Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 SIX MONTHS LATER Recently, everything in my life has been progressing smoothly. Just six months ago. I had the pleasure of establishing a meaningful relationship with Georgina. Our connection has flourished to the point where acquaintances who aren’t well–acquainted with her often mistake me for her own daughter. A few weeks back after I arrived in Canada, Georgina discovered that I was still in the process of searching for a suitable home to provide a perfect environment to raise my baby. In her characteristic kindness, she generously proposed that I move in with her Initially, I hesitated to accept her offer, politely declining. However, Georgina’s persistence gradually wore down my resistance, and I eventually relented. The thought of continuing the search for the perfect apartment while juggling the demands of pregnancy and work felt overwhelmingly daunting. Thus, I made the decision to accept her offer, agreeing to live with her until my baby arrives. Following the birth, I intend to continue my search for accommodation. While savoring the newfound happiness and deepened connection with Georgina, an unforeseen tragedy struck. Following our usual post–work routine of heading home together, a deviation occurred. Instead of partaking in our customary sequence of retiring to our r respective rooms, taking individual showers, and subsequently sharing a meal Georgina insisted on engaging in a conversation. The somber tone with which she told me that we needed to talk made a dreaded feeling come over me. Seated together on the sofa, Georgina’s countenance bore an unusual distance and sadness in her e cyes. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something unseling was about to happen or be discussed. “Is everything okay?” I inquired. Taking her place beside me on the sofa, Georgina began with a reflective tone, I have observed your dedication to y your passion for it.” to your work, Lily, and witnessed Although accustomed to her words of encouragement and praise, an unfamiliar nuance in her acknowledgment raised my concern. “Did something happen?” I probed She gazed at me in silence for a moment, her expression heavy with contemplation, before exhaling deeply. “Can you please listen to me without interrupting?” she implored gently In reflex, I offered a quick apology, feeling a pang of guilt before nervously biting my lower lip. “As you already know, I don’t have any children, and my relationship with my late husband’s siblings and relatives is strained, she began, her voice carrying a weight of seriousness. “That’s why I need you to beAll content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

present on the day my will is read I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Why are we discussing your will reading?” I blurted out, my anxiety rising at the unexpected turn of the conversation. Despite my instincts telling me to remain silent and let her speak, I couldn’t shake off the sense of foreboding that gripped me. Relaxing slightly, Georgina offered a sad smile. “I intend to leave the hospital to you, she revealed, her words hitting me like a thunderbolt. My eyes widened in shock as her revelation sank in. Tve observed and evaluated your capabilities, and I believe you’re the only one capable of managing the hospital effectively, preventing it from facing potential closure due to mismanagement in the coming months or years. “What are you talking about!” I interjected, still grappling with the confusion surrounding our conversation Georgina continued, undeterred by my interruption. “I considered Becky, but she recently opened her own clinic

. Besides, she lacks the depth of understanding of this company’s management that you possess, and—” Raising my hand, I halted her mid–sentence. “Hold on a minute” Georgina tilted her head, acknowledging my request. “Why are we having discussions about your will and me potentially taking over the hospital? I tried to suppress the lump that had formed in my throat, a wave of uncase washing over me. “Are you, dying?” The question hung in the air, my hope clinging to the possibility that she would dismiss it with laughter, but she didn’t. My fingers trembled as I pressed for darity. “What’s going on, Georgina “I’ve been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, she disclosed, her smile strained as she attempted to soften the impact of her revelation. Tears strained down my cheeks uncontrollably. “Please don’t cry, she gently chided, concern evident in her voice, “it’s not good for the baby.” “How can you ask nie not to cry when you’ve just told me you’re slowly

dying?” I cried out, my words muffled by sobs that wracked my body. “Don’t make it out to be worse than it is,” she insisted, rising from her seat to comfort me, a role reversal that felt surreal “I start treatment the day alter tomorrow.“. Her words, though filled with hope, struggled to penetrate the heaviness that settled over us. “This is just so unfortunate. Why is it that bad things always seem to happen to good people?” I muttered softly, feeling the se 11:29 AM Chapter ? pressing down on me as tears continued to roll down my cheeks unabated Turning to face Georgina, I pulled her into a tight, comforting embrace, hoping to convey even a fraction of the support and strength she needed in that moment. “Everything is going to be fine, I insisted, though deep down, I couldn’t shake the knowledge that treatment for stage IV lung cancer isn’t about curing the disease but rather managing symptoms and improving quality of life. “You’re going to fight this, and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right by your side through it all As we parted from the embrace, Georgina’s hands gently cupped my tear–streaked cheeks, her touch both comforting and grounding. With a and sadness. “I’m truly grateful for your desire to stay close to me.” she began, her voice filled with warmth. “It speaks volumes about how much you care. However, I’d prefer if you stayed back and took care of the hospital business while I focus on the chemotherapy.” tender sweep of her million– dollar scarf, she wiped away my tears, her eyes reflecting a mix of appreciar forting and grounding. With a I sniffed back my tears. “Hospital business or not, I’m going to stay by your side until you fight this, I affirmed, the weight of my commitment seuling in the air between us For the first time since she shared the devastating news, I saw Georgina’s eyes well up with tears. I’m just grateful to have someone someone willing to stand by me not out of obligation, but out of genuine care,” she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. like you, Seizing her hand, I lifted it gently and placed a tender ki*s upon her palm. “You’re an incredible woman with a heart of gold. How could anyone not love and care for you!” I expressed, captivated by the purity of her soul. Her confession caught me off guard. “My husband’s family,” she revealed with a sad smile, the weight of the past hurts evident in her words. They said I would die sad and alone for not giving my husband children.” My expression twisted into a disapproving frown. “How dare they say something so cruel? 1 hissed, incredulous. “How is it your fault that you couldn’t have children?” Georgina blinked at me, a hint of amusement in her eyes. “Actually, it was my fault that I tone. “I was on contraceptives, and when I

couldn’t continue due to health issues. I opted to have my womb removed.” I couldn’t have children,” she revealed in a surprisingly calm any Curiosity gnawed at me, tempting me to inquire about her decision, but I refrained, not wanting to appear judgmental in Taking a deep breath, Georgina leaned back, her gaze drifting to the portrait of her late husband on the wall. “He didn’t want a baby,” she continued, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow, I turned to look at the image of the deceased man, pondering the complexities of their past and the choices that had shaped their lives. “He was certain that he didn’t want any children and that our future wouldn’t include them, she added. Is that what love really is about? Sacrificing your own desires to please the other person?” Memories of giving up my job and career aspirations for Ryan only to have him disregard my sacrifices flooded my mind. “One thing was certain though, Georgina interjected, her voice tinged with reflection, he did love me with every fiber of his being until his last breath.” 1 refrained from arguing the point, recognizing that it wasn’t the crux of the matter at hand. “When is your next doctor’s visit?” I inquired, already mentally preparing to clear my schedule at the hospital to accompany her. Whether she acknowledged it or not, she needed someone’s support and love during this challenging time. “The day after tomorrow, Georgina replied. “However, I’ve called for a board meeting tomorrow. I’m appointing you as the acting president until either Lovercome this or it overcomes me Concerned, I asked, “Do you think they’ll agree to me being the acting president of the hospital? Anxious about the potential challenges I might face. “They won’t have a choice” she assured me, her confidence unwavering. “I am the highest shareholder, and my word is law. Cupping my cheek, she added, “Don’t let them walk all over you 11.29 AM

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