Bounty Hunter



I moaned in his mouth, my nipples becoming taut under his expert touch. Reed pulled my body further into his – if that was even remotely possible. My legs turned to jelly O and I was grateful that he held me tight against him.

Arousal spread through my body, sparking like fireworks on the fourth of July. Reed bites my bottom lip hard, making me taste metal, then proceeded to suck it off. In his arms, I felt the safest. I could be free and let go of everything, and think only of him, his hands scavenging my body, fuck!

I suddenly remembered that I was pissed the fuck out of him. This time, I returned the favour and took his bottom lip in my mouth, biting it as hard as possible and when he cried out in pain, I took that as an opportunity to kick him in the balls.

“Get off me you sick rapist!” I yelled, pushing Reed with all the strength I could muster. Reed stood unfazed by what I’d done. If he was hurt by my kneecap coming in contact with his groin, he didn’t show. Instead, he brought a hand to his lips and wiped away the blood that was now dripping down his chin.

My lips watered and suddenly, my throat went dry with a strong urge to lick it off him.

“Careful now, my little flower. One would think I really did rape you,” he smirked. The fucking bastard and devil of a man smirked, his yin yan eyes zeroing in on me.

“But you did, you forced yourself on me while I was unconscious,”

“Yet you came. So. Fucking. Hard,” he mocked. My cheeks flushed and became hot. “Besides, isn’t that what you fantasised about? Being taken by force while you screamed and begged for help? Tell me, my little flower, are you pissed off at the fact that you couldn’t tell it was me, or because you didn’t know it was me, yet you still came?”

He caught me. The fucking good for nothing son of a bloody bastard caught me. I was speechless, caught in my fantasy.

“You should dress up, we’re landing in China in the next ten minutes,” he spoke and I frowned.

“What do you mean landing in China? Where the hell are we?” I asked, rushing to the window and gasping when I was met with nothing but clouds.

“Oh, my little flower, you were so engrossed in my dick inside you that you did not realise the environment you’re in,” he teased, walking towards me. His hands make their way to my chin, where he forced me to meet his gaze.

“You are in my private jet, love. Alex and Hermine are through that door, waiting for you,” his lips brushed against mine like a petal before he pulled away and headed for the door.

“And if you promise to behave yourself, I might let you watch the video of how helpless you looked while I did what I wanted with your body,” and with that, he walked away, leaving me alone in the room.

Without his presence in the room, my senses were gradually coming together. I plunged to the bed, trying to remember the last thing that happened. The man he killed in the parking lot. Being tied up in his apartment as he fucked my ass. Then I am in his bathroom and he is shampooing my hair. In no time, he is scooping me in his arms and directing me to his bed. I vividly remember taking pills before becoming drowsy and sleepy.

Had he drugged me? That would make a lot of sense. That would explain why I woke up sore and with a splitting headache.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I groaned and got out of bed, heading for the walk-in closet. For a private jet, it was spacious and well-equipped. Or perhaps, they come like that and I’ve never known because my broke ass has never been in one. Hell, my broke ass can’t even afford an economy seat in a plane.

In no time, I was walking out of the unmitigated luxurious and exquisite Royal blue themed bedroom and joining Alex and Hermine and Reed inside the lounge of the jet. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. I was in awe of the furniture and facilities it carried.

A long and detailed elegant table unfolds and extends to settle up to seven persons and the table next to it carries an under-lit bar. Walking past the bar, was a cream-white semi-living room with comfy fluffy white couches and sky-blue pillows, creating a home away from home ambience while in the air.

This was hands down, the craziest thing I’d ever seen. And this belonged to Reed. What exactly does this man do for a living? Certainly, killing people doesn’t make anything this rich.

Reed pulled me off my thoughts by grabbing my arm and making me sit on his lap. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ears before gently placing a kiss on my lips.

“Beautiful,” he murmured and I could feel my legs gradually turning to jelly. There was something about this man. Something about the way he looked at me. Something about the way he touched me. Every touch of his left a burn on my skin. He was rough, and even in his roughness, I could feel his tenderness.

“Look who finally decided to join us,” Alex’s voice had me tearing my gaze away from Reed and looking in her direction. I gave her a faint laugh, all the while, I could still feel Reed’s gaze burning a hole in the side of my head.

“Your little boyfriend here says you got so drunk you could barely walk, but you look so much better now,” Alex teased, bringing her glass to her lips. Hermine who sat next to her, looked at her in awe, stars forming in her eyes.

“And this private jet? Abso-fucking-lutely gobsmacked!” she gushed, downing the contents of her glass and refilling before speaking up, this time, referring to Reed.

“I swear, I hate you from the depth of my soul, but if this is the life Zinnia gets to live while being with you, then by all means, you have my blessings. But make no mistake, I will slice your neck open if you hurt her,” Alex warned, giving Reed a dead stare before bursting out in laughter.

I smiled at Alex’s attempt at protecting me. It showed that she cared about me. And so does Reed. I may not know him well, but I know for a fact that he would never hurt me, and will not hesitate to erase anyone who does.


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