Alpha’s Virgin Stripper

Chapter 187

Neil watched the cars troop in and troop out of the mansion. He had come to do his routine check on the house and note all that was necessary. Which included the furniture due for change, the tools and appliances that needed repair, to see if the alpha’s grandmother needed a new carpet in her room, new draperies, and to see if the alpha’s father had any special assignments for him – which had not been coming very frequently.

To be frank, it did feel like everyone was hell bent on keeping things away from him. First, the alpha had not told him he would be returning. Secondly, alpha Cole had not spoken to him about any special thing happening today. So why did he see Alpha Cole’s men in their security trucks trooping in and out of the mansion? And why did Alpha Cole run down the stairs at the mere sound of a car’s honk.

Neil watched from the balcony as three cars drove with speed into the building. He stayed where he would not be easily sighted. If no one was going to tell him what was going on, he was going to find out by himself. And he would do well you make sure he used it to get back into the alpha’s good books, to earn his trust – that is if he had lost it. Which he had a strange feeling that he had done.

He peeped from the corner and watched as Alpha Cole stepped out of the house once more. This time, he had a thick black bathrobe on. He seemed happy from the side profile Neil could see.

The man walked with his grace, poise and confidence as he moved towards the cars.

Once the cars were parked, all the men started to step out one by one. But that was not what caught Neil’s attention.

What won Neil over was the sight of a baby – a red faced crying baby – in the arms of one of the men. The man wore a frown on his face, as though he was irritated by the child in his hands – which he must been. Neil knew first hand that crying babies were a thorn in the flesh.

However, he had no doubt that the baby belonged to Alpha Lake and Jojo Wyatt, the stripper. He also knew that the alpha would have never wanted his father to lay hands on that child.

Therefore, if alpha Cole had the child in his hands, and with a broad and victorious smile on his face, it could only mean one – or rather, several – thing.

The alpha was either in trouble, Jojo Wyatt was in trouble, she had cheated the alpha and sold her child for money, or the child had been taken without the knowledge of both. As much as it would have been easy for him to convince himself that it was the third, Neil did not see Jojo Wyatt as the kind of person to let her child go in such a manner. Neil tried to push it to the back of his mind, but he knew that Alpha Cole had done something wrong, something terribly wrong.

He also knew that he had to call the alpha, and he had to do so fast.

With speed, Neil rushed back into the house and sought for a place he could call the alpha without being heard by anyone.

The house was guarded to the teeth today, as though Alpha Cole knew what was coming for him. He would be stupid not to.

Neil walked around the house until he found the visitor’s room. He slipped into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked around for any signs of speaker bugs or CCTV cameras. He had helped the alpha insert a lot of hidden ones to know when such things were hidden in a room, or in an environment.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Once he believed he was clear, he slipped his hand into his right pocket and dialed the alpha’s number.

Alpha Lake picked up after the second ring.


Neil closed his eyes. He sucked in deep breaths and allowed them leave through his nostrils.

“Good morning, alpha Lake. I’m afraid I have news. But I do not believe it is good.”

He heard the alpha clear his throat at the other end of the line.




I had known something was wrong, or something was going to go wrong from the second I opened my eyes that morning. Firstly, when I turned and opened my eyes, it was past four am. It was not normal for me to rise that early after I had gone to bed so late, and extremely tired too.

I tried to put myself back to sleep. I was going to have a long day today, even though most of it would be spent with Jojo, Valerie and Lucian. Also, I would have had to devise and go over my plan to rescue Jojo’s mother from my father, and make sure that he no longer constituted a nuisance in any of their lives.

I could take whatever he did to me with a pinch of salt. But after he had dared to come after Jojo, and threatened her with her mother, I knew I had to do something about him. If it came to the part where I had to forget he was my father and do something about him, I knew that I would not hesitate to.

He might have raised me, his blood was the one that ran through my veins, but it did not give him the authority to treat the people I loved with disdain, neither did it give him the right to toy with their feelings and emotions by threatening them with the things they valued the most.

And he had been doing that to Jojo a lot.

I was restless and could not find my way back to sleep, until Neil called me – which was another sign that something was wrong. I did not know why, but my muscles suddenly tensed up as I saw his name display on my screen.

Hesitant, I answered the call as I sat up on my bed – it had been impossible to stand up since morning – and pressed the phone’s speaker to my right ear.


I heard him draw in deep breaths. It was the third sign something was wrong. I shifted uncomfortably on my bed.

“Good morning alpha Lake. I’m afraid I have news. But I do not believe it is good.”

My throat ran dry in that moment. From the tone of his voice, I could tell he was about to hit me with something big.

“Speak.” I ordered, while listening to the sound of my heart pounding in my chest.

“I am at the mansion now, alpha Lake.”

He was at the mansion. What did that have to do with anything?

“And?” I pressed on. I was growing impatient by the second.

“And I just saw some men get out of the car with your child. Your son is in the arms of your father as we speak.”

My entire body froze in that second.


Her name was the first thought that ran through my mind.

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