“Good day miss Snipy, how is your health?” The voice of Doctor frank sounded from the other end.

“Save the questions for another day frank.” “How is my brother? Is he asking of me?”

He sighed and murmured some not-so-audible words. “Your brother…”

“My brother is what?” I interrupted him. “Please don’t tell me he’s dead. Where is my brother?”

“He’s not dead miss Snipy. But…”

I breathed out knowing that at least he isn’t dead yet. “But what? You told me he will be fine before now but yet I’ve been cool with you whenever you call me with bad news. What the heck is happening?”

“I’m so sorry miss Snipy. I don’t really know what’s going on.”

“What do you mean you don’t know what’s going on? Like are you kidding me?”

“He was breathing quite fine last night and kept responding to treatment.”

“OK, and what then happened. What the fuck happened?”

“Please calm down miss Snipy. I initially believed that this call today will be to inform you to come to see your brother but things I can’t say how it happened did.”

“What happened Frank, you’re scaring me. Can you just go straight to the point, please?”

“OK. After treating him last night he even opened his eyes, smiled at me, and asked about you in the little way he could and I was more than joyful. I went back home only to receive a call from the nurse in charge of taking care of him that she found him on the floor. I had to rush down to the hospital at midnight because of how I cherish your brother and after a thorough check-up, I’m sorry to say that your brother slipped…”

The phone almost slipped from my hands but I was quick to grab it back but wasn’t quick enough to hold myself from landing on the floor. “Please don’t say it frank. Tell me you’re just joking.”

“I won’t be playing pranks with your brother’s life Snipy. I’m doing my very best to save him.”

“But your best is not enough frank! I thought you the best but you’re proving otherwise!”

He sighed and ruffled his hair cause the sound of it filled my ear. “I’m not God miss Snipy.”

“Save me that trash frank! I need my brother to be sound in the next 24 hours. I don’t care how you do it. But all I know is that I want him jumping and playing in the scheduled time I gave you.”

“I’m sorry but that’s not possible and one more thing Snipy.”

“Yes, Frank. Are you not done already?”

He went silent and I kept waiting. “Aren’t you gonna speak Frank. I got things to do with my time. Don’t keep me waiting.”

“W… we…”

“When did you turn to a stammerer?” I interrupted him once more already losing patience.

“Hmmm,” He exhaled. “I noticed a strange substance in his system last night after I was done checking him up which hasn’t been there since you brought him over and I’ve checked the CCTV cameras. There wasn’t any invasion. Is your step mum still after your brother’s life?”

I raised my eyebrows as if he could see me. “My step mum is here so she can’t be behind that.”

“If she isn’t behind this then who is?” He asked the same question in my mind. “None of my nurses or staff knows about this.”

“I feel that whoever he/she is, is working with either a nurse or a staff in my hospital. That could be the only way they would have succeeded in doing what they did.”

My face stretched into a frown. “That nurse in charge of my brother, do you know her so well?”

“It can’t be her Snipy, that girl can’t even hurt a fly. You need to see her crying whenever we are in the theater that at times I send her away. That’s why she only takes care of your brother. All she does is clean him up.”

“You are speaking trash, Frank. If my brother dies in your care. You and your family will pay and you know I don’t bluff. Have a good day.”

“It hasn’t gotten to that…” I ended up before he could finish talking and threw the phone across the wall.


“Yes, mistress.”


“Yes, mistress.”

“I’ll be waiting for you both in my chamber” I muttered glanced at my step mum and walked out.

“You called for us mistress and you don’t look happy at all. What did doctor frank say?” Both muttered at once entering my chamber and locking the door behind them.

I sighed and turned away from them not wanting them to see my tears. “My brother slipped into a coma again.”

“What!” Dagrin screamed.

“How did that happen?” Declan grumbled.

“I can’t say it all dudes but Frank said he found a strange substance in my brother’s body last night after he gave him his evening treatment and went home. The way he sounded I don’t think he knows what that strange substance in my brother’s body was.”

“But mistress you told us you killed those policemen and your step mum is here so who will be after your brother?” Declan whispered pacing around.

“I really can’t tell if they died Declan.”

“Why do you say so?” Dagrin muttered.

“It’s a long story as you both already know.”

“We are listening mistress.”

I sighed knowing they won’t give up until I tell them about that night.


After that night they brutally used me till I gassed out I thought they will stop but they didn’t. They continuously did it until I started bleeding from both holes day and night. I had believed I will die but yet each time they fucked me I still survived even when they used so many weapons on me.

On one of the numerous nights, it always happens. They came in as usual but this time with drinks in their hands, koboko( a strong rope used to whip both animals and humans), and scissors.

They untied me and pushed me to a desk then started whipping me while they drink.

I was full of blood and at that point knew if I didn’t use that night to escape then I won’t be able to escape ever again.

They kept whipping me and dropped the scissors mistakenly on the floor cause they were already getting tipsy.

I landed on the floor at that exact spot the scissors fell but they didn’t notice why.

They laughed at me and continued whipping me while I kept praying that one bends down.

I was on the verge of death after so many days of begging for it but then didn’t wanna die anymore.

I closed my eyes and kept whispering survival words to myself.

One stopped whipping me and removed his shorts. He bent down to spread my legs and I attacked him with the scissors piercing it into his neck. He screamed and fell off me and the other staggered to me and I repeated the same on him.

They stood up even at that and tried to grab me but I swerved their grip, jumped up, and dismounted the alcoholic bottles they drank on their heads and they fell.

I took the jail keys, unlocked the door, and ran out. I rushed to my first cell and unlocked it for my jail mates but didn’t wait to wake them up before I ran off.

I was still running when I felt lightheaded and I fell.

“That will be all for now.”


“What if they survived mistress?” Dagrin implored.

“And what if they are still after not just your brother’s life but yours too?” Declan supported.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I sighed and heaved out. “How can they survive the hit?”

“You can’t conclude yet” Declan mumbled walking out.

“Leave that to us, mistress. We will handle this” Dagrin concurred and both walked out leaving me all alone to my thoughts.

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