
Billionaire’s 124

Chapter 124

Eve Thank you for hearing me our and

Sandra pulled away from Evelyn, a tense smile tugging at the corner of her lips “Thank you so much. Eve The forgiving me Sandra said, even though she wasn’t so sure Evelyn had bought her story.

Evelyn smiled. “Ten just glad we can put this behind us.”

“Me too. Now I can order a drink.” Sandra said as she signaled the barman, leaning slightly over the counter. “Can I get a encktail, pleasert

The barman glanced up from polishing a glass and nodded. “Sure, What kind of cocktail would you liker

Just as Sandra was about to respond, Rayna suddenly appeared beside her, a wide smile on her face. “Oh, get her the same drink you served us earlier please. Rayna said cheerfully, sliding into the conversation.

“You’re back” Sandra noted with a forced smile

“Yeah. I saw you two hugging from across the room and thought. Why not join my favorite duor” she winked at both of them and leaned her elbows on the bar.

Sandra shat her a weak smile, trying to regain her composure “Sure. Let’s all have the ume

“So, all is forgiven and forgotten, right?” Rayna asked Evelyn, who was silent.

Evelyn formed a smile. “Yeah Forgiven and forgotten.

“I’m so happy I could die now” Sandra saad, reaching for Evelyn’s hand.

Evelyn felt her skin crawl as Sandra touched her, but she resisted the urge to shudder or react

After mixing Sandra’s drink, the barman placed it in front of her, but before she could reach for 11. Rayna’s eyes twinkled with a playful glint as she gestured toward the entrance. “Hey, Sandy isnt that your high school crush” she teased, pointing toward the crowd

“Tyler Where?” Sandra asked as she and Evelyn instintuvelly turned to look, their eyes scanning the room. As they did Rayna subtly switched Sandra’s drink with Evelyn’s and poured a bit from Sandra’s into Evelyn’s glass to top it off. The action was swift, unnoticed–except by Evelyn. who had taught the exchange out of the corner of her eye.

“That’s not Tyler. They do not even look alike in any way, Sandra said as she turned back. Evelyn calmly reached for the untouched glass meant for Sandra raising it to her lips and taking a small sip. She met Rayria’s gaze knowingly but said nothing

After feeling Sandra’s suspicious arm movement during their embrace, she had planned not to touch her drink again and to order something else if need be, but she was glad that Rayna had taken the initiative to switch the drinks, now she could see for herself if Sandra had put something into her glass.

Unaware of the switch, Sandra picked up Evelyn’s glass and smiled, holding it our “Let’s toast to sisterhood and friendship” she said, her dirtle brighter than before when she saw that Evelyn was sipping from the drink,

Evelyn sealed tightly, clinking her glass with Sandra’s and Rayna’s. “To sisterhood and friendship,” she repeated, her eyes locking with Rayna’s, who gave her a subtle smirk. They all drank in unison, and the tension between the three seemed to ease for a moment.

After a few minutes, Evelyn set her glass down and stood up. I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back,” she said casually, stepping away and leaving Sandra and Kayna alone at the bar so she could give Sandra room to plot more with Rayna

As soon as Evelyn was gone, Rayna turned to Sandra with a pleased senile, “That was quick. I’m glad I could help.” Rayna said as she picked up her phone casually and turned on the voice recorder.

Sandra resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she turned to R your help with something else,” Sandra said quietly.

Rayna. Instead, she smiled sweetly. “Yeah, it was. Thanks for doing this. Ray, but I still need

Kayna raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What is it this tune?”

Sandra leaned in closer. “Can you pretend something urgent came up and leave I need to spend more time with Evelyn alone You know, bonding and making up for lost time. It won’t be the same if you’re liere”

Rayna raised a brow, “What about Michael When is be getting here?”

“He’s here already. He’s in the room I reserved for thems

Chapter 124

“Michael is aware that you’re bringing Evelyn to the round Rayna asked curiously

“Yeah. Of course, I promised him I was going to help him talk us Evelyn, Sandra assured her. “I will get Evelyn to go back to the room with me so I can lock her up with Michael. That way, they can talk things over Sandra explained

Kayn stared at her for a moment, then shook her head slowly. “Why would you risk everything for that? You just reconciled with her. If she linds wut you did this because of Michael, you’ll lose her trust forever.”

Sandra frowned, her voice becoming more insistent. “Trust me. Ray, I have a plan. Just do this for me

Kayna heated her fingers drumming on the bar. “I don’t know, Sandy. This feels like a terrible idea. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Before Sandra could respond, she began to feel a strange drowsiness wash over her. Her eyelids fluttered, and she blinked rapidly, trying to stay awake. “I don’t know why I feel so tired she mumbled to herself, rubbing her temples

Was she feeling this way because of the file sip she had taken from the wine at the site earlier? Was the medication that potent

Ravia’s expression changed to one of concern re you okay?”

Sandra nodded slowly bus couldn’t shake the heaviness in her limbs. “Yeah.”

Just then. Evelyn turned her sharp gaze immediately taking in Sandra’s sluggish movements. She shot Rayna a meaningful look

Sandra turned to Evelyn and signaled Rayna. “You should go. I’ll be fine with Evelyn”

Evelyn raised a brow “Ray? Are you leaving?”

Rayna parsed her lips glancing between the two women. “Yeah. Something came up–t should get going,” she said as she rose.

Evelyn nodded and as they embraced Rayna whispered to her that she would be outside with Derek.

Once Rayna was out of sight, Sandra yawned as she looked at Evelyn, wondering why she wasn’t feeling drowsy yet. Figuring that Evelyn had not drunk enough yes, she sluggishly suggested. Let’s Ench our cocktails and head up to my room.

“Your room? You have a room here! What for?” Evelyn asked innocently.

“Yeah I told you I left home because i couldn’t face Mom and Dad I had a long, terrible day. I feel really exhausted, but I don’t want yet. So, let’s go up to my room and chat for a bit. Drink up, Sandra urged Evelyn

tonight to end

Evelyn agreed and both of them downed their drinks. As Sandra finished hers, she blinked hard, her vision blurring. A wave of confusion swept over her, “Why aren’t you feeling sleepy?” she asked her words slurring slightly

Evelyn smiled famly, her eyes gleaming. Why should I feel sleepy! I don’t have a job yet, remember! I don’t feel as exhausted as you”

That you’re supposed to be feeling sleepy Sandra said, not understanding what was happening.

Evelyn laughed softly, “Am 1 Oh, did you, by chance, put anything in my drink! Perhaps that’s why you’re feeling drowsy. I might have switched our drinks mistakenly”

Although she was struggling to keep her eyes open, she managed to look surprised, “You switched them?” she stammered, her voice filled with disbelief as the realization hit her.

Evelyn nodded, leaning in closer, her voice cold. “You really think I’d fall for your cheap tricks Fool me once, shame on your Fool me twice, shame

Sandra ined to speak but couldn’t form the words. Her body slumped against the bar as exhaustion overtook her, and within moments, she was out cold, her head resting on her folded arms.

Evelyn calmly reached for her phone and dialed Derek. Moments later, Derek and Bayna arrived at the bar, their expressions concerned.

Evelyn gestured toward Sandro, who was now fast asleep. “I need to take her to the room,” she said, her tone steady.

“Sure. Let’s do that

“I just need your help to get her out of here, but I don’t want you to get involved once we’re there. Just assist me in getting her to the room Derek frowned, “What if something goes wrong?”

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11:14 AM

Chapter 124

Evelyn waved off his concern. “Rayna can want outside the door, and you can stay some feet away. I’ll handle the rest. If she planned for something to happen, there could be a camera in the room. I don’t want it capturing either of you

With a shared glance, Derek and Rayna nodded, and together, they helped Evelyn carry Sandra to the hotel suite since Derek knew the suite number from the text Michael had sent to Sandra.

Once they reached the door to the suite where Michael was already knocked out, Evelyn dragged Sandra inside and laid her on the bed next to him. She paused for a moment, shaking her head at the sight of both of them unconscious.

Before leaving, Evelyn pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of Sandra and Michael together on the bed, the perfect evidence of their so- called “reconciliation. Satisfied, she quietly slipped out of the room, leaving them both in their compromised positions.

Evelyn mei Derek and Rayna outside the room, a small, triumphant smile on her lips. “Let’s go,” she said simply, and the three of them walked away, leaving Sandra and Michael to deal with the aftermath

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