Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


I remembered the boulder that I had scraped my knee on. If I could somehow pick it up and break the

fence open with it, I could lead him upstairs and figure the rest out before the sunsets.

"Wait," I said out loud and began to trace my steps," I'm coming back, j-just wait!"

I struggled to operate my limbs properly and the task to both run and breath at the same time became

suddenly impossible.

I ran back the way that I came but couldn't locate the rock. I kicked my legs into areas that had no light

hoping my skin would make contact with it but it didn't. I turned the corner into a lightly dim hallway that

I must have missed before and wondered where it led to. I decided to take my chances and ran down

the new corridor, hoping that if there was at least one boulder that there might be another.

The further down the hall I ran the more I heard noises and seconds later distinguished them as voices.

Two voices, arguing about something. I felt the blood in my system freeze cold and came to a halt

when I recognized one voice as Isabelle's.

"You stupid idiot!" she snapped, her voice low and angry," I told you to go with them! You shouldn't

have let him go alone, you should have been there to kill that villager and show the King that only you

could finish the job."

I took a few steps forward and hid my body behind the curve of the hall. I could see her long black hair

somehow still glowed even in the dark and her snow-white legs went on for days. She wore a black

mini skirt with a matching crop top that showed off her slender perfectly shaped torso.

"Do you really think it matters?" A male voice snapped back," Father would never let him be king now,

not after I told him about how he rescued the jester."

"He's going to make him kill the jester," she snapped back," but he's not going to take away the throne."

"I will find a way to make him, just like I did with Xavier," I finally recognized the voice as Seth's.

"Xavier mated with a witch, he was de-crowned by default," Isabelle let out an angry sigh," Damon has

potential. Sparing the life of a human inst going to get him thrown off as King."

"You have to get closer to him, find a weakness that I can use."

"I cannot keep playing as his sad forbidden love anymore Seth!" Isabelle sounded like she's on the

verge of tears," but I need to be Queen."

"I turn 18 soon, by law I am allowed to challenge him-"

"And you will lose," she interrupted, " Damon is two years older than you, that means two years

stronger, you have to give your father a reason to hate him, to see that he is unworthy, to see that only


I felt my leg hit against something hard and recognized it as the boulder I had been looking for. I winced

in pain and froze in fear when I realized that my blood had started to drip and that Seth and Isabelle

had stopped talking.

I tried to calm down my beating heart and blend with the walls but I knew that it would be impossible


"Shhh," I heard Isabelle hiss," who's there?"

"One of the villagers might have escaped," said Seth," I can smell it."

"No, I recognize this blood," said Isabelle," I had this blood."

They were about to turn the corner to come face to face with me but I didn't wait. I let my legs do the

panicking for me and ran as fast as I can back down the halls. I came to face two different sides of the

halls and knew one led back up the stairs and the other led to the dungeon. I couldn't remember which

was which so I prayed to everything and anything out there before I made a sharp left, running as fast Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

as my legs could take me. I felt hot tears sting my eyes as my legs came to a halt, face to face with the

metal fence. My heart thudded as if to break out of my chest and I couldn't help but wonder what they

would do to me.

The villager man stood still behind the cell as if waiting for me.

"They found you...didn't they."

I couldn't respond, my speech was imprisoned by my panic. I heard a whooshing sound like a harsh

wind and didn't have to turn around to know that they were behind me.

Chapter 6

"I'm going to drain you, human," Isabelle hissed, her eyes shining like lanterns. I wasn't aware of myself

backing up until my back hit the hard concrete wall behind me.

My lips quivered and my brain raced in search of words to say but I was simply speechless.

My heart thudded quick enough to jump out of my chest and I suddenly felt like a mouse stuck in a trap.

Within a blink of the eye, Isabelle was standing in front of me, her once gentle and beautiful face now

filled with darkness and hatred.

"I-I didn't hear anything," I managed to utter out," I promise, I-"

She wasn't listening, it was clear by the look on her face that she had already decided.

"Isabelle, stop."

Seth's voice was drowned out by my fear and the haunting sound of Isabelle's snarling.

She traced her finger nail on the bite that Xavier had given me. I winced in pain when I felt the cut

freshly opening back up.

Her eyes trailed the droplets of blood as they rolled down my neck to my chest. I was breathing even

quicker than before and shoved my back further towards the wall.

"Isabelle, let her be."

She didn't listen. She didn't even acknowledge Seth's talking. Instead, her hungry eyes met my terrified

gaze as she came closer and flicked her sharp tongue across the cut , following it down to my chest

where the trail of blood ended.

"Isabelle, stop!" Seth's voice was more demanding now," We can't touch her, fathers orders."

I didn't realize that Seth had walked right up to stand behind her. He grabbed both her arms and leaned

forward to whisper in her ear," We can't get on father's bad side, step away."

A couple seconds later, Isabelle ripped her gaze from mine. She shoved Seth away and walked

towards the cell where the man had seemed to blend in with the darkness.

"How do we know she won't tell everyone," She mumbled angrily," You know she heard everything."

Seth looked down at me as if I was pathetic trash that he couldnt get rid of," She won't utter a word."

"What makes you say that," Isabelle used a pair of keys to unlock the cell doors. I saw a flash of

electricity jolting up the metal doors and wondered how it was not affecting her.

Seth placed his cold fingers under my chin and lifted my head up to face his.

"Because if she so much as breathes a word of this to anyone," His hot and angry gaze almost burnt

mines," she can forget about ever going home and instead get used to the idea of rotting in this cell. "

Isabelle disappeared into the cell. Seconds later, I heard the man groaning. I felt my eyes burn with

tears and immediately knew what was next.

She dragged the man out by the metal chains around his neck until they were standing just a few feet

from me.

Seth finally stepped aside and I was met with the empty and lifeless gaze of the villager. His expression

looked as if he was already dead.

Isabelle smirked at me.

"Except you wouldn't rot," she was speaking directly to me now, fangs fully extended. She grabbed the

chain and brought the man's neck closer to her face," I'd drain you dry the second that I could and give

your corpse to the dirty werewolves to eat."

I didn't get a second to swallow back in an attempt to moisten my dry throat before she dug her teeth

into the man's neck and his howling scream sent shivers all along my body. I heard myself cry out loud

and watched as his body slowly began to give out from under him. Seth joined her seconds later and

together they feasted. I couldn't watch anymore and looked away, the palms of my sweaty hands glued

tightly against my wet eyes.

Never in my life did I ever think that I was ever going to witness anything like this.

When they were finally done, they tossed the man's unconscious body back into the cell and

mentioned something about coming to finish him off later.

Part of me wished that they had just gone ahead and killed him and just gotten it over and done with.

They had a guard escort me back to my room but I couldn't lay in that bed without the images coming

to my head. Instead, I filled the bath in the washroom with hot water and laid in it for hours.

One thing that's certain was that I have never felt more terrified in my life and another was that I had

never wanted to go home more than at this moment.

I pictured my mom's kind smile and her cooking. I remembered my protective dad and detested myself

for every time I didn't appreciate them.

I knew I had to find Xavier and demand that he keep true to our deal and find me a witch. I thought

about threatening him and going to the King and wondered who would be the one to be punished. After

all, Xavier was already de-throned. For mating with a which, Isabelle had said.

There isn't much more that they could do to him. I wondered if he had purposely tricked me, knowing

that he cannot be punished further.

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