Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 14 Scared of an heartbreak

Janelle’s Pov.

Seeing him here is something that makes me happy.. so happy.

It took him a while to reciprocate the hug.

I rubbed my head on his chest, not wanting to disengage from the hug.

I felt safe and secured in his arms.

Later, he pushed me back gently and carefully, disengaging from the hug.

He brought his hand to my face and touched my right eye.

“What have they done to you?. What happened to your eye?.”he asked.

His eyes was clouded with concern and he sounded like someone that will break down any moment.

I stared at the ground and he scoffed.

“Whoever did this to you, just know, he’s going to pay for this.”

I looked up at him and nodded.

“Did.. did.. did they tried anything funny?.”he suddenly asked.

I arched my brows, perplexed.

“I.. mean.. try to harass.. you, perhaps.”he stuttered, nervously.

“Sorry?.. I don’t get you.”I batted my eyes lashes.

“Did they tried to force their selves on you?.. tried to rape you?.”


Why’s he asking that?.

“What if they did, are you gonna abandon me?.”

He stared at me for a second and shook his head.

“I’m… I’m.. but seriously, I guess we don’t have to lie to each other. I.. I can’t just bear the thought of someone else.. aside me, holding you and..”he sighed.

I moved back from his and sighed.

“So, that’s it?.”I asked with a scoff.

He nodded and scrunched up his nose nervously.

He tried to move closer to me but I stopped him.

“Fine. You’re right. We don’t have to lie to each other. They… they.. raped me.”i lied.

His eyes widened and I tilted head, waiting for his reaction.

He would probably dump my ass right now, right?.

Since he said he couldn’t bear the thought of another man holding me.

The police men walked out of the building with the guys with handcuffs placed on their hands and they led them to their cars.

I noticed his eyes turned red and saw him fisted his hand in a tight ball.

A car arrived and his driver stepped out.

“Sir?, ma’am.”he called in relieve.

“Thank God you’re both safe.”he smiled.

“Let’s go. We will going back to Phoenix tommorow.”George says and step inside the car.

I bit my lower lips and nodded then stepped inside the car with him and the driver zoomed off.

Janelle’s Pov.

The drive back to the hotel was silent.

George has refused to say anything else to me ever since I told him I was raped.

I glanced at him but he wasn’t even looking at my direction.

He was staring out of the window. That’s what he has been doing.

I felt a pang of pain in my heart.

So, what now?.

He will be probably dump me and move on with another woman that haven’t been touched by another man.

That thought alone is driving me crazy.

I opened my mouth to talk but closed it back.


Besides, this is what I planned to do when I came to his mansion.

The driver stopped the car in front of the hotel and I opened the door and get down.

I was expecting a word from him.. I was expecting him to say something, but, he didn’t.

I started walking towards the building and I heard his driver driving away.

As I stepped inside, the receptionist rushed to me immediately.

“Oh, ma’am. Where have you been?, we’ve been searching all over for you.. oh.. are you alright?.”he bombarded me with questions.

I suddenly felt to weak to reply so I just flashed him a smile.

“Your… your eyes.. what happened to it ..”he pointed out.

“Oh, this?.”I asked and touched my right eye.

“Yeah.”he nodded.

“Nothing.. just a scratch.. I fell down and.. you know, I kinda…”

“Janelle!!!.”Someone yelled my name and I turned to see Beck.

Three cops were with her.

She ran to me and pulled me in a warm, motherly embrace.

“Oh, my God, Janelle. I thought I would never see you again, where have you been.. I was damn worried about you. Oh, God. I thought I’ve lost a daughter once again.”she sobbed.

Is.. is she crying.

I pat her back gently and she suddenly pulled out of the embrace.

“What’s with your eye, what happened… what’s going on?. Who did this to you?.”she asked.

Isn’t she so caring?.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I drop my head on her shoulder and sniffed in.

The police men walked towards us and stood in front of us.

“You must be Janelle. Thank God you’re finally here, ma’am. Your mother nearly killed herself but thanks to those that were around to save her just in time.”he said.

I raised my head from Beck’s shoulder and looked at them properly.


She.. she nearly killed herself?.

“We would like to have your statement written down, ma’am. What really happened?, were you abducted?.”he questioned as he brought out his jotter and pen.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes.”I replied.

“By whom?. Please, tell us your answer in details.”he said and wrote something down on his jotter.

“I.. I went out for a stroll on the street and when I got to a particular place and I noticed that part of the street was kinda secluded so, I decided to walk away from there but someone suddenly appeared and.. he landed a punch on my right eye and then, I passed out.”

“That explains your black eye. What happened thereafter?.”

“So…. later, when I woke up, I found myself in an unhealthy and unfriendly environment and.. well.. they’ve all been apprehended now and taken to the police custody.”I said briefly.

“They were already arrested?.”he asked.

“Yeah. The police came to my rescue.”

“How did they know you’re in danger?.”

“My…”I paused.

The cop looked up at me from his jotter.

He raised his brows and threw a quizzical look at me.

“My.. fiancee.”

He muttered an ‘oh’ and scribbled something down on his jotter.

“Which station were they taken to. The criminal, I mean.”

“I… I have no idea.”I clamped my lips together.

“Okay.. It’s probably the station where where we came from.. we are the only one around here.”he mumbled.

He rounded whatever be was writing up and kept his jotter in his pocket and looked up at me.

“Okay. That will be all, ma’am. Thanks for your time.”

I nodded slowly and they walked away.

“Let’s head over to your room. You should take a thorough wash out and eat something.”

She said while leading me to the stairs.


After having a shower, Beck ordered something to eat for me and after I was done eating, she came to sit in front of me and smiled.

“How are you feeling now, you feel refreshed, right?.”she asked and I nodded.

“Thanks for caring, mom..”I replied.

“It’s nothing.”

“By the way, what do you mean when you said you don’t want to lose another daughter that time. Have you lost any before?.”I asked inquisitively.

She sighed and looked down at her fingers and I regretted asking her immediately.

“Yeah. That was after I gave birth to George, but, unfortunately, I lost her.”she replied and bend her head dolefully.


Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.

I felt bad and gave her a side hug.

“But, I’m not your daughter. You said you don’t wanna lose a daughter again when I’m merely your daughter.”

“You’re like my daughter now, Janelle. And, I will do anything to protect you.”she said.

I smiled and nodded.

“Did George knows about it, that you lost a child?.”I asked.

“No. It’s a secret.”she shook her head.

“But, I believe my secrets are safe with you. I’m I wrong?.”

“Of course. I think I should also tell you a secret then. So, I lied to George that those guys that abducted me raped me and it seems he will dump me soon because he said he doesn’t like it when someone touch what is his.”i said while picking at my fingers.

“No way.”she laughed.

“George will never do that. He’s fallen head over heels for you.”she added.

“Are you sure?, he was so mad.”I asked as i looked up at her.

“If you don’t believe, then, you can just tell him the truth.”she suggested.

“No.”I shook my head Immediately.

“Okay. Why did you lie to him in the first place.”she asked.

“I don’t really know.”I shrugged.

“So, you just feel like lying to him?.”she asked and I nodded.

“Well, he will surely come around.”she smiled.

“Right. He said we will be traveling back to Phoenix tommorow.”I said.

“And are you okay with that?….”she asked and I nodded.

“Okay then.”she smiled.


The next morning.

We left the hotel and the driver drove us back to the airport.

George still refused to talk to me.

I guess he plan to abandon me when we get back to Phoenix.

We entered the plane and the door shut.

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