Alpha Tyrion’s Arranged Mate – His Hybrid Mate

Secrets Unveiled

Celine’s POV:

Kitten or Katie as she liked it, had slept on my bed after we talked about so many things related to her past and the struggles she faced. I always felt a soft connection to her even though I didn’t know about her before. Now, when she had finally made at her presence in my life so evident, I was just delighted to have her around.

A soft knock on my door interrupted the stillness of my solitude, causing my heart to race with anticipation. I carefully shifted the young girl, who had sought refuge in my room, into a hidden corner. I walked towards the door and gently pushed it open.

To my surprise, the Luna Queen stood before me, her regal presence marred by a noticeable limp. I widened my eyes in concern,Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Luna Queen, please come in. How have you been? I haven’t seen you since the fire accident.”

The Luna Queen entered, her face etched with a mixture of pain and gratitude. “Celine, my dear, I am grateful to both you and Tyrion for saving my life. I owe you both a debt that can never be repaid.”

I nodded, a flicker of sadness crossing my features. “It was our responsibility to protect you, Luna Queen. We couldn’t stand by and let harm befall you.”

She let out a sigh, her voice barely above a whisper. “Celine, there are dangers lurking within the pack. Someone set my chamber on fire, and I fear they want to hurt not only me but everyone here.”

A knot of nervousness tightened in my stomach, my mind racing with possibilities. “Do you have any idea who could be behind such a malicious act?”

I wanted to tell her about the Lycan king and how dangerous he was but I didn’t know if it was safe to discuss it with her.

The Luna Queen reached out, her gentle touch rubbing my head as tears welled up in her eyes. “Celine, it pains me to say this, but I believe it was the Lycan king himself. He has always harbored ill intentions towards me.”

Shock coursed through my veins at her revelation, my voice barely a whisper. “The Lycan king? But why would he want to harm you?”

She knew! She had always known about him about the problems he caused her.

A sob escaped the Luna Queen’s lips as she struggled to find her words. “Celine, I was the chosen mate of the Lycan king, but he never truly wanted me. He desired a mate with special powers, someone who could strengthen his rule. I am not special, Celine. I don’t possess the abilities he desired.”

Her words hung heavy in the air, the weight of her pain and disappointment palpable. I reached out, placing a comforting hand on her arm. “Luna Queen, you are special in your own right. Your worth is not defined by the powers you possess or lack. You deserve love and respect.”

She nodded, tears streaming down her face. “Thank you, Celine. Your words bring me solace. But please, be careful. The Lycan king is cunning and dangerous. I don’t want you or anyone else to fall victim to his wrath.”

A shiver traveled down my spine, and I nodded, my voice filled with determination. “I will remain vigilant, Luna Queen. I promise to do everything in my power to protect the pack members and ensure our safety. But who his fated mate? ”

“It was my elder sister whom he wanted. But she wasn’t his fated mate either. He just wanted her because of the powers she carried. He did everything in his father to make her his mate. As far killed her lover…”

The weight of the Luna Queen’s revelations hung heavy in the air, each word unraveling a twisted tale of love and betrayal. My heart ached for her as she shared the tragic story of her elder sister and the Lycan King’s first mate.

“I cannot imagine the pain your sister must have endured,” I whispered, my voice filled with empathy. “To be forced into a loveless union, separated from the one she truly loved.”

The Luna Queen nodded, her eyes filled with sorrow. “Indeed, it was a cruel fate. She had a daughter with her true love, and the Lycan King’s jealousy knew no bounds. He killed her lover, believing that their daughter would possess the powers he sought. But he could never find her, no matter how hard he tried.”

A lump formed in my throat as I absorbed the gravity of her words. The Luna Queen reached out, taking my hand in hers, her touch both comforting and bittersweet. “Celine, my dear, you look exactly like my sister did in her younger years. It is as if she lives on through you. You are the lost princess, the blood of my own sister.”

I gasped, my mind reeling at the revelation. “No, Luna Queen, it cannot be. I can’t be related to you. It’s too much to comprehend.”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she cupped my face, her voice filled with tenderness. “Sweetie, the truth may be difficult to accept, but the pieces of the puzzle fit together. I feel it in my heart, and I see it in your eyes. You are family, my sweet Celine.”

Overwhelmed with emotion, I embraced her tightly, tears mingling with hers. The connection I had felt with her all along suddenly made sense, as if we were destined to find each other in this tumultuous journey.

But amidst the joy, the Luna Queen’s words of caution lingered. “Celine, we must be careful. The Lycan King knows about you. He bound himself to you when you were born, so he could sense your presence. We cannot let him discover the truth. We must pretend that we are unaware of our connection.”

Fear gripped my heart as I realized the danger that loomed over us. We had to tread carefully, keeping our true knowledge hidden from prying eyes. “I understand, Luna Queen. We must protect ourselves, our secret, and the pack.”

She nodded, her gaze filled with a mix of determination and motherly love. “We will protect each other, Celine. Together, we are stronger. But we must remain vigilant and trust no one with this truth.”

As we held each other, tears of both sorrow and newfound kinship streaming down our faces, I knew that our lives had taken an unexpected turn. The weight of this secret would be a heavy burden to bear, but we would face it together, united by blood and a shared purpose.

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