Alpha Loren

Chapter 85 Pumpkin Fucking Pie

Chapter 85 Pumpkin Fucking Pie

December 17th

Two weeks later I was making lunch when I heard a frustrated groan come from Leo's office.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I opened the door to see him sat on his chair and running his hands

through his hair like he does when he's feeling stressed or annoyed.

"The fucking rogues," he grumbled, "Starting to drive me insane."

"Any progress?" I asked.

"I have to go to the Southern territory tonight," I replied, "One of my men down there thinks he's getting


I frowned.

The Southern territory was so far away and he usually went for two nights at least.

"When will you be back?"

"In four or five days. Maybe a week," he explained, "I can't see myself arriving tomorrow morning and

miraculously discovering the leader of this bastardry just sitting waiting for me to end them."

I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment.

"I wish I could postpone it but it's urgent," he said, "And the baby isn't due for nearly two weeks. I'll be

home in time, don't worry."

"I understand," I said, "Do what you have to do."

"So tonight I'll drop you off at my parent's house, is that alright?" he asked, "I'll tell my Dad to keep

Haden away and I know tha household isn't the most peaceful place to be when you're about to have a

baby but my Mom will keep my siblings in check for you."

"Sounds good," I said before I felt his hand feel it's way to my stomach.

The bump was getting huge now. I had to sleep on my side, with all sorts of pillows carefully positioned

to alleviate the weight and consequential back pain. I had now had to convert to wearing entirely

Rosa's old maternity clothes and the mood swings were insane.

After I polished off my third jar of gherkin in 24 hours yesterday, Leo suggested I went to 'pickle rehab'.

So I threw a banana at him with so much force that when he ducked, it slammed into the fridge and

stuck there unmoved until he scraped it off hours later. After coming to my senses, I apologised for that

one but I still refuse to take personal responsibility. The hormones made me do it.

"Oh shit," he said, "We have a hospital appointment tomorrow."

"Rosa can take me. Did you want to go?"

"Of course I wanted to go. She's gonna do one of those cold jelly scans where you see the baby on a

screen," Leo replied in a way that clearly conveyed his lack of medical knowledge.

"It's called an ultra scan, sweetheart," I giggled.

"Don't 'sweetheart' me, sweetheart," he replied in a joke growly tone as he pulled me into his lap. I

squealed and wriggled as he held me tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you," he said suddenly loosening his grip and just holding me in his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I'll be sure to send you photos of our little boy though."

I brought my hand to his cheek.

"But the real question is: are you leaving before or after couples yoga tonight?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I guess I don't have to leave until 8:30," he said.

"Yay!" I squealed.

I knew that the pregnancy couples yoga session wasn't the highlight of Leo's week but I loved it. The

woman running it was a hipster type who believes in fate and destiny. Leo doesn't like the monotonal

slurred way she speaks but I find it quite relaxing. He also doesn't like the smell of the scented candles

she burns, the music she plays or the fact that all the other couples call each other things like 'honey

cake' and 'pumpkin pie'. Apparently, that makes him feel 'sick to the stomach'.

Later that day we were arriving at the sports centre that the yoga took place at.

"Here we fucking go again," Leo groaned as we spotted his two best friends, Linda and John a.k.a

honey cake and pumpkin pie.

As soon as they spotted us in Leo's car they both gave an enthusiastic wave to which we responded

with a...less enthusiastic wave.

"Looks like Linda has either forgiven or forgotten," Leo pointed out.

"That you called her a fucking annoying whiny bitch last week? I don't think she'll ever forget about that.

She cried non-stop for an hour."

"Someone needed to let her know that the constant references to her perfect family and perfect life and

perfect kids are pissing irritating. She gets on my nerves like nothing else," Leo ranted. "'Pumpkin pie

and I love each other sooooo much. ' 'We've been together since we were eleven' 'Pumpkin pie is the

beeeesssst husband in the whoooole wiiiide world'," he mocked. "Shut the fuck up Linda. No one gives

a flying shit about pumpkin fucking pie."

"Okay. Looks like someone needs some nice distressing, calming yoga," I replied getting out the car.

"Come on."

"Good evening, Ella," Katrine, the yoga teacher, said to me as we entered the hall. "Good evening,

Leonardo," she added although through gritted teeth.

Leo put on a fake almost sarcastic smile and I had to nudge him in the side with my elbow.

"How old are you again?" I hissed in a hushed tone.

"Good evening, Katrine. I'm very sorry for what happened last week. It had been a stressful day and I

was feeling quite overwhelmed by Linda's friendly chit-chat."

"Well, Leonardo. Thank you for your apology but perhaps you should share it with Linda and John too.

I'm sure Linda is just as ready to forgive and move on as you are," Katrine said.

"Of course," Leo replied forcing a grin before taking my hand and walking over to where Linda was

talking at an unfortunate new couple.

"Linda," Leo said as we approached.

"Leonardo," she said her face straightening. "I suppose you are here to apologise for what you had to

say to me last week."

"Yes. Linda, I am very sorry for calling you a bitch and I don't think you are whiny nor annoying. "

"Well...I suppose since you are only young and still learning I could forgive you," she said before

suddenly lunging in to hug him.

Leo's eyes widened and I had to bring my fingers to my mouth to hide my smile. Leo exchanged a

shocked 'get her the fuck off me' and I found it increasingly difficult not to suddenly guffaw.

"Okay class," Katrine said and Leo gave me a 'thank the Goddesses' look when Linda let go of him.

She lit the candles and started the meditation music track. Her hipster dreadlocked boyfriend joined her

at the front and they turned to face each other

"Today's warm-up will including positions and movements that bring out the spiritual link between you,

your partner and your unborn child," she began and as we watched Katrine and hipster guy that no one

knew the name of getting into the first position Linda immediately started going on and on about her

spiritual link with pumpkin pie to the entire class.

Leo rolled his eyes as he turned to face me and put his hands around my waist as instructed to by


"Why did I even apologise to her? I'm not sorry and I did mean it. She gets on my fucking nerves," he


"Because this is the human world where it doesn't matter if you are an Alpha or not. You have to say

sorry for being mean to people," I replied.

He sighed and rolled his eyes again as Linda started talking again.

"They are on my territory."

"They don't know that."

"They don't know who I am either."

"That is a good thing, Leo."

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked lying on the floor as I stood over him and he lifted me with

his feet.

"They perhaps wouldn't find this spiritual experience so spiritual if they knew who they were sharing it

with," I said quietly.

"You think I'm a bad person," he concluded. "I will have you know that I am very in touch with my

spiritual side Ella. Have you not seen how good at yoga I am? You know what Katarine says 'when This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

your mind is at rest you have the concentration needed for perfect balance and strength'."

"You are good at yoga because you are an Alpha and you are strong," I said looking around at all the

other men struggling to hold their partners as we held the position effortlessly.

"Beautiful Leonardo and Ella!" Katrine said. "Perfect balance, perfect positioning, perfect stance."

"Thank you, Katrine," I replied.

After the session, Leo was anxious not to hang around for the chatting part afterwards.

"You enjoyed it really, Leo," I said as we drove home.

"Very...very deep down..." he muttered. "But if it makes you happy, Ells, and if I get to spend time with

you away from home then I'm happy too," he added placing his hand on my knee.

I lifted it to my lips and gently kissed it.

"I'm going to miss you," I said.

"I wish I didn't have to go too but it's-" he began.

"Important? Yes, I understand. But you'll still have time to call every night right?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied squeezing my hand.

Half an hour later we were in the bedroom and Leo and I were both packing. Leo for his trip to the

Southern territory and me for my stay at the Loren's house twenty minutes from here.

"You've put your shirt on backwards, sweetheart," I said trying to resist giggling at him as he began

putting his trousers on with the v-neck of his shirt on his back.

"Shit," he cursed finally realising.

He then contorted his body inside his shirt and shimmied it around the right way as I watched in


"Ready?" I asked once his arms were finally securely back in the right holes of the shirt.

"Not quite," he replied before cupping my face in his big hands and leaning into my lips.

He slowly lowered me onto the bed so that he was on top of me.

After a few seconds of making out, I suddenly realised something.

"Leo! You shouldn't put your dirty boots on the bed," I said noticing a scape of mud on the sheet where

his foot had been.

He smiled with his pearly whites before kissing me again.

"Sorry, Mom," he said before pushing his tongue back into my throat.

After about 5 minutes I finally pulled away.

"As much as I'd love to have you all night, you need to leave in negative 8 minutes," I said looking at

my watch.

"I'm in the mood for sex now," he groaned. "I shouldn't have kissed you."

"Guess you'll just have to wait a week and you only have yourself to blame," I said standing up.

Before I could pick up my bag I felt him grab me around the waist and drive me into the wall. I looked

up at him. He wore an emotionless expression and his eyes were dark with lust for a millisecond before

his face flickered back to normal and he closed his eyes, released his tight grip on me and stepped


"Sorry. It's a full moon tonight and I lost control of my wolf for a second," he explained

"Scared the shit out of me," I joked trying to brush it off like it was nothing.

"I'm sorry," he said before leaning in like he was going to kiss me but then had to resist. "We should


When I had arrived at the Loren house, Leo warned his siblings to keep quiet and keep at least some

degree of peace. His words were mainly directed at Marco, Carlos, Mateo and Elena and they all

nodded and rolled their eyes but Leo didn't leave until Rosa reassured him that I'd be well taken care


"Are you worried about him?" Rosa asked as I watched him drive away out of the small window.

"A little," I replied.

"I worry every time I watch Antonio leave me. Even if he is just going grocery shopping."

"I know that he'll be fine but there is always this voice at the back of my head telling me that there's a

chance that he won't and that I should let him leave me."

"Try to ignore it. No one can take care of themselves better than our Leonardo. You don't have to

worry," she said guiding me away from the window so that I was no longer staring at the now empty


"Rosa, could I ask you some questions?" I asked as we walked into the kitche.

"Of course, Honey. About what?" She asked.

I looked at Mateo, Bella and Maria who were sat at the kitchen table eating pasta.

"Um..." I said nervously. "It's about..."

"If it's about sex don't worry, Ells. None of us are virgins," Mateo stated.

"Mateo!" Rosa exclaimed.

Bella elbowed her brother in the stomach before turning bright red.

"Bella?" Rosa question. "You and Xander have mated....?"

"No..." she obviously lied.

"Last Tuesday in Bella's room when you and Dad were out for dinner-," Mateo blurted before Bella

slammed her palm over his mouth. "There's no point trying to lie to her, Bella. She always gets to the

truth eventually," he added after forcing his mouth free.

"Please don't tell Dad," She begged.

"Should I go?" I asked awkwardly.

"Don't be silly, Ella," she replied. "I'll be with you in a minute."

"I thought you had decided to wait, Bella!" Rosa exclaimed. "You only turned 17 two months ago!"

"Well, I changed my mind. He's my mate and I love him and in my opinion, 17 is old enough. Mateo

was 16 when he lost his and that wasn't even to his mate!"

Mateo rolled his eyes before looking at me with an exhausted smile as if you say 'why am I being

dragged into this?'.

"And I had the same discussion with him when I found out about that too. What if you are pregnant?"

"Then I'd be very happy," she replied. "Xander is my mate Mom. We are meant to have pups. And

besides, he's an Alpha in his mid-twenties- he needs his heir."

"So he pressurised you into it?" Rosa asked jumping 5 miles to a conclusion.

"No!" She exclaimed. "It was my decision too."

"Does Leonardo know about this?"

"No. I didn't feel the need to text my brother afterwards to inform him," she remarked.

"Don't get sassy with me, young lady," Rosa said.

"Leo gave Xander his blessing to do whatever," she explained.

"So when are you going back to his pack?"

"What? How do you-"

"I'm not stupid, bambina. If Leonardo gave him his blessing to mate you then he trusts him to take you

back to his pack too," Rosa said. "So when are you moving out?"

"Next week. I planned to tell you tomorrow, Mom. I'm sorry."

"Bella. Don't worry. So long as you are back for Christmas," Rosa joked and Bella nodded before

hugging her Mom again.

"I'm sorry Mama," I said.

"As long as you're happy, bambina."

"Well that was a rollercoaster of emotions," Mateo commented.

"Way to ruin the moment, Mateo!" Maria exclaimed.

"Here's the grocery list," Rosa said thrusting a piece of paper into her son's hand. "Go and make

yourself useful. Bella, you should go and visit Xander. Tell him that I know and that I accept it. And

Maria....well you just finish your spaghetti sweetheart. How about we go upstairs, Ella, and you can ask

me your questions while we get you unpacked?"

With that Mateo and Bella left and Rosa and I went up to my usual spare room.

"Fire away then, Ella. What would you like to know?" she asked.

"How do you give birth? And how do you know when you are about to give birth? And what happens

straight after you have given birth? And what do you do with it after you've taken it home? It's like less

than two weeks away and I'm getting stressed out because I know nothing about delivering babies or

looking after babies," I rambled.

"Okay, slow down," she said.

"Sorry, I'm just panicking because for a couple of weeks I thought I was actually ready to be a Mother

and now I've realised how much I'm not."

"Wait here," she said before getting up and leaving the room.

She didn't return for at least five minutes so I got on with my unpacking whilst she was gone.

"Took me a while to find this but it's worth it. Here is a book that I have read a countless amount of

times. Everything you need to know from conception to leaving home is in there," she said handing me

an old looking book titled 'motherhood for beginners'. "It's 23 years old but most things are still up to


"Thank you, Rosa," I said looking at the contents page.

Fertility, pregnancy, labour, delivery, breastfeeding, diet....the list goes on.

"I'll leave you with some time to read it. Have you already eaten?" she asked.

"Yes and thanks again," I said and she smiled warmly before leaving the room.

I put my pyjamas on and got to work on the book. There were a few eye-widening moments (the

delivery chapter is pretty detailed) and after reading just two chapters I realised the extent of how much

I didn't know.

After I had been reading the book for over 5 hours and it was way past midnight, my (new) phone

buzzed. I had received a text from Leo.

Leo: Just letting you know that I have arrived. I'll call tomorrow, love you lots.

I picked up my phone and began writing a text to reply with.

Me: Okay, have fun doing whatever you do down there. Love you too.

Leo: It's 1:30am. Why are you still awake? You need your sleep.

He has a point. Why am I still awake?

Me: Your Mom gave me a book and it's a real page-turner. Just one more chapter I promise.

Leo: It's not 'motherhood for beginners' is it?

I could practically see him roll his eyes through the phone.

Me: Maybe. But did you know that if I hear another baby cry I might leak milk? And apparently giving

birth to a baby is like a man peeing out a golf ball!

Leo: Yeah you definitely need to go to sleep.

I sighed and put the book down on the nightstand.

Me: Yeah I know. But I don't like going to sleep without you :(

Leo: Me neither. I miss you already. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE GO TO FUCKING SLEEP.

I smiled to myself.

Me: Okay, okay. Goodnight, miss you too.

Leo: Night, sleep well.

I then put my phone down on the nightstand and headed to the land of Nod.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.