Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

We finally reached a pair of large stone doors that opened up on their own to reveal a garden. I had to

refrain from gasping loudly at the sight. I'm not sure if it was the feeling of not having been outside for

almost 24 hours or if it was the beauty of the garden or a combination of the both that left me simply

astounded. A cobblestone pathway stationed between acres of grass led the way towards a pavement

opening where a large fountain was the main attraction. Large, perfectly rounded green bushes lined

the football stadium-sized garden. Sculptures stood proudly and the perfectly kept pool made me

wonder if vampires enjoyed swimming. The full moon shone so brightly I would have mistaken it for

daylight had I not known the time. Damon led me down the pathway towards the fountain where his

parents; the King and Queen stood waiting for us. I wondered how they had gotten here before us but

shrugged the thought as there were more important things to think about.

It was the Queen who broke the silence," I see that you came fully prepared."

I looked down at my dress when I realized it's what she was referring to and nodded," Yes, I am."

"Did you know white silk is traditional when performing a ritual involving a foreign human?"

"N-no," I stuttered. She must be talking about the villagers. The Queen smiled briefly," It's for good


I almost wanted to chuckle or let out a snort but refrained.

I had to be the unluckiest person on the planet.

"Guards," ordered the King and as if on cue, the metal gates stationed between two bushes opened up

from behind people began to bombard inside the garden.

Some cheered and some snarled, regardless it was quite clear they were not human. I was suddenly

engulfed with the feeling of claustrophobia and glanced at Damon as if for reassurance but his focus

was on the crowd of vampires.

My eyes drifted to the guards who began to line the perimeters and it was only a couple of minutes

later that we had gone from just four to over 50 people. Joining them last, and standing the furthest

from the crowd, stood Seth, Isabelle, and Damon's older brother.

"Quiet!" yelled the Queen. Immediately, everyone fell into a silence, their hungry gazes stationed on


I couldn't help but swallow back in an attempt to drown my fear and moisten my dry throat.

"As I am sure you have all heard by now, we have an unexpected...visitor here at the castle," the

Queens turned her gaze towards me and back towards the crowd. I couldn't help but swoon over how

beautiful she looked in her long-sleeved midnight blue skin-tight gown, her blond hair moving as if in

sync with the wind," Tonight, we are going to attempt something that has not been done in over a

decade, we will perform the Ritual of Obliteration."

"I say we breed her, turn her into a villager."

"She does not need to be a native to be turned into food."

"A human, whether foreign or not, loses all rights when stepping foot into the castle, she should be

handed over to beget."

The crowd began to speak over each other, every single one of them being completely against the idea

of setting me free. The hairs on my skin all lifted and I couldn't help but shiver. It was suddenly cold,

almost unbearably so and part of me wished that Damon would at least look at me. Was I expecting

reassurance from him? Maybe, he had saved that poor man after all. Part of me wished he would defer

the angry and heartless act for later and spare me some comfort but I knew I was in over my head. I

was in this completely and utterly alone and it scared me beyond imagination to know that.

"To breed a human whose blood does not come from a line of natives would be committing a

transgression," the King's deep and authoritative voice managed to quiet down the crowd," The main

reason we have been able to live amongst their world without war or fear of being exposed is by

feeding off those who belong to the Cold Ones. This foreigner is going to be returning back to where

she came from with absolutely no memory of having ever come into contact with The Underworld."

"Assuming the ritual works," a tall, thin natural redhead stepped forward for the crowd of vampires and I

was almost in awe at her beauty," Assuming that our blood won't kill her and assuming that we have

enough Cold Ones here-"

"Do not forget we have our best ally here tonight," the Queen's soft-spoken voice was almost melodic,"

when combined with the full moon, the power of our blood is stronger."

"We need a witch-" the redheaded woman began, only to be cut off by the King.

"We need each other."

The King glanced back and ushered his hands towards a guard who presented the crowd with a goblet.

Had I not been so scared I would have humored myself with the cliche.

The goblet was silver and engraved with writing in a language I did not recognize. From a distance, I

saw little gems glisten on the edges.

"I have the goblet of Obliteration of Memory here, as you all already know, a drop of Cold One's blood

powers the stone combined with the Full Moon, the potion will be at full power tonight."

I watched in shock as the audience lifted their fingers and scratched a cut down their forearm. The

guard holding the goblet presented it to every vampire. My face scrunched up in horror and my

stomach twisted with the fear of what's about to come next. I watched as each person trickled a drop of

their own blood into the goblet before passing it to the other.

It felt like seconds before the goblet was at the hands of the King and Queen who mirrored the actions

of the crowd before handing the goblet towards the last person left; Damon.

He grabbed the cup from the hands of his father and looked down at this fresh cut before glancing back

at me with a look I had not seen before.

"The venom," I breathed towards him, almost struggling to form the words," won't the venom shift me

or-or kill me, or-"

I got the idea that I would have to drink this vampire blood-infused magic memory-erasing cup but

wouldn't the venom poison me as Isabelle's did?

"Our blood does not have venom," Damon replied, "Venom comes from our fangs." He held out his arm

and trickled a drop of his blood into the goblet before taking a step towards me and presented it to me.

I stared down at the crimson liquid that made up a quarter of the cup and stared back up at Damon.

Take it, his eyes said, drink it, now.

I grabbed the content from Damon's hands and turned towards the King and Queen and nervously, I

asked," and if it doesn't work?"

"Then you'll come home with me," I turned my gaze to the redheaded women who stared at me with a

smirk," Now drink the blood, human."

I took a deep breath and brought the goblet closer to my lips. Questions raced my mind and I wondered

again, how much would I forget. I switched my gaze towards Damon's whose eyes were locked with

mine. I felt a cold breeze on my skin. The slit of the dress at my thigh crept to the side exposing enough

of my skin to make me shiver again. Without a second thought, I brought the goblet to my lips and

drank. The warm rich liquid was almost pleasant and I felt myself swallow as opposed to ordering my

body to do so. When the goblet was empty, I breathed out, my eyes still caught with Damon's. I

wondered if I had gone deaf or if everything was suddenly silent. The wind brushed harder and my hair

stirred in my face. Damon's curious gaze studied my eyes and it suddenly felt as if it was just us two.

I breathed out again, this time the feeling of something sharp-lined the bottom of my throat. My bones

suddenly felt limp and my vision began to blur.

This is it. I wonder if I will remember you.

I felt my legs give out from under me and let myself fall helplessly but I never felt the hard painful

ground. I felt sudden arms wrap around my waist catching me midfall. Golden eyes snuck into my

failing vision and it must have been a second after that I slipped completely out of consciousness.

I was woken up by the bright sun emitting from the windows. I stirred in bed and was suddenly hit with Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

the severe pain of my migraine. I gripped my head with both hands as if to keep it from breaking into

two. Panic rose up in my throat and I looked around in terror to realize that I was still in the castle. I

looked down to realize that someone had stripped me of the white dress and replaced it with my

previous outfit.

No. No, this can't be happening, I was supposed to be gone!

I darted out of bed and made a run for it towards the doors but to my surprise, they were locked. I hit

the doors and screamed out,'' Hello!?"

When I didn't get a response, I went to the dresser and saw another letter. I pulled the string from

underneath the cloth to reveal a piece of paper.

Dear Holly,

As you may know by now, the ritual failed and you woke up minutes later in the garden, fully aware. We

had given you a sleeping potion to cleanse you of the blood. We have sent out word to the rest of The

Underworld in hopes of finding a witch. For now, another telephone call is available for you to make.

The King and Queen

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