Billionaire’s Unseen Love (Bella and Alex)

Chapter 86

Chapter 86


86 Rhythms of the Heart

In the grand ballroom, amidst the glimmering lights and masked faces, Alex found himself

mintentionally drawn to Emma. His eyes lingered on her, a familiar ache in his heart. He was torn

between the past they shared and the distance that now lay between them. Nathan, noticing Alex’s

distraction, nudged him playfully, “Caught your eye, didn’t she? The night’s young; who knows what

might happen?”

Emma, lost in thought, murmured absently, “It’s nothing. Let’s just enjoy the party.” He wast determined

to maintain his composure, but Emma’s presence stirred emotions he thought he had long buried.

As the party progressed, the lively atmosphere was interrupted by an unexpected announcement from

Desmond and Viola, “Let’s add a twist to our masquerade!” Desmond’s voice boomed, “When the lights

go out, find a dance partner, and let fate decide!”

The crowd erupted in excitement, but Alex felt a sense of apprehension. He wasn’t one for

spontaneous encounters, preferring the safety of distance and observation.

As the room plunged into darkness, Emma, who had been quietly observing from a corner, felt a

sudden grip on her hand. Startled, she tried to pull away, but the firm grasp held her in place.

“Emma, don’t run away from the fun,” Viola’s voice whispered in the dark. “Let go and enjoy the night.

You deserve it.” Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Reluctantly, Emma allowed herself to be drawn into the throng. She moved cautiously, each step a

dance in itself. Suddenly, she felt her hand brush against someone’s. Before she could react, her hand

was clasped, and she was gently pulled into a dance stance.

The masquerade ball, with its promise of mystery and charm, turned into a stage for an unexpected

reunion. Emma, usually composed, found herself in a whirlwind of emotions as the dance began, with

Alex as her unforeseen partner.

As the lights flickered back on, Emma found herself face to face with Alex. Their eyes met, and a

myriad of unspoken words hung in the air between them.

Alex, equally surprised, hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Shall we dance, Emma?” His voice

was low, a mix of nostalgia and newfound respect.

Emma, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, nodded silently. As the music swelled, they

began to dance, their movements synchronized in a tango that spoke volumes of their complex history.

“Didn’t expect to end up dancing with you,” Emma murmured, her voice tinged with surprise, as they

fell into step with the tango’s rhythm.

Alex, equally taken aback, replied softly, “Nor did I. But here we are.”

Their conversation was minimal, the focus on their movements, each step a delicate balance of past

B6 Rhythms of the Himant


and present. The music enveloped them, creating a world where only they existed. Emma’s grace and

poise were undeniable, and Alex found himself captivated by her elegance–a side of her he hadn’t truly

appreciated before.

Emma, for her part, felt a whirlwind of emotions. Dancing with Alex, she was reminded of what they

once had, yet she also felt a newfound sense of freedom. The dance was a way to express all that had

been left unsaid, a final goodbye to their shared past.

As they danced, the distance between them narrowed, both physically and metaphorically. The shared

rhythm led to an unspoken understanding, a connection that both puzzled and intrigued


Nathan, watching from the sidelines, couldn’t help but feel a twinge of concern. “Alex and Emma,

together again on the dance floor. Who would’ve thought?”

Wayne, who had joined Nathan, observed the dancing pair with a discerning eye. “Sometimes, the

most unexpected encounters lead to profound realizations. Let’s see where this leads them.”

Meanwhile, Desmond, who had planned to approach Emma during the dance, was struck by a sense

of frustration. Emma, in Alex’s arms, seemed to have found a comfort he couldn’t provide. He turned to

Viola, his expression a mix of disappointment and resolve.

“I should’ve been faster,” he said. “I’ve lost my chance to dance with her.”

Viola, ever the realist, gently chided him. “You can’t force these moments, Desmond. Sometimes, it’s

better to let things unfold naturally.

Back on the dance floor, as the song reached its crescendo, Emma and Alex’s movements became

more fluid, their dance a silent conversation. When the music finally ended, they paused, looking at

each other with a newfound recognition.

Alex, his voice barely above a whisper, admitted, “I never knew you could dance like this, Emma.

You’ve always had a way of surprising me.”

Emma, her heart racing from the dance, responded with a wistful smile. “There’s a lot you don’t know

about me, Alex. We’ve both changed.”

As the dance ended, they parted ways, their brief encounter leaving a profound impact on both. Alex

watched Emma disappear into the crowd, a sense of loss mingled with a newfound appreciation for the

woman she had become.

The crowd applauded, unaware of the significance of the moment. Emma and Alex, once bound by

marriage and now by a dance, found themselves at a crossroads. The dance was over, but the

emotions it stirred lingered, leaving them both to ponder the possibilities of what could have been and

what might still be.

Emma, returning to her friends, felt a sense of closure. The dance with Alex had been unexpected, but

it had allowed her to finally let go of the last remnants of their shared history.

The party continued around them, a whirl of music and laughter, but for Alex and Emma, the dance had

marked an end and a beginning the end of their past and the beginning of their separate paths

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