Babes Stripping For Love

84. Feelings

When Seamus said that he was helping with her Dad’s case, Charlotte was over the moon and she was still smiling the day she visits her father in prison. Though her smile flattered when she saw how skinny her dad becomes. He looked pale and underweight, her heart ache as Charlotte sat across from her dad in the prison visitation room. He looked tired and stressed, and she could tell that he was struggling to stay optimistic.

“Charlotte, darling, you look happy.” He smiled and she wanted nothing more but to hug him longer, she misses him so much. Charlotte hated that the prison implemented these rules with the inmates’ visitation. He was her father, and she hated that they treated him like a criminal when he was wrongfully accused.

“Dad, what’s the matter? I thought Seamus had men protecting you from the inside.” Charlotte asked in a hush manner, and her father didn’t miss her tone when she said his name. She sounded different, and he was quick to pick up on it.

“He does, and they’ve been doing their job. It’s the stress I guess. I want to get out of here, Charlotte. I need to be out, to take care of my daughter. But it looks like Seamus is taking care of you.” Cormac Sullivan has always been good at reading people, and he excels at reading his daughter. Something was going on between her and Seamus and he was not sure how to react to it. He knew that Seamus Braddock was a player, but deep down Cormac also knew that Seamus was a good man just like his dad.

Charlotte blushed at her dad’s words. She knew that he was going to know about her and Seamus the second his name was mentioned. There was no intention from her side to hide her relationship with the man. But Charlotte didn’t want her visitation about her, she wanted to know more about her dad’s case since Seamus was not divulging much and she was curious if her dad was well informed.

“So, how’s the case going?” she asked, trying to sound upbeat.

Her dad let out a sigh, the frown on his face was evident. “It’s not looking good, Charlotte. My lawyer says that the evidence is stacking up against me, even though I didn’t do anything wrong. They framed me, and they’re covering every corner and making sure that there’s no loophole.”

Charlotte felt a knot form in her stomach, she had always known that her dad was innocent, and it was frustrating to see him being punished for something he didn’t do. Her shoulder slumped and suddenly she wished that she was back living her old life, where her mom was still alive and her dad came home every day after work. “But the lawyers are still working on it, right?” she asked, hoping to hear something positive.

Her dad nodded. “Yes, we do. Braddock’s lawyers are teaming up with my lawyer, they have been working hard to build a case, and they think we have a chance of proving my innocence if we can poke holes in the prosecutor’s evidence. But it’s going to be a tough battle, a long one for sure.”

Charlotte could tell that her dad was trying to stay strong, but she could sense the fear and uncertainty that he was feeling. “Dad, I know this is hard. But you have to keep fighting. We’ll get through this together.” It was easy for her to say so, but her eyes betray her when she was trying to be strong for him.

“Charlotte, please don’t cry. Know that everything will be okay. Mom would want you to be strong.” Her dad gave her a small smile. “I’m glad you’re here with me. Seeing you always makes me feel better.”

As they continued to talk, Charlotte could feel her determination growing. She persist to be there for him in any way she could. She knew that they would get through this together, no matter what. She puts on a brave front until the visitation time ended.

Charlotte couldn’t hold her tears from falling the second she reached the car and Burke open the door for her. The man didn’t ask why she cried, he knew because this happened to Charlotte every time she was done visiting her dad in prison. And every time without her knowing, Burke would send a text to his boss, Seamus Braddock, informing him of her state of emotion just before he starts the car and leaves the parking lot.

The ride back home was spent in silence, Burke would sneak a peak through the rearview mirror and check on Charlotte before his eyes were back on the road.

The moment Charlotte walked through the door, she was greeted by Marjorie who tries to cheer her up. They would talk over a cup of tea and wait for Seamus to come home. The afternoon had been the hardest for her. Seeing her dad getting beat up was one thing, but she knew that it was preventable with Seamus’ men. But seeing him mentally exhausted and eating his body weight, it hits her hard. It was like seeing her mom losing her will to live all over again.

Seamus could tell that something was wrong, the second he saw her. She looked tired and sad, and he could see the worry in her eyes.

“Hey, what’s going on?” he asked, hugging her and kissing her softly.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“It’s dad,” Charlotte said, her voice cracking. “I saw him today. He’s losing weight and I’m worried, Seamus. It’s like he’s losing hope, and I hate seeing him so skinny.”

Seamus felt a pang of sympathy for Charlotte’s dad. He knew that he was a good man and had always found him to be a kind and honest person, it was unfair that he was being punished for something he didn’t do.

“I’m sorry, precious,” Seamus said. “But you have to remember that your dad is innocent, our team of lawyers is working on his case. The truth will transpire, and he’ll be exonerated.”

Charlotte looked at Seamus skeptically, her wary was high since she met her dad and saw the state he was in. “But what if it doesn’t? What if the lawyers fail and the prosecutors had solid evidence against him? He could be facing years in prison, Seamus. I don’t know if he can handle that. I don’t know if I can handle that.” Charlotte finally breaks and her tears fall freely.

Seamus put a hand on her shoulder, caressing her, trying to soothe her. “Listen to me, baby. I’ve been following your dad’s case closely, and I’ve read all the news articles and court documents. The evidence against him is good, but my lawyers are better. I was assured that our lawyer has new evidence, and there’s a good chance that he’ll be acquitted.”

Charlotte looked at Seamus, hope starting to blossom in her chest. “Really?”

Seeing her face light up, Seamus would make sure that his lawyer had the evidence. The man was not afraid to play dirty, and if that was what he needs to get her dad out of prison, then that was what he was going to do.

Anything for his beautiful ballerina.

“Really,” Seamus said, giving her a reassuring smile. “Look, I don’t want you to worry about stuff that would get sorted out in the end. I will call my lawyers and we’ll get your dad informed with the updates on his case, just to give him better peace of mind. We’ll fight for him and support him, no matter what.”

Taking in his strong determination, it did make her feel better. Charlotte felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She was so grateful to have Seamus, always there to offer comfort and support when she needed it the most. Just like he said he would.

“Thank you, Seamus,” she said, hugging him. “You always know how to make me feel better.”

Seamus hugged her back, feeling a sense of satisfaction. “Always, baby,” He was glad that he could be there for Charlotte, and he was determined to do everything in his power to help her dad in his time of need.

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