to you. I'm paying

for your food and I don't even know who you are for fuck's sake."

He glanced at me as he started to drive. The air freshener that smelled like a field of flowers and light

spices was being blown towards me by the air conditioner as the guitar in the song took all my


I began to slowly sway my hands up into the air as my eyes helplessly drooped at Romeo. His bare

muscular arm was peeking out of his black tank top as I looked at the golden chain wrapped around his


I had on the biggest smile as I began to trace my fingers onto his strongly structured bicep. I didn't Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

know why I was doing it, but for some reason touching him was so interesting.

"Don't touch me."

My tongue went over my dry mouth as I didn't even bother listening to him. I poked it and quickly

widened my mouth at how hard it felt. I can tell he works out a lot.

Who has time and energy to go to the gym?

"I fucking swear." He clicked his mouth out of annoyance, moving his arm away as I still didn't leave

him alone. His skin was just so soft!

I hummed with the song as I slowly rocked my head back and forth. All of a sudden, he exclaimed,

immediately catching me off guard. "Stop!" He loudly yelled as he lifted a hand up into the air.

I immediately moved back as I covered my head with my arms, my heart starting to beat a lot faster as

I felt genuinely scared. "S-sorry!" I stuttered.

Silence rapidly broke out as my heavy breathing filled the space the silence had created.

All of a sudden, I didn't know why it was happening, but I started to feel tears stream down my cheeks.

Oh my god..

I think Logan beating me up actually gave me trauma and I couldn't handle it. I tiredly breathed as if I

was feeling my head get punched all over again.

"Dude, what the fuck." Romeo's deep voice was a lot lower in volume now. "I was just moving my arm

away. Stop being such a weirdo." He sensed I was afraid that we would hurt me.

I quietly cried into my arms as I tried to stop. Shutting my eyes quickly caused small flashes of me

being beat up and I felt so pathetic.

Why am I even crying right now!?

I took a moment as I wiped my tears away, a new slow song starting to play as I just wanted to eat my

feelings out.

Romeo watched me eat as he threw me a dirty look. "You're disgusting." His deep monotonous voice

let out.

My eyes casually met his as I continued to eat the way I've been eating for the past 20 minutes. I was

thankful that he let me order whatever I wanted instead of him ordering for me.

His mouth dropped the second my hand went across the table and carelessly grabbed one of his

chicken tenders. That's what he gets for being a copy cat and copying my order! "Why do yours taste

better than mine?" I loudly asked, catching some looks from other people.

"They probably don't, you're just high." His voice was audibly bothered as he sipped out of his shake.

I sipped out of his shake after.

"Bleh!" I gagged, putting his shake back down. "That chocolate milkshake is so gross." I shook my

head as he loudly dropped his fork down onto his plate.

"Can you not eat out of my plate and drink out of my fucking drink! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Romeo sharply whispered as he glared at me chewing. It felt like I was never ever going to get full and

I just wanted to eat more. "That's your 5th time sipping out of my shake and complaining about how

bad it tastes." He tried to hold back from scolding at me.

"I don't remember." I shrugged, grabbing a fry out of his plate because it wasn't being touched and I

had already eaten all of mine. I swear I'm normally not like this, I don't know what's going on.

Romeo looked so angry that he reminded me of a cartoon bull with smoke coming out of his nose and

ears, making me uncontrollably laugh at him.

A familiarly old woman who took our order quickly walked towards us with a warm smile. "Hey y'all,

how's everything doing?"

Romeo ignored her as he continued to glare at me, probably calling me every curse word that exists

inside his head as I spoke. "Everything is so good! But it's kinda unfair because his chicken tenders

taste better than mine."

She quickly looked at me like a lost puppy. "Aww, well sorry to hear that sugar. Anything you want that

can make ya feel better?" Her subtle southern accent was so smooth and comforting.

I took a second to think, then, quickly gasping at her. "I-I want that Oreo funnel cake! It looks really

good." Romeo's mouth quickly dropped as I spoke again. "Also, please add a lot of extra whipped

cream!" I beamed.

She tilted her head at me. "Oh will ya look that smile! With a smile like that I'll add as much whipped

cream as I can. What about you handsome?" She smiled at Romeo.

"Nothing." He gritted his teeth at me as the lovely woman turned back towards me.

"Alrighty then sugar, I'll be back with your Oreo funnel cake okay? Extra whipped cream!" She saluted,

proceeding to walk away with our plates as I happily clapped.

My head felt like it was floating in space as I didn't even have to look at Romeo to know that he was

extremely angry. I don't even know why he's so angry.

I took another huge sip from his chocolate milkshake as he didn't even seem bothered by it anymore.

My mind shut off any care as I finally looked straight at him. "You're such a pig." He insulted as I

smiled, yawning loudly towards him.

"Pigs are cute." I shrugged.

"Do you normally eat like this?" He winced at me.

"No." I shook my head. "Being high just makes me really hungry, I guess."

Romeo still glared at me as I carefully examined his face. His nose had the cutest freckles on them as

his face looked so soft and smooth. His lips were full and were lightly tinted pink. His lashes were

incredibly long and it was only complimented more because of his shimmering hazel eyes. His curls

also looked so shiny and perfectly conditioned as I unconsciously bit my lip at him.

He was undeniably perfect.

He remained quiet as he observed me back, my voice quickly speaking out. "What's your skin care

routine?" I politely smirked.

"Not giving a fuck." He dryly responded.

Our eyes didn't break contact as the waitress came back with my Oreo funnel cake. "Here is your Oreo

funnel cake, extra whipped cream! And would y'all like anything else?" She asked.

Romeo didn't even bother looking at her back as we still continued to stare at each other. "The check."

"Okie dokie, be right back!" She cheered, walking away.

This was like the longest staring contest ever and I didn't wanna lose! I began to eat out of the creamy

cake, the heavenly taste filling my mouth, which only made me lose the staring contest!

"Oh my god Romeo!" I loudly moaned, my mouth incredibly filled. "Mmm!" I glanced at him, quickly


He was still glaring at me, but this time with subtly burning cheeks, making me speak out again. "You

need to try this, it's so bomb!"

"I don't care." He flexed his jaw to the side as I couldn't help but keep on moaning at how amazing this

tasted. "Eat faster, I wanna get back to the camp and never see you again."

"Romeo." I euphorically smiled. He just looked at me, waiting for me to speak again. "I'm so happy with

what I'm eating right now, that I could kiss you." My smile grew wider as I licked off the icing that was

on the side of my mouth.

"Not while looking like that. I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with you." He bluntly let out,

emotionally slicing me into tiny pieces. "Probably why you even got beaten up in the first place."


I could still kiss him..

After watching him pay, we quickly stood and up began to leave. My head still felt dazed as I walked

towards his car with my hands slightly up in the air, letting out noises as if I was an airplane.

Romeo ignored me as we got back inside his car, a huge smile plastered on my face. I was still

surprised at the fact that this complete stranger took me out to eat and paid for me. I guess I have no

right to complain if he wants to be mean to me.

"I promise I'll pay you back tomor-" He interrupted me.

"I don't want your money." He spoke deeply, his voice cold as he started the engine.

All of a sudden his phone rang, making him quickly answer it. Since it was connected probably through

Bluetooth, I started to hear the person who called him.

"Hello son." An old sounding man spoke through the phone as Romeo tiredly sighed. "How are you


I glanced at Romeo as he just leaned back against his car, his bright hazel eyes looking for something

to look at. "Okay, I guess."

"I hope being there is teaching you something." His dad's raspy voice came through the phone. "I really

do believe that camp can convert you back and help you understand that being gay is a bad choice."

He harshly added.

The car fell silent as my mouth dropped. My eyes couldn't help but be painted with hurt as Romeo

clenched his jaw away.

His dad's voice continued to speak. "This is for your own good, son. I really believe you'll be normal

again. No son of mine is gay, you hear me?" How is he saying these things so easily?

And did this dad even fully researched what this camp is about..

"Mhm." Romeo replied shyly as if he never even said anything to begin with.

"I can't wait for you to come back." I could hear his dad smile through the phone even if I didn't see

him. "I'll call you again soon."

Romeo quickly ended the call as piercing silence struck throughout our surroundings. His dad really

thought he applied him for a gay conversion camp? How twisted is that?

I couldn't help but just stare at him with sympathy. Romeo seemed very good at masking his true

emotions as he put his hands back on the wheel, proceeding to drive the car as silence was still

present between us.

Romeo's almond colored eyes shimmered as if he was about to tear up but just quickly blinked it away.

I feel so bad, I wanna say something. What would I even say though? Can I even say anything? I didn't

think I had the right to, so I didn't.

A mellow song started to play as I had a very strong urge to touch him again for some reason. My

fingers wanted to trace against his soft white chiseled bicep but I didn't. I felt myself slowly becoming

less high as I just remained quiet.

I deeply sighed, leaning back as I quietly hummed to the slow song that made me want to sleep.

Without any care, I just slowly shut my eyes and drifted off..

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