Call Me SIr

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

So, Lucas thinks that he can play this game with me? that he could tease me. We'll just see about that.

I happen to be an excellent player at his games, let’s just see if we can get a reaction from him.

I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I walked through the college halls, all eyes on me and it's no

wonder why, the black mid-thigh skirt which I wore clung perfectly to my curves along with the black

tank which outlined my breasts in such a way it was hard not to notice, my hair fell in curls down my

back and my make up made my eyes seem so much brighter, let's just see how much of a saint Mr

Davey is. Glancing at my watch quickly I smile once again, five minutes late to his lesson. Perfect.

As I knock on the door, I feel a sense of Deja vu from the very first day, something tells me that I won't

be looking into stone cold eyes this time though. Just as I reach for the handle it is ripped from my

grasp as the door is opened wide revealing a very pissed of Lucas. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

"Miss Sevenfold how dare you turn up, er" Lucas stops dead in his tracks as his eyes travelled the

length of my body. Ha! I made him speechless, feeling a sense of pride I couldn't help but smirk.

However, his eyes which had glazed over were quickly replaced with coldness once again.

"Excuse me class, Me and Miss Sevenfold need to talk in my office about how being late is not

acceptable, please continue with the current exercise" Lucas walks out of the room and down the

corridor, what the hell just happened? I thought he would be impressed, Jesus I should have known he

wouldn't have acted like any normal person, no not at all because he's not normal. He's Mr bipolar. As I

reach his office he's sat in his chair, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Shut the door lizzie" He doesn't speak loudly, but I figure it's best to listen, once the door is closed, I

turn back around to face him.

"what are you playing at Lizzie, seriously?" The anger is clear in his voice, I don't understand what I

have done wrong, I thought, well I thought he would appreciate it. I laugh to myself, no chance of that.

"This is NOT a laughing matter Miss Sevenfold! What the fuck are you playing at!" Lucas stands

quickly, his jaw clenched as he watches me.

"Nothing! I'm playing at nothing! who are you to be angry with me when you have no reason too!" I bite

my tongue, I should not fight back! bad move lizzie, really bad move.

"No reason too? No fucking reason too! have you seen yourself in the mirror Lizzie, fuck knows how

many people have stared at your body today, how many other men have laid eyes upon you. So yes. I'll

think you find I do have a reason to be angry" At the end of his rant I swear the vein in his neck was

about to burst, I don't think I've ever seen him this angry, but seriously, why should other men looking at

me anger him, wait a second. Is he jealous? Did I make Lucas Davey jealous?

"What difference does it make if other people are looking at me, I don't see why that should anger you

sir" I couldn't help myself; the sir came out so sarcastically, I really wasn't helping myself here. Within a

second Lucas had crossed the room and I was pinned roughly against the wall. Gasping loudly, I try to

escape his hold. "Lucas seriously, get off me" shit lizzie! last name! never the first!

"That is Mr Davey to you, and as for other people looking at you, this is why it angers me" Before I

could ask him to continue his sentence his lips were roughly on mine and his hands were grasped in

my hair. As I gasp from the feeling of his lips on mine Lucas clasps my lower lip between his teeth,

biting lightly. Holy fuck. My teacher just bit my lower lip.

Lucas pulls away but doesn't release me, his eyes were wild as he silently watched me.

"You are such a tease, and I should punish you for this stunt you have pulled, you are mine. Do you

understand Lizzie? No one else's and if others feel like taking what is mine then I will make this very

clear to them" His? I am his? did he really just say that? before I had time to question him, his lips were

on mine once again, more gentle then before, he picks me up as if I weighed nothing as he sets me on

his desk, kissing me more. His lips felt like heaven against mine and I couldn't help the moan that

slipped from between my lips. Lucas instantly pulled back at the sound as he raises his eyebrows at

me "What was that lizzie?" a blush worked its way up to my cheeks, I cannot believe I just moaned,

what was wrong with me! he was only kissing me. I look down at my legs in embarrassment. Lucas

laughs in response "nothing to be embarrassed about, pet. It was a very satisfying sound. Believe me.

now let’s get back to class before people start thinking I've had my wicked way with you" His works

causes my blush to deepen. Damn him! he knew what he said would affect me.

As I walk into the class, I attempt to steady my breathing, it didn't help that I felt my lips were swollen

from his rough kiss, I hope no one noticed. Paying attention during the rest of that lesson was hard, I

couldn't stop watching him, watching the way that when he was frustrated with something he would run

his hands through his hair or how when he was deep in thought he would run his thumb across his

lower lip, oh god his lower lip, it was such a shock when he bit my lip, but it felt so so good. The thought

had me absently biting my lower lip. As I looked up, I found Lucas' darkened eyes trained on my lips,

from the smirk he gave me, I knew he was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe this year won't be as

bad as I originally thought

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