Babysitting The Billionaire’s Adult Son


Melanie strides out of the bathroom and closes the door behind her.

She walks to her bed and pick the flowery yellow nighties and clad into it.

She slowly get on the bed and cover herself with the duvet.

She picks her phone from the nightstand table and off the switch afterwards.

She put a call accross to her friend, Kayla, and the happy giggles of her friend came from the other end.

“Please leave a voicemail for me, I’ll get back to you tomorrow. I love you my Annie. Yes, your hands behind your head.” She hears hears the rants of her dear friend and couldn’t help the smile that pile up on her face.

“Such a crazy attitude for a cop. Who the fu*k pick up a phone call during operation?” she asks herself and shale her head at how crazy Kayla can be.

“Oh! Dear heavenly Father!” she sighs when she remembers the shits she has gotten herself into.

She knows there’s no going back. But what could made both father and the son to behave in such unspeakable manner? She thought and close her eyes to say a short prayer.

She close her eyes afterwards, praying for tomorrow to be good to her.

After much toose and turns, she finally drift off to dreamland.

The next day (Monday morning)

Melanie wake up to the blasting sounds of her alarm. She hisses and slaps her phone off the nightstand and it falls to the floor in a loud thud.

The sounds of her falling phone is what jots her to reality as she realises that she has gotten a job and that she must perform her duty.

She remember turning on the alarm and setting it to 5 Am to get the boy ready for school. He might behave like an adult, but he still goes to school right? She thought as she brings her legs down to the floor, rolling the duvet off her body.

She’s a babysitter right? She has to, perhaps prefer him for school and maybe, just maybe cook for him too. Speaking of cooking, does that include that she’ll have to cook for the family? She widen her amber eyes as the memories of last night came, playing on her head.

The man might seem cool from outside but after what she has seen so far, she’s not sure if she can still act cool around that man because he’s evil.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Melanie successfully get off the bed and lay the bed in a way that suit her personality.

She walks to the bathroom and stretch her figure lazily as she makes her way inside the bathroom.

She walks out of her room minutes after and close the door behind her. She eaves a sigh and process her way to the main living room.

The house is so big and the interior is so gorgeously decorated but the situation she found herself in wouldn’t give her time to droll over some material things.

“You’re here” the voice of Mr Gordon pulls her attention and she trails her gaze towards the direction the voice had came from.

‘There he is’ she sighs as her gaze finally meet the most handsome man on earth.

His dark short hair is styles backwards leaving few strands to the front. His manly built body is something that can soften a cold heart of any ladies.

She admire his ears as they were decorated with a pair of shiny stone stud.

Melanie trails her eyes from his hair to his pointed nose, to his Hazel eyes and back to his heart shape mouth.

She couldn’t take her eyes off his pinkish lips until she finds the smirks that has been dancing at the corner of his mouth all along.

With a snap of his fingers

“Earth to you miss, you’re here to look after my son and not to droll over his father. Have some respects to the title of your job” Mr Gordon smirks and Melanie founds her face flush in embarrassment.

She successfully disengage the stairs with her gaze drops to the floor.

“Good… Good Morning sir.” she greets the angel in front of her, because this man is not a human.

“Alfred!” Mr Gordon says shortly and Melanie is force to raise her head to stare at him in confusion.

Noticing the strange look on her face, Mr Gordon take the hint and slaps his forehead softly in realisation.

“I guess the previous night incident made me forget to properly introduce myself.” he says softly and Melanie gush at how passionate his voice come out of his mouth.

Melanie nods her head after she has done whizzling over his sweet voice.

“I goes by the name Alfred Gordon. A lot of people refer to me as Mr Godon for work purpose. I’m the founder and CEO of Gordon enterprise. I’ll prefer people to call me by my name ‘Alfred’ which includes you, since it’s not work related…” Mr Gordon pauses and stare at the lady in front of him and she nods his head when he’s sure she’s paying attention to the introduction and not drooling over him.

“I’m 34 years old hot dude,” she joke and Melanie founds herself smiling so hard with her gaze drop down to the floor.

“Over to you?” Mr Gordon says, pulling the attention of Melanie.

“Oh!” she nods her head and clear her throat before she opens her mouth to say anything.

“I’m Melanie… Melanie Watson. I’m 28 years old. And I look forward to working for you sir… Mr Alfred.” Melanie corrects herself before she’ll do anything that will anger the man before her.

“Alfred! No Mr, this is not an office.” Mr Gordon warns and she nods her head in affirmative.

Noticing the absence of his son, disengaging the stairs with his headphones on. Making his way to the living room clade in his school uniform.

“Right there is my lovely son…

Melanie unexpectedly coughs at the hearing of him complimenting the son he almost beat to pulp.

“Pardon my manner.” Melanie gulps down a large quantity of saliva and Mr Gordon scoffs at her hypocrisy.

“That’s my only child. Archie Gordon, the heir of Gordon enterprises.” Mr Gordon says and watches his son rolls his eyes absent-minded.

“He’s 13, turning 14 in the next few weeks. He was a lovely boy” Mr Gordon says and he makes Melanie to wonder what he meant by ‘was’

Archie walks past them and his father pulls his back to himself with just a pull of his jacket.

“I know you’re not deaf you can hear me speaking. Even if you’re deaf, you’re not blind you can actually see me standing here with the babysitter I got for you by wasting my company’s fund” Mr Gordon says with a raise of his eyebrow and Archie sighs tiredly.

He turns around to stand against his father.

“I never ask you to get an Adultsitter for me. You choose to waste your money on your own accord.” Archie yells and Mr Gordon release his hands from his shirt.

“What did you say?” He asked and Archie shakes his head negatively.

He turns to Melanie who stands, starring at them like she’s in a cinema.

“I goes by the name Archie… Archie Gordon. I’m 13 turning 14 in few weeks time as my wonderful father had already told. I’m an highschool boy and I took my face and personality from my father.” Archie calmly introduce himself to Melanie which makes Mr Gordon’s eyes to dilate in shock.

Did Archie just act calmly around Melanie? Did he just ironically insult him, right in his presence? He thought and he couldn’t help the sweat that starts to form on his forehead.

“My name is…

“Oh! Save the the long process, you’re Melanie and you’re 28. Dripping saliva over my father hotness? I know everything, just save yourself the energy.” Archie says tiredly from all the drama he’s force to act.

Melanie drop her gaze in embarrassment. It’s still early in the morning and she has been embarrassed twice in a row.

“Can I take my leave?” Archie asks impatiently and he walks out of their faces even before his father could protest.

They both watches him make use of the exit. And bang the door shut on their faces.

Mr Gordon feeling mad all over and Melanie who couldn’t hide the embarrassment she had gone through.

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